好書妙評之《Pro C# 5.0》
5.0 out of 5 stars
OuStanding !!!!!!!,
October 2, 2012
Have been waiting on various new books to drop including MVC in Context and others that brings together all of the new techs in one place to give you the wholelistic view of modern day Worlds best practice coding standards. Honestly did not expect the wealth of technologies covered in this book
Walks you through the evolution of the syntax and implementations as they have evolved over the years. Puts a light on how and why the changes took place by progressing from 1.0 => 4.0 and then finally spins out the 4.5 add ons (Delegates & Async Programming just to name a few)
Easy to digest without missing out on the detail which is missing in so many books
Dependency Injection
Helps fill in the gaps you have in your knowledge set by providing the complete answer
Is the reference bible of "How to Do It", even if you use it as a tool to confirm that what you are/have been doing is WBP (Worl Best practice)
Is part Reference Bible & Recipes & Patterns & practices in One, It does not get much better than this
6 STARS **
Dependency Injection
5.0 out of 5 stars
October 31, 2012
By Milan
Every few pages I literally give the applause to this man. Mr. Troelsen is such a good teacher, I would really like to meet him and shake his hand after reading this book.
You will learn the basics, you will dig deep into C# and .NET and you will be accompanied by great examples so the ride will be a pleasure.
As a non-fluent English speaker I had some trouble of understanding some other books, but with this one, that is not the case.
5.0 out of 5 stars
Easily one of the best tech books I have read,
November 6, 2012
I have bought a lot of tech books but this is the first one to write a review and I feel I have to as this book is so good. It is neither too easy nor too hard and it explains things so well. It is very thorough and cover all the topics you need to know with C#.
5.0 out of 5 stars
October 9, 2012
This book was exactly what I was hoping for. I couldn't thank everyone enough.
5.0 out of 5 stars
Pro C# 5.0 and the .NET 4.5,
September 18, 2012
It is extremely easy for me to understand and find where I am short. It is easy understand the coding that is used to assist the training and the stress the it is needed.
C#5.0與.NET 4.5 高階程式設計
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