import pythoncom
import win32com
class rule:
items = {}
# 中英文轉換
items_name = {
"Action":' 操作 ',
"ApplicationName":' 程式 ',
"Description":' 描述 ',
"Direction":' 進站 / 出站 ',
"EdgeTraversal":' 邊緣穿越 ',
"EdgeTraversalOptions":' 邊緣穿越選項 ',
"Enabled":' 已啟用 ',
"Grouping":' 組 ',
"IcmpTypesAndCodes":'ICMP 設定 ',
"InterfaceTypes":' 介面型別 ',
"Interfaces":' 介面 ',
"LocalAddresses":' 本地地址 ',
"LocalAppPackageId":' 應用程式包 ',
"LocalPorts":' 本地埠 ',
"LocalUserAuthorizedList":' 授權的本地計算機 ',
"LocalUserOwner":' 本地使用者所有者 ',
"Name":' 名稱 ',
"Profiles":' 配置檔案 ',
"Protocol":' 協議 ',
"RemoteAddresses":' 遠端地址 ',
"RemoteMachineAuthorizedList":' 授權的遠端計算機 ',
"RemotePorts":' 遠端埠 ',
"RemoteUserAuthorizedList":' 授權的遠端使用者 ',
"SecureFlags":' 安全 ',
"serviceName":' 服務名 '}
items_shell = {
"Action": 'action',
"ApplicationName": 'program',
"Description": 'description',
"Direction": 'dir',
"EdgeTraversal": 'edge',
"EdgeTraversalOptions": ' 邊緣穿越選項 ',
"Enabled": 'enable',
"Grouping": ' 組 ',
"IcmpTypesAndCodes": 'ICMP 設定 ',
"InterfaceTypes": 'interfacetype',
"Interfaces": ' 介面 ',
"LocalAddresses": 'localip',
"LocalAppPackageId": ' 應用程式包 ',
"LocalPorts": 'localport',
"LocalUserAuthorizedList": ' 授權的本地計算機 ',
"LocalUserOwner": ' 本地使用者所有者 ',
"Name": 'name',
"Profiles": 'profile',
"Protocol": 'protocol',
"RemoteAddresses": 'remoteip',
"RemoteMachineAuthorizedList": 'rmtcomputergrp',
"RemotePorts": 'remoteport',
"RemoteUserAuthorizedList": 'rmtusrgrp',
"SecureFlags": 'security',
"serviceName": 'service'
def __init__(self,index):
self.index = index
for i in self.items_name.keys():
self.items[i] = ''
def init_by_app(self, app_in):
for key in self.items_name.keys():
self.items[key] = " " + str(eval("app_in."+key))
print(self.items[key] )
def init_by_dict(self,dirc_con):
flag = False
for item_key in self.items_name.keys():
if self.items_name[item_key] in dirc_con.keys():
flag = True
self.items[item_key] = dirc_con[self.items_name[item_key]]
if not flag:
for key in dirc_con.keys():
self.items[key] = dirc_con[key]
def create_rule(self):
app = win32com.client.Dispatch('HNetCfg.FwRule')
res = []
# 注意賦值順序
app.Action = int(self.items["Action"])
app.Description = self.items["Description"]
app.Direction = int(self.items["Direction"])
app.EdgeTraversal = self.items["EdgeTraversal"]
app.EdgeTraversalOptions = self.items["EdgeTraversalOptions"]
app.Enabled = self.items["Enabled"]
app.Grouping = self.items["Grouping"]
## app.IcmpTypesAndCodes = self.items["IcmpTypesAndCodes"]
app.InterfaceTypes = self.items["InterfaceTypes"]
## app.Interfaces = self.items["Interfaces"]
app.LocalAddresses = self.items["LocalAddresses"]
app.LocalAppPackageId = self.items["LocalAppPackageId"]
## app.LocalPorts = str(self.items["LocalPorts"]),
## app.LocalUserAuthorizedList = self.items["LocalUserAuthorizedList"]
app.LocalUserOwner = self.items["LocalUserOwner"]
app.Name = self.items["Name"]
app.Profiles = self.items["Profiles"]
app.Protocol = self.items["Protocol"]
app.RemoteAddresses = self.items["RemoteAddresses"]
## app.RemoteMachineAuthorizedList = self.items["RemoteMachineAuthorizedList"]
app.RemotePorts = self.items["RemotePorts"]
app.LocalPorts = self.items['LocalPorts']
## app.RemoteUserAuthorizedList = ''
app.SecureFlags = self.items["SecureFlags"]
# app.serviceName = "null"
# app.ApplicationName = "null"
return app
def __str__(self):
result = "="*10 + '\n 序號 : ' + str(self.index) + '\n'
for key in self.items_name.keys():
result += self.items_name[key] + " : " + str(self.items[key]) +"\n"
return result
def add_rule(dict_value):
fw = win32com.client.gencache.EnsureDispatch('HNetCfg.FwPolicy2', 0)
apps = fw.Rules
# app = win32com.client.Dispatch('HNetCfg.FwRule3')
rule_obj = rule(-1)
app = rule_obj.create_rule()
def del_rule(dict_value):
fw = win32com.client.gencache.EnsureDispatch('HNetCfg.FwPolicy2', 0)
apps = fw.Rules
print("before :", apps.Count)
rule_obj = rule(-1)
for app in apps:
print(rule_obj.items['Name'] , str(app.Name))
print(rule_obj.items['LocalPorts'] , str(app.LocalPorts))
print(rule_obj.items['RemoteAddresses'] , str(app.RemoteAddresses))
if rule_obj.items['Name']外匯跟單gendan5.com == str(app.Name) and rule_obj.items['LocalPorts'] == str(app.LocalPorts) and rule_obj.items['RemoteAddresses'] == str(app.RemoteAddresses):
# 只能根據 Name 刪除 , 大概是個傻子喲
# break
print("after :", apps.Count)
if __name__ == '__main__':
my_dict = {
' 序號 ' : '2',
' 操作 ' : '0',
' 程式 ' : '',
' 描述 ' : '',
' 進站 / 出站 ' : '1',
' 邊緣穿越 ' : 'False',
' 邊緣穿越選項 ' : '0',
' 已啟用 ' : 'True',
' 組 ' : '',
'ICMP 設定 ' : '',
' 介面型別 ' : 'All',
' 介面 ' : 'None',
' 本地地址 ' : '*',
' 應用程式包 ' : '',
' 本地埠 ' : '9876',
' 授權的本地計算機 ' : '',
' 本地使用者所有者 ' : '',
' 名稱 ' : 'test_cmd',
' 配置檔案 ' : '2',
' 協議 ' : '6',
' 遠端地址 ' : '',
' 授權的遠端計算機 ' : '',
' 遠端埠 ' : '*',
' 授權的遠端使用者 ' : '',
' 安全 ' : '0',
' 服務名 ' : ''
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