環境為windows7,SecureCRT7,Python 3.8.8
C:\Users\Administrator>python --version Python 3.8.8
F:\how-does-SecureCRT-encrypt-password-master\python3>python SecureCRTCipher.py Usage: SecureCRTCipher.py [-v2] [-p ConfigPassphrase] "enc" for encryption, "dec" for decryption. This parameter must be specified. --(加密|解密)必選項 [-v2] Encrypt/Decrypt with "Password V2" algorithm. This parameter is optional.--(如果加密使用的是Password V2演算法則加上這個引數)可選項 [-p ConfigPassphrase] The config passphrase that SecureCRT uses. This parameter is optional.--(如果你的SecureCRT開啟時要密碼,則要加上這個引數,並在後面加上你使用的密碼)可選項 Plaintext string or ciphertext string. NOTICE: Ciphertext string must be a hex string. This parameter must be specified.--(明文或密文,密文必須是16進位制的字串)必選項
C:\Users\Administrator>pip3 install pycryptodome Collecting pycryptodome Downloading pycryptodome-3.14.1-cp35-abi3-win_amd64.whl (1.8 MB) |████████████████████████████████| 1.8 MB 30 kB/s Installing collected packages: pycryptodome Successfully installed pycryptodome-3.14.1 WARNING: You are using pip version 20.2.3; however, version 22.0.4 is available. You should consider upgrading via the 'c:\program files\python38\python.exe -m pip install --upgrade pip' command.
C:\Users\Administrator>python -m pip install --upgrade pip Collecting pip Downloading pip-22.0.4-py3-none-any.whl (2.1 MB) |████████████████████████████████| 2.1 MB 142 kB/s Installing collected packages: pip Attempting uninstall: pip Found existing installation: pip 20.2.3 Uninstalling pip-20.2.3: Successfully uninstalled pip-20.2.3 Successfully installed pip-22.0.4
Options->Global Options->Category->Configuration Paths->Configuration folder資料夾下的對應的會話配置檔案xxx.ini,並將其開啟例如:
D:"Is Session"=00000001 S:"Protocol Name"=SSH2 D:"Request pty"=00000001 S:"Shell Command"= D:"Use Shell Command"=00000000 D:"Force Close On Exit"=00000000 D:"Forward X11"=00000000 S:"XAuthority File"= S:"XServer Host"= D:"XServer Port"=00001770 D:"XServer Screen Number"=00000000 D:"Enforce X11 Authentication"=00000001 D:"Request Shell"=00000001 S:"Port Forward Filter"=allow,,0 deny,,0 S:"Reverse Forward Filter"=allow,,0 deny,,0 D:"Max Packet Size"=00001000 D:"Pad Password Packets"=00000001 S:"Sftp Tab Local Directory"=C:\Users\Administrator\Documents S:"Sftp Tab Remote Directory"= S:"Hostname"= S:"Firewall Name"=None S:"Username"=root D:"[SSH2] Port"=00000016 S:"Password"=uc71bd1c86f3b804e42432f53247c50d9287f410c7e59166969acab69daa6eaadbe15c0c54c0e076e945a6d82f9e13df2
F:\how-does-SecureCRT-encrypt-password-master\python3>python SecureCRTCipher.py dec c71bd1c86f3b804e42432f53247c50d9287f410c7e59166969acab69daa6eaadbe15c0c54c0e076e945a6d82f9e13df2 DoubleLabyrinth
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import os from Crypto.Hash import SHA256 from Crypto.Cipher import AES, Blowfish class SecureCRTCrypto: def __init__(self): ''' Initialize SecureCRTCrypto object. ''' self.IV = b'\x00' * Blowfish.block_size self.Key1 = b'\x24\xA6\x3D\xDE\x5B\xD3\xB3\x82\x9C\x7E\x06\xF4\x08\x16\xAA\x07' self.Key2 = b'\x5F\xB0\x45\xA2\x94\x17\xD9\x16\xC6\xC6\xA2\xFF\x06\x41\x82\xB7' def Encrypt(self, Plaintext : str): ''' Encrypt plaintext and return corresponding ciphertext. Args: Plaintext: A string that will be encrypted. Returns: Hexlified ciphertext string. ''' plain_bytes = Plaintext.encode('utf-16-le') plain_bytes += b'\x00\x00' padded_plain_bytes = plain_bytes + os.urandom(Blowfish.block_size - len(plain_bytes) % Blowfish.block_size) cipher1 = Blowfish.new(self.Key1, Blowfish.MODE_CBC, iv = self.IV) cipher2 = Blowfish.new(self.Key2, Blowfish.MODE_CBC, iv = self.IV) return cipher1.encrypt(os.urandom(4) + cipher2.encrypt(padded_plain_bytes) + os.urandom(4)).hex() def Decrypt(self, Ciphertext : str): ''' Decrypt ciphertext and return corresponding plaintext. Args: Ciphertext: A hex string that will be decrypted. Returns: Plaintext string. ''' cipher1 = Blowfish.new(self.Key1, Blowfish.MODE_CBC, iv = self.IV) cipher2 = Blowfish.new(self.Key2, Blowfish.MODE_CBC, iv = self.IV) ciphered_bytes = bytes.fromhex(Ciphertext) if len(ciphered_bytes) < = 8: raise ValueError('Invalid Ciphertext.') padded_plain_bytes = cipher2.decrypt(cipher1.decrypt(ciphered_bytes)[4:-4]) i = 0 for i in range(0, len(padded_plain_bytes), 2): if padded_plain_bytes[i] == 0 and padded_plain_bytes[i + 1] == 0: break plain_bytes = padded_plain_bytes[0:i] try: return plain_bytes.decode('utf-16-le') except UnicodeDecodeError: raise(ValueError('Invalid Ciphertext.')) class SecureCRTCryptoV2: def __init__(self, ConfigPassphrase : str = ''): ''' Initialize SecureCRTCryptoV2 object. Args: ConfigPassphrase: The config passphrase that SecureCRT uses. Leave it empty if config passphrase is not set. ''' self.IV = b'\x00' * AES.block_size self.Key = SHA256.new(ConfigPassphrase.encode('utf-8')).digest() def Encrypt(self, Plaintext : str): ''' Encrypt plaintext and return corresponding ciphertext. Args: Plaintext: A string that will be encrypted. Returns: Hexlified ciphertext string. ''' plain_bytes = Plaintext.encode('utf-8') if len(plain_bytes) > 0xffffffff: raise OverflowError('Plaintext is too long.') plain_bytes = \ len(plain_bytes).to_bytes(4, 'little') + \ plain_bytes + \ SHA256.new(plain_bytes).digest() padded_plain_bytes = \ plain_bytes + \ os.urandom(AES.block_size - len(plain_bytes) % AES.block_size) cipher = AES.new(self.Key, AES.MODE_CBC, iv = self.IV) return cipher.encrypt(padded_plain_bytes).hex() def Decrypt(self, Ciphertext : str): ''' Decrypt ciphertext and return corresponding plaintext. Args: Ciphertext: A hex string that will be decrypted. Returns: Plaintext string. ''' cipher = AES.new(self.Key, AES.MODE_CBC, iv = self.IV) padded_plain_bytes = cipher.decrypt(bytes.fromhex(Ciphertext)) plain_bytes_length = int.from_bytes(padded_plain_bytes[0:4], 'little') plain_bytes = padded_plain_bytes[4:4 + plain_bytes_length] if len(plain_bytes) != plain_bytes_length: raise ValueError('Invalid Ciphertext.') plain_bytes_digest = padded_plain_bytes[4 + plain_bytes_length:4 + plain_bytes_length + SHA256.digest_size] if len(plain_bytes_digest) != SHA256.digest_size: raise ValueError('Invalid Ciphertext.') if SHA256.new(plain_bytes).digest() != plain_bytes_digest: raise ValueError('Invalid Ciphertext.') return plain_bytes.decode('utf-8') if __name__ == '__main__': import sys def Help(): print('Usage:') print(' SecureCRTCipher.py [-v2] [-p ConfigPassphrase] ') print('') print(' "enc" for encryption, "dec" for decryption.') print(' This parameter must be specified.') print('') print(' [-v2] Encrypt/Decrypt with "Password V2" algorithm.') print(' This parameter is optional.') print('') print(' [-p ConfigPassphrase] The config passphrase that SecureCRT uses.') print(' This parameter is optional.') print('') print(' Plaintext string or ciphertext string.') print(' NOTICE: Ciphertext string must be a hex string.') print(' This parameter must be specified.') print('') def EncryptionRoutine(UseV2 : bool, ConfigPassphrase : str, Plaintext : str): try: if UseV2: print(SecureCRTCryptoV2(ConfigPassphrase).Encrypt(Plaintext)) else: print(SecureCRTCrypto().Encrypt(Plaintext)) return True except: print('Error: Failed to encrypt.') return False def DecryptionRoutine(UseV2 : bool, ConfigPassphrase : str, Ciphertext : str): try: if UseV2: print(SecureCRTCryptoV2(ConfigPassphrase).Decrypt(Ciphertext)) else: print(SecureCRTCrypto().Decrypt(Ciphertext)) return True except: print('Error: Failed to decrypt.') return False def Main(argc : int, argv : list): if 3 < = argc and argc <= 6: bUseV2 = False ConfigPassphrase = '' if argv[1].lower() == 'enc': bEncrypt = True elif argv[1].lower() == 'dec': bEncrypt = False else: Help() return -1 i = 2 while i < argc - 1: if argv[i].lower() == '-v2': bUseV2 = True i += 1 elif argv[i].lower() == '-p' and i + 1 < argc - 1: ConfigPassphrase = argv[i + 1] i += 2 else: Help() return -1 if bUseV2 == False and len(ConfigPassphrase) != 0: print('Error: ConfigPassphrase is not supported if "-v2" is not specified') return -1 if bEncrypt: return 0 if EncryptionRoutine(bUseV2, ConfigPassphrase, argv[-1]) else -1 else: return 0 if DecryptionRoutine(bUseV2, ConfigPassphrase, argv[-1]) else -1 else: Help() exit(Main(len(sys.argv), sys.argv))
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/26015009/viewspace-2871305/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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