換行符因作業系統而異。例如,Linux 將換行符視為 \n,有時稱為換行符(LF)。
在 Unix 中,只有 \n 字元足以將字串分成新行,但在 Windows 中,\r 後面是 \n 字元。因此,Windows 作業系統需要兩個字元的轉義序列。
在開發 Java 應用程式和使用新換行符時,您必須特別注意它們,因為它們嚴格遵循作業系統規則。
public class AddNewLineExample1 { public static void main(String[] args) { String line1 = "Hello engeers"; String line2 = "hope you are staying safe"; String line3 = line1 + "\n" + line2; System.out.println("Mac or unix or linux newline with \\n"); System.out.println(line3); } } |
public class AddNewLineExample2 { public static void main(String[] args) { // windows os String line1 = "Hello engeers"; String line2 = "hope you are staying safe"; String line3 = line1 + "\r\n" + line2; System.out.println("windwos print newline with \\r\\n"); System.out.println(line3); } } |
使用舊 Mac OS 在使用“\r”在 java 中列印新行:
public class AddNewLineExample3 { public static void main(String[] args) { // old mac os based String line1 = "Hello engeers"; String line2 = "hope you are staying safe"; String line3 = line1 + "\r" + line2; System.out.println("Old mac os print newline with \\r"); System.out.println(line3); } } |
為了確保您的程式碼在任何作業系統上始終正常執行,java 提供了一個系統 API 來獨立於 java 程式碼新增新行。
a) System.lineSeparator()
b) System.getProperty()
public class AddNewLineExample4 { public static void main(String[] args) { // Using java api system class lineSeparator() method String line1 = "Hello engeers"; String line2 = "hope you are staying safe"; String line3 = line1 + System.lineSeparator() + line2; System.out.println("print newline with System.lineSeparator() method"); System.out.println(line3); } } public class AddNewLineExample4 { public static void main(String[] args) { // Using java api system class getProperty() method String line1 = "Hello engeers"; String line2 = "hope you are staying safe"; String line3 = line1 + System.getProperty("line.separator") + line2; System.out.println("print newline with System.getPropertyr() method"); System.out.println(line3); } } |
public class AddNewLineExample5 { public static void main(String[] args) { // Using system dependent %n String line1 = "Hello engeers%nwelcome to the java blog"; System.out.println("print newline with %n line separator"); System.out.printf(line1); } } |
如果您在 java 程式碼中構建 Html 標記,那麼您有三個選項來新增新的空行。
3.1 Html Break標籤
3.2 換行\n字元
3.3 Unicode 字元
ASCII 碼 13 對應於回車(它是“\r”)。
ASCII 程式碼 10 對應於換行符(它是“\n”)。
public class AddNewLineExample6 { public static void main(String[] args) { // html break tag String tag1 = "<p>hello</p>"; String tag2 = "<p>world</p>"; String tag3 = tag1 + "</br>" + tag2; // using java \n String tag4 = tag1 + "\n" + tag3; // using unicodes String tag5 = "<p>This is paragraph text and woops there is a new line.</p>"; } } |
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