導讀 | 這篇文章主要為大家詳細介紹了python實現簡單檔案讀寫函式,文中示例程式碼介紹的非常詳細,具有一定的參考價值,感興趣的小夥伴們可以參考一下 |
python作為 性語言,加上它的簡便易用性。會經常當作 用來處理一下資料和格式。其中處理檔案就是頻繁用處之一。簡單編寫幾個常用的xls和txt讀寫函式,以後可以快速複用。
:pip install xlrd
#! /usr/bin/python # coding:utf-8 import json import xlrd import sys reload(sys) sys.setdefaultencoding('utf-8') class ObjectFileReadAndWrite(object): @classmethod def readXlsToDict(cls, xlsFile): ''' 讀取xls檔案生成dict ''' data = xlrd.open_workbook(xlsFile) table = data.sheet_by_index(0) ret = [] keys = table.row_values(0) for rowNum in range(table.nrows): oneRowValues = table.row_values(rowNum) if rowNum > 0: d = {} for colIdx, key in enumerate(keys): d[key] = oneRowValues[colIdx] ret.append(d) return ret @classmethod def readXlsToList(cls, xlsFile): ''' 讀取xls檔案生成list ''' data = xlrd.open_workbook(xlsFile) table = data.sheet_by_index(0) ret = [] for rowNum in range(table.nrows): oneRowValues = table.row_values(rowNum) ret.append(oneRowValues) return ret @classmethod def readTxt(cls, txtFile, sep): ''' 讀取txt檔案 ''' # with + open 可保證with語句執行完畢後同時關閉開啟的檔案控制程式碼。 ret = [] with open(txtFile, "r") as f: for line in f.readlines(): line = line.strip('\n') # 去掉換行符 listInfo = line.split(sep) # 以 sep 分割成陣列 if listInfo: ret.append(listInfo) return ret @classmethod def writeToJson(cls, jsonFile, ret): ''' 寫入json檔案 ''' with open(jsonFile, 'w') as fp: json.dump(ret, fp, indent=2, sort_keys=True, encoding="utf-8", ensure_ascii=False) @classmethod def writeFromStr(cls, filePath, s): ''' string寫入檔案 ''' with open(filePath, 'w') as fp: fp.write(s) @classmethod def writeFromList(cls, filePath, wList): ''' list寫入檔案 ''' with open(filePath, 'w') as fp: fp.writelines(wList) if __name__ == "__main__": obj = ObjectFileReadAndWrite() # xls ret = obj.readXlsToDict(xlsFile='xxx.xls') obj.writeToJson('xxx.json', ret) # txt ret2 = obj.readTxt(txtFile='result.txt', sep=" ") obj.writeToJson('result.json', ret2)
import sys reload(sys) sys.setdefaultencoding('utf-8') # encoding="utf-8", ensure_ascii=False
2、通常都是ascii,由此Python自然呼叫ascii編碼解碼程式去處理字元流,當字元流不屬於ascii範圍內,就會丟擲異常(ordinal not in range(128))。
百度了下透過 以上方式 解決了,以上就是本文的全部內容,希望對大家的學習有所幫助
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