談談.NET Core下如何利用 AsyncLocal 實現共享變數



在Web 應用程式中,我們經常會遇到這樣的場景,如使用者資訊,租戶資訊本次的請求過程中都是固定的,我們希望是這種資訊在本次請求內,一次賦值,到處使用。本文就來探討一下,如何在.NET Core 下去利用AsyncLocal 實現全域性共享變數。


我們如果需要整個程式共享一個變數,我們僅需將該變數放在某個靜態類的靜態變數上即可(不滿足我們的需求,靜態變數上,整個程式都是固定值)。我們在Web 應用程式中,每個Web 請求伺服器都為其分配了一個獨立執行緒,如何實現使用者,租戶等資訊隔離在這些獨立執行緒中。這就是今天要說的執行緒本地儲存。針對執行緒本地儲存 .NET 給我們提供了兩個類 ThreadLocal 和 AsyncLocal。我們可以通過檢視以下例子清晰的看到兩者的區別:

public class TastLocal {
    private static ThreadLocal<string> threadLocal = new ThreadLocal<string>();
    private static AsyncLocal<string> asyncLocal = new AsyncLocal<string>();
    public void Test() {
        threadLocal.Value = "threadLocal";
        asyncLocal.Value = "asyncLocal";
        var threadId = Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId;
        Task.Factory.StartNew(() => {
            var threadId = Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId;
            Debug.WriteLine($"StartNew:threadId:{ threadId}; threadLocal:{threadLocal.Value}");
            Debug.WriteLine($"StartNew:threadId:{ threadId}; asyncLocal:{asyncLocal.Value}");
    public void CurrThread() {
        var threadId = Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId;


StartNew:threadId:11; threadLocal:
StartNew:threadId:11; asyncLocal:asyncLocal

從上面結果中可以看出 ThreadLocal 和 AsyncLocal 都能實現基於執行緒的本地儲存。但是當執行緒切換後,只有 AsyncLocal 還能夠保留原來的值。在Web 開發中,我們會有很多非同步場景,在這些場景下,可能會出現執行緒的切換。所以我們使用AsyncLocal 去實現在Web 應用程式下的共享變數。

AsyncLocal 解讀

  1. 官方文件
  2. 原始碼地址


public sealed class AsyncLocal<T> : IAsyncLocal
    private readonly Action<AsyncLocalValueChangedArgs<T>>? m_valueChangedHandler;

    // 無參建構函式
    public AsyncLocal()

    // 構造一個帶有委託的AsyncLocal<T>,該委託在當前值更改時被呼叫
    // 在任何執行緒上
    public AsyncLocal(Action<AsyncLocalValueChangedArgs<T>>? valueChangedHandler)
        m_valueChangedHandler = valueChangedHandler;

    public T Value
            object? obj = ExecutionContext.GetLocalValue(this);
            return (obj == null) ? default : (T)obj;
        set => ExecutionContext.SetLocalValue(this, value, m_valueChangedHandler != null);

    void IAsyncLocal.OnValueChanged(object? previousValueObj, object? currentValueObj, bool contextChanged)
        Debug.Assert(m_valueChangedHandler != null);
        T previousValue = previousValueObj == null ? default! : (T)previousValueObj;
        T currentValue = currentValueObj == null ? default! : (T)currentValueObj;
        m_valueChangedHandler(new AsyncLocalValueChangedArgs<T>(previousValue, currentValue, contextChanged));

// 介面,允許ExecutionContext中的非泛型程式碼呼叫泛型AsyncLocal<T>型別
internal interface IAsyncLocal
    void OnValueChanged(object? previousValue, object? currentValue, bool contextChanged);

public readonly struct AsyncLocalValueChangedArgs<T>
    public T? PreviousValue { get; }
    public T? CurrentValue { get; }

    // If the value changed because we changed to a different ExecutionContext, this is true.  If it changed
    // because someone set the Value property, this is false.
    public bool ThreadContextChanged { get; }

    internal AsyncLocalValueChangedArgs(T? previousValue, T? currentValue, bool contextChanged)
        PreviousValue = previousValue!;
        CurrentValue = currentValue!;
        ThreadContextChanged = contextChanged;

// Interface used to store an IAsyncLocal => object mapping in ExecutionContext.
// Implementations are specialized based on the number of elements in the immutable
// map in order to minimize memory consumption and look-up times.
internal interface IAsyncLocalValueMap
    bool TryGetValue(IAsyncLocal key, out object? value);
    IAsyncLocalValueMap Set(IAsyncLocal key, object? value, bool treatNullValueAsNonexistent);

我們知道在.NET 裡面,每個執行緒都關聯著執行上下文。我們可以通 Thread.CurrentThread.ExecutionContext 屬性進行訪問 或者通過 ExecutionContext.Capture() 獲取。

從上面我們可以看出 AsyncLocal 的 Value 存取是通過 ExecutionContext.GetLocalValue 和GetLocalValue.SetLocalValue 進行操作的,我們可以繼續從 ExecutionContext 裡面取出部分程式碼檢視(原始碼地址),為了更深入地理解 AsyncLocal 我們可以檢視一下原始碼,看看內部實現原理。

internal static readonly ExecutionContext Default = new ExecutionContext();
private static volatile ExecutionContext? s_defaultFlowSuppressed;

private readonly IAsyncLocalValueMap? m_localValues;
private readonly IAsyncLocal[]? m_localChangeNotifications;
private readonly bool m_isFlowSuppressed;
private readonly bool m_isDefault;

private ExecutionContext()
    m_isDefault = true;

private ExecutionContext(
    IAsyncLocalValueMap localValues,
    IAsyncLocal[]? localChangeNotifications,
    bool isFlowSuppressed)
    m_localValues = localValues;
    m_localChangeNotifications = localChangeNotifications;
    m_isFlowSuppressed = isFlowSuppressed;

public void GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
    throw new PlatformNotSupportedException();

public static ExecutionContext? Capture()
    ExecutionContext? executionContext = Thread.CurrentThread._executionContext;
    if (executionContext == null)
        executionContext = Default;
    else if (executionContext.m_isFlowSuppressed)
        executionContext = null;

    return executionContext;

internal static object? GetLocalValue(IAsyncLocal local)
ExecutionContext? current = Thread.CurrentThread._executionContext;
if (current == null)
    return null;

Debug.Assert(current.m_localValues != null, "Only the default context should have null, and we shouldn't be here on the default context");
current.m_localValues.TryGetValue(local, out object? value);
return value;

internal static void SetLocalValue(IAsyncLocal local, object? newValue, bool needChangeNotifications)
ExecutionContext? current = Thread.CurrentThread._executionContext;

object? previousValue = null;
bool hadPreviousValue = false;
if (current != null)
    Debug.Assert(current.m_localValues != null, "Only the default context should have null, and we shouldn't be here on the default context");

    hadPreviousValue = current.m_localValues.TryGetValue(local, out previousValue);

if (previousValue == newValue)

// Regarding 'treatNullValueAsNonexistent: !needChangeNotifications' below:
// - When change notifications are not necessary for this IAsyncLocal, there is no observable difference between
//   storing a null value and removing the IAsyncLocal from 'm_localValues'
// - When change notifications are necessary for this IAsyncLocal, the IAsyncLocal's absence in 'm_localValues'
//   indicates that this is the first value change for the IAsyncLocal and it needs to be registered for change
//   notifications. So in this case, a null value must be stored in 'm_localValues' to indicate that the IAsyncLocal
//   is already registered for change notifications.
IAsyncLocal[]? newChangeNotifications = null;
IAsyncLocalValueMap newValues;
bool isFlowSuppressed = false;
if (current != null)
    Debug.Assert(current.m_localValues != null, "Only the default context should have null, and we shouldn't be here on the default context");

    isFlowSuppressed = current.m_isFlowSuppressed;
    newValues = current.m_localValues.Set(local, newValue, treatNullValueAsNonexistent: !needChangeNotifications);
    newChangeNotifications = current.m_localChangeNotifications;
    // First AsyncLocal
    newValues = AsyncLocalValueMap.Create(local, newValue, treatNullValueAsNonexistent: !needChangeNotifications);

// Either copy the change notification array, or create a new one, depending on whether we need to add a new item.
if (needChangeNotifications)
    if (hadPreviousValue)
        Debug.Assert(newChangeNotifications != null);
        Debug.Assert(Array.IndexOf(newChangeNotifications, local) >= 0);
    else if (newChangeNotifications == null)
        newChangeNotifications = new IAsyncLocal[1] { local };
        int newNotificationIndex = newChangeNotifications.Length;
        Array.Resize(ref newChangeNotifications, newNotificationIndex + 1);
        newChangeNotifications[newNotificationIndex] = local;

Thread.CurrentThread._executionContext =
    (!isFlowSuppressed && AsyncLocalValueMap.IsEmpty(newValues)) ?
    null : // No values, return to Default context
    new ExecutionContext(newValues, newChangeNotifications, isFlowSuppressed);

if (needChangeNotifications)
    local.OnValueChanged(previousValue, newValue, contextChanged: false);

從上面可以看出,ExecutionContext.GetLocalValue 和GetLocalValue.SetLocalValue 都是通過對 m_localValues 欄位進行操作的。

m_localValues 的型別是 IAsyncLocalValueMap ,IAsyncLocalValueMap 的實現 和 AsyncLocal.cs 在一起,感興趣的可以進一步檢視 IAsyncLocalValueMap 是如何建立,如何查詢的。

可以看到,裡面最重要的就是ExecutionContext 的流動,執行緒發生變化時ExecutionContext 會在前一個執行緒中被預設捕獲,流向下一個執行緒,它所儲存的資料也就隨之流動。在所有會發生執行緒切換的地方,基礎類庫(BCL) 都為我們封裝好了對執行上下文的捕獲 (如開始的例子,可以看到 AsyncLocal 的資料不會隨著執行緒的切換而丟失),這也是為什麼 AsyncLocal 能實現 執行緒切換後,還能正常獲取資料,不丟失。


  1. AsyncLocal 本身不儲存資料,資料儲存在 ExecutionContext 例項。

  2. ExecutionContext 的例項會隨著執行緒切換流向下一執行緒(也可以禁止流動和恢復流動),保證了執行緒切換時,資料能正常訪問。

在.NET Core 中的使用示例

  1. 先建立一個上下文物件
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace NetAsyncLocalExamples.Context
    /// <summary>
    /// 請求上下文  租戶ID
    /// </summary>
    public class RequestContext
        /// <summary>
        /// 獲取請求上下文
        /// </summary>
        public static RequestContext Current => _asyncLocal.Value;
        private readonly static AsyncLocal<RequestContext> _asyncLocal = new AsyncLocal<RequestContext>();

        /// <summary>
        /// 將請求上下文設定到執行緒全域性區域
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="userContext"></param>
        public static IDisposable SetContext(RequestContext userContext)
            _asyncLocal.Value = userContext;
            return new RequestContextDisposable();

        /// <summary>
        /// 清除上下文
        /// </summary>
        public static void ClearContext()
            _asyncLocal.Value = null;

        /// <summary>
        /// 租戶ID
        /// </summary>
        public string TenantId { get; set; }


namespace NetAsyncLocalExamples.Context
    /// <summary>
    /// 用於釋放物件
    /// </summary>
    internal class RequestContextDisposable : IDisposable
        internal RequestContextDisposable() { }
        public void Dispose()
  1. 建立請求上下文中介軟體
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
using NetAsyncLocalExamples.Context;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace NetAsyncLocalExamples.Middlewares
    /// <summary>
    /// 請求上下文
    /// </summary>
    public class RequestContextMiddleware : IMiddleware

        protected readonly IServiceProvider ServiceProvider;
        private readonly ILogger<RequestContextMiddleware> Logger;
        public RequestContextMiddleware(IServiceProvider serviceProvider, ILogger<RequestContextMiddleware> logger)

            ServiceProvider = serviceProvider;
            Logger = logger;
        public virtual async Task InvokeAsync(HttpContext context, RequestDelegate next)
            var requestContext = new RequestContext();
            using (RequestContext.SetContext(requestContext))
                requestContext.TenantId = $"租戶ID:{DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmsss")}";
                await next(context);


  1. 註冊中介軟體
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IWebHostEnvironment env)
    if (env.IsDevelopment())
        // The default HSTS value is 30 days. You may want to change this for production scenarios, see https://aka.ms/aspnetcore-hsts.





    app.UseEndpoints(endpoints =>

  1. 一次賦值,到處使用
namespace NetAsyncLocalExamples.Pages
    public class IndexModel : PageModel
        private readonly ILogger<IndexModel> _logger;

        public IndexModel(ILogger<IndexModel> logger)
            _logger = logger;

        public void OnGet()
