在掃盲MongoDB相關的一些知識的時候,順手做下筆記。本文將說明副本集相關的內容。在比較早之前已經對這些有過說明,可以看MongoDB 副本集的原理、搭建、應用。MongoDB中的副本集是一組維護相同資料集的mongod程式,副本集提供冗餘和高可用性,可提供一定程度的容錯能力,以防止丟失單個資料庫伺服器,是生產部署的基礎。
在某些情況下,複製可以提供更大的讀取容量,因為客戶端可以將讀取操作傳送到不同的伺服器。 在不同資料中心中維護資料副本可以提高資料本地性和分散式應用程式的可用性,還可以維護其他副本以用於專用目的,例如災難恢復,報告或備份。
副本集的所有成員都可以接受讀取操作。 但預設情況下,應用程式將其讀取操作定向到主要成員。 有關更改預設讀取行為(讀取首選項)請見:Read Preference。如果當前的主要節點不可用,則副本集會進行選擇以選擇哪個輔助節點成為新的主要節點。
副本整合員每2秒鐘彼此傳送一次心跳(ping)。 如果心跳未在10秒(settings.electionTimeoutMillis
{ "_id" : <num>, "host" : <hostname:port>, "arbiterOnly" : false, "buildIndexes" : true, "hidden" : false, "priority" : 0, "tags" : { }, "slaveDelay" : NumberLong(0), "votes" : 0 }
主節點的oplog非同步同步到從節點,副本集可以在一個或多個成員失敗的情況下繼續執行。 從資料庫成員將這些操作複製並應用本身。所有副本整合員都將心跳(ping)傳送給所有其他成員,任何從成員都可以從任何其他成員應用操作日誌。需要注意的時候,如果副本集只剩一個節點,該節點會變成從節點(不能寫)。
oplogSizeMB設定,不設定的話 WiredTiger 儲存引擎預設為空閒磁碟空間5%的大小,上限50G。可以在執行時,手動執行replSetResizeOplog來改變Oplog的大小。通過
從MongoDB 4.2開始,可以限制主資料庫應用Oplog的寫入速率,可以將從延遲保持在flowControlTargetLagSeconds <
db.adminCommand({ setFeatureCompatibilityVersion: "4.2" }) > 以下。
在版本3.4中更改:在為每個集合複製文件時,初始同步將構建所有集合索引(先同步索引,再同步資料)。 在早期版本的MongoDB中,在此階段僅構建_id索引(先同步資料,再同步索引)。
在版本3.4中更改:初始同步在資料複製期間提取新新增的操作日誌記錄。 確保目標成員在local資料庫中具有足夠的磁碟空間,以在此資料複製階段持續時間臨時儲存這些操作日誌記錄。mongod使用源中的操作日誌,將所有更改應用於資料集。初始同步完成後,成員將從STARTUP2轉換為SECONDARY。
MongoDB使用多執行緒批量應用寫入操作以提高併發性。 MongoDB按文件ID(WiredTiger)對批次進行分組,並同時使用不同的執行緒來應用每組操作,MongoDB始終以原始寫入順序對給定文件應用寫入操作。
① Primary:處理所有寫操作。
② Secondaries:從主資料庫(oplog)複製操作,並將操作應用於其資料集,以維護相同的資料集,其有各種屬性:優先順序、延遲、隱藏等。
③ Arbiter:仲裁節點,只投票,不儲存資料,節省儲存成本。從MongoDB 3.6開始,仲裁程式的優先順序只能為0。因為不儲存資料,所以不具有用於身份驗證的使用者和角色對映的內部表。在認證的情況下登入的唯一方法是使用localhost。
① 優先順序屬性(Priority):優先順序為0的成員不能成為Primary,並且不能觸發選舉,但能選舉投票和讀取。
② 隱藏屬性(Hidden):優先順序為0,有投票權。適用於具有與副本集中其他成員不同的使用模式的工作負載(備份<db.fsyncLock()
③ 延遲屬性(Delayed):用於恢復,必須是優先順序為0的成員,有隱藏屬性,可以有投票權。對於分片中的平衡作用有限。延遲單位為秒:
cfg = rs.conf() cfg.members[0].priority = 0 cfg.members[0].hidden = true cfg.members[0].slaveDelay = 3600 rs.reconfig(cfg)
④ 投票(votes):投票權為0的成員不能確定"majority" write concern。
⑤ 標籤(tags):通過標籤,可以設定readpreference、readConcern和writeConcern。
狀態值 狀態名 狀態說明 0 STARTUP 所有成員都以該狀態啟動,mongod在啟動狀態下解析副本集配置文件。 1 PRIMARY 主節點狀態,唯一支援寫的節點。有投票資格 2 SECONDARY 從節點狀態,複製同步資料。有投票資格 3 RECOVERING 恢復狀態,要麼從完成回滾或重新同步過渡。有投票資格 5 STARTUP2 加入副本集,並正在執行初始同步。有投票資格 6 UNKNOWN 從副本集的另一個成員的角度來看,該成員的狀態尚不清楚。沒有投票資格 7 ARBITER 仲裁節點狀態,不復制資料,僅存在於參加選舉中。 有投票資格 8 DOWN 從副本集的另一個成員的角度來看,該成員不可訪問。沒有投票資格 9 ROLLBACK 回滾節點狀態,無法從該成員讀取資料。有投票資格 10 REMOVED 刪除節點狀態,從副本集中刪除。

systemLog: verbosity: 0 quiet: false traceAllExceptions: false path: "/usr/local/mongodb_1/logs/mongodb.log" logAppend: true logRotate: rename destination: file timeStampFormat: iso8601-local processManagement: fork: true pidFilePath: "/usr/local/mongodb_1/mongodb.pid" net: port: 27017 bindIp: maxIncomingConnections: 65536 wireObjectCheck: true unixDomainSocket: enabled: true pathPrefix: /tmp filePermissions: 0700 security: # keyFile: "/usr/local/mongodb_1/test-keyfile" authorization: disabled storage: dbPath: "/usr/local/mongodb_1/data" journal: enabled: true commitIntervalMs: 500 directoryPerDB: true syncPeriodSecs: 60 engine: wiredTiger wiredTiger: engineConfig: cacheSizeGB: 1 journalCompressor: snappy directoryForIndexes: false maxCacheOverflowFileSizeGB: 0 collectionConfig: blockCompressor: snappy indexConfig: prefixCompression: true operationProfiling: # 指定應分析哪些操作,預設off:分析器已關閉,並且不收集任何資料;slowOp:收集比slowms的時間長的資料;all:收集所有操作的資料 mode: slowOp # 慢操作時間閾值(以毫秒為單位),版本4.0中進行了更改:slowOpThresholdMs設定可用於mongod和mongos slowOpThresholdMs: 100 # 分析記錄慢速操作 slowOpSampleRate: 1.0 # 過濾器,記錄耗時超過2秒的查詢操作 #filter: '{ op: "query", millis: { $gt: 2000 } }' replication: oplogSizeMB: 100 replSetName: shard1 enableMajorityReadConcern: false sharding: clusterRole: shardsvr archiveMovedChunks: false # mongos配置項,指定配置伺服器 #configDB: <configReplSetName>/cfg1.example.net:27019, cfg2.example.net:27019,...
/usr/local/mongodb/bin/mongod -f /usr/local/mongodb_1/mongo.conf
①:無認證搭建(authorization: disabled)
> rs.initiate( { _id : 'shard1', members: [ { _id : 0, host : "" }, { _id : 1, host : "" }, { _id : 2, host : "" } ] } )
"_id": 副本集的名稱 "members": 副本集的伺服器列表 "_id": 成員的ID "host": 成員的地址和埠 -- 以上是必填的,下面的成員屬性按照需要設定: "priority": 是優先順序,預設為1,優先順序0為被動節點,不能成為活躍節點。優先順序不為0則按照有大到小選出活躍節點。 "arbiterOnly": 仲裁節點,只參與投票,不接收資料,也不能成為活躍節點。 "hidden": 隱藏節點,優先順序和投票必須為0。 "votes": 投票資格,0為沒有投票資格;1為有投票資格。 "slaveDelay": 延遲節點,單位為秒。 "tags": 標籤屬性。

2021-02-24T07:54:29.381+0000 I REPL [initandlisten] Did not find local initialized voted for document at startup. 2021-02-24T07:54:29.381+0000 I REPL [initandlisten] Did not find local Rollback ID document at startup. Creating one. 2021-02-24T07:54:29.423+0000 I REPL [initandlisten] Initialized the rollback ID to 1 2021-02-24T07:54:29.423+0000 I REPL [initandlisten] Did not find local replica set configuration document at startup; NoMatchingDocument: Did not find replica set configuration document in local.system.replset 2021-02-24T07:55:57.511+0000 I REPL [conn2] replSetInitiate admin command received from client 2021-02-24T07:55:57.517+0000 I REPL [conn2] replSetInitiate config object with 3 members parses ok 2021-02-24T07:55:57.517+0000 I REPL [conn2] Scheduling remote command request for initiate quorum check: RemoteCommand 1 -- target: db:admin cmd:{ replSetHeartbeat: "shard1", checkEmpty: true, configVersion: 1, hbv: 1, from: "", fromId: 0, term: 0 } 2021-02-24T07:55:57.517+0000 I REPL [conn2] Scheduling remote command request for initiate quorum check: RemoteCommand 2 -- target: db:admin cmd:{ replSetHeartbeat: "shard1", checkEmpty: true, configVersion: 1, hbv: 1, from: "", fromId: 0, term: 0 } 2021-02-24T07:55:57.521+0000 I REPL [conn2] ****** 2021-02-24T07:55:57.522+0000 I REPL [conn2] creating replication oplog of size: 100MB... 2021-02-24T07:55:57.582+0000 I REPL [conn2] ****** 2021-02-24T07:55:57.674+0000 I REPL [conn2] New replica set config in use: { _id: "shard1", version: 1, protocolVersion: 1, writeConcernMajorityJournalDefault: true, members: [ { _id: 0, host: "", arbiterOnly: false, buildIndexes: true, hidden: false, priority: 1.0, tags: {}, slaveDelay: 0, votes: 1 }, { _id: 1, host: "", arbiterOnly: false, buildIndexes: true, hidden: false, priority: 1.0, tags: {}, slaveDelay: 0, votes: 1 }, { _id: 2, host: "", arbiterOnly: false, buildIndexes: true, hidden: false, priority: 1.0, tags: {}, slaveDelay: 0, votes: 1 } ], settings: { chainingAllowed: true, heartbeatIntervalMillis: 2000, heartbeatTimeoutSecs: 10, electionTimeoutMillis: 10000, catchUpTimeoutMillis: -1, catchUpTakeoverDelayMillis: 30000, getLastErrorModes: {}, getLastErrorDefaults: { w: 1, wtimeout: 0 }, replicaSetId: ObjectId('6036068d6eda8e54419e12a1') } } 2021-02-24T07:55:57.675+0000 I REPL [conn2] This node is in the config 2021-02-24T07:55:57.675+0000 I REPL [conn2] transition to STARTUP2 from STARTUP 2021-02-24T07:55:57.676+0000 I REPL [replexec-0] Member is now in state STARTUP 2021-02-24T07:55:57.676+0000 I REPL [replexec-0] Member is now in state STARTUP 2021-02-24T07:55:57.676+0000 I REPL [conn2] Starting replication storage threads 2021-02-24T07:55:57.678+0000 I REPL [conn2] transition to RECOVERING from STARTUP2 2021-02-24T07:55:57.678+0000 I REPL [conn2] Starting replication fetcher thread 2021-02-24T07:55:57.678+0000 I REPL [conn2] Starting replication applier thread 2021-02-24T07:55:57.678+0000 I REPL [conn2] Starting replication reporter thread 2021-02-24T07:55:57.680+0000 I REPL [rsSync-0] Starting oplog application 2021-02-24T07:55:57.711+0000 I REPL [rsSync-0] transition to SECONDARY from RECOVERING 2021-02-24T07:55:57.711+0000 I REPL [rsSync-0] Resetting sync source to empty, which was :27017 2021-02-24T07:55:57.711+0000 I REPL [rsBackgroundSync] waiting for 2 pings from other members before syncing 2021-02-24T07:55:58.177+0000 I REPL [replexec-1] Member is now in state STARTUP2 2021-02-24T07:55:58.177+0000 I REPL [replexec-1] Member is now in state STARTUP2 2021-02-24T07:55:59.681+0000 I REPL [replexec-0] Member is now in state SECONDARY 2021-02-24T07:55:59.681+0000 I REPL [replexec-0] Member is now in state SECONDARY 2021-02-24T07:56:07.922+0000 I REPL [replexec-0] Scheduling remote command request for vote request: RemoteCommand 45 -- target: db:admin cmd:{ replSetRequestVotes: 1, setName: "shard1", dryRun: true, term: 0, candidateIndex: 0, configVersion: 1, lastCommittedOp: { ts: Timestamp(1614153357, 1), t: -1 } } 2021-02-24T07:56:07.922+0000 I REPL [replexec-0] Scheduling remote command request for vote request: RemoteCommand 46 -- target: db:admin cmd:{ replSetRequestVotes: 1, setName: "shard1", dryRun: true, term: 0, candidateIndex: 0, configVersion: 1, lastCommittedOp: { ts: Timestamp(1614153357, 1), t: -1 } } 2021-02-24T07:56:07.926+0000 I REPL [replexec-1] Scheduling remote command request for vote request: RemoteCommand 47 -- target: db:admin cmd:{ replSetRequestVotes: 1, setName: "shard1", dryRun: false, term: 1, candidateIndex: 0, configVersion: 1, lastCommittedOp: { ts: Timestamp(1614153357, 1), t: -1 } } 2021-02-24T07:56:07.928+0000 I REPL [replexec-1] Scheduling remote command request for vote request: RemoteCommand 48 -- target: db:admin cmd:{ replSetRequestVotes: 1, setName: "shard1", dryRun: false, term: 1, candidateIndex: 0, configVersion: 1, lastCommittedOp: { ts: Timestamp(1614153357, 1), t: -1 } } 2021-02-24T07:56:07.929+0000 I REPL [replexec-0] transition to PRIMARY from SECONDARY 2021-02-24T07:56:07.929+0000 I REPL [replexec-0] Resetting sync source to empty, which was :27017 2021-02-24T07:56:07.930+0000 I REPL [replexec-0] Entering primary catch-up mode. 2021-02-24T07:56:07.931+0000 I REPL [replexec-0] Caught up to the latest optime known via heartbeats after becoming primary. Target optime: { ts: Timestamp(1614153357, 1), t: -1 }. My Last Applied: { ts: Timestamp(1614153357, 1), t: -1 } 2021-02-24T07:56:07.931+0000 I REPL [replexec-0] Exited primary catch-up mode. 2021-02-24T07:56:07.931+0000 I REPL [replexec-0] Stopping replication producer 2021-02-24T07:56:07.931+0000 I REPL [ReplBatcher] Oplog buffer has been drained in term 1 2021-02-24T07:56:07.932+0000 I REPL [ReplBatcher] Oplog buffer has been drained in term 1 2021-02-24T07:56:07.932+0000 I REPL [RstlKillOpThread] Starting to kill user operations 2021-02-24T07:56:07.932+0000 I REPL [RstlKillOpThread] Stopped killing user operations 2021-02-24T07:56:07.932+0000 I REPL [RstlKillOpThread] State transition ops metrics: { lastStateTransition: "stepUp", userOpsKilled: 0, userOpsRunning: 0 } 2021-02-24T07:56:07.983+0000 I REPL [rsSync-0] transition to primary complete; database writes are now permitted
大致的流程是:檢查配置、初始化local庫的各個集合、轉換各個成員的狀態(STARTUP -> STARTUP2 -> RECOVERING -> SECONDARY)、10秒後開始選舉(SECONDARY -> PRIMARY)
> cfg = { _id : 'shard1', members: [ { _id : 0, host : "" }, { _id : 1, host : "" }, { _id : 2, host : "", arbiterOnly: true } ] } > db.runCommand({ replSetInitiate : cfg }) 或則 > rs.initiate(cfg)
②:有認證搭建(authorization: true)
1. 建立keyfile:使用YAML格式,長度為6~1024字元,並且只能包含base64集中的字元
openssl rand -base64 756 > xx_keyfile chmod 400 xx_keyfile --Linux需要
2. 生成好keyfile之後,副本集中的所有成員都共享該檔案,複製到各個例項的目錄,並修改配置檔案引數:開啟了keyFile引數之後,認證自動啟動(authorization)。
security: keyFile: "/usr/local/mongodb_1/xx_keyfile" authorization: enabled
3. 開啟例項,並進行部署:
-- 啟動3個節點 /usr/local/mongodb/bin/mongod -f /usr/local/mongodb_1/mongo.conf -- 初始化副本集 > rs.initiate( { _id : 'shard1', members: [ { _id : 0, host : "" }, { _id : 1, host : "" }, { _id : 2, host : "" } ] } ) -- 建立管理使用者 > db.createUser( { user:'dba', pwd:passwordPrompt(), roles:[{role:'root',db:'admin'}], customData:{name:'運維賬號'} } )
1. 擴容
新增節點:rs.add(host, arbiterOnly):引數為字串或則文件,arbiterOnly可選,在host為字串的時候使用。
{ _id: <int>, host: <string>, arbiterOnly: <boolean>, buildIndexes: <boolean>, hidden: <boolean>, priority: <number>, tags: <document>, slaveDelay: <int>, votes: <number> }
① 用主機引數新增:該方式新增的成員屬性是預設的。
> rs.add("")
② 用文件引數新增:該方式新增的成員屬性可以自定義。如新增一個優先順序為0的隱藏節點:
> rs.add({"_id":3,"host":"","priority":0,"hidden":true})
> rs.addArb('')
2. 縮容
> rs.remove("")
db.adminCommand( { "dropConnections" : 1, "hostAndPort" : [ "" ] } )
3. 修改成員屬性:rs.
(configuration, force):引數為配置文件,force:強制副本集接受新配置,即使大多數成員不可訪問,允許向非主節點發出重新配置命令:rs.reconfig(cfg,{force:true}) 。重新配置現有副本集,覆蓋現有的配置,預設必須連線到副本集的主資料庫。在某些情況下,rs.reconfig可以觸發當前主資料庫降級,通過該方法實現的主庫降級,新選出來的主大概需要花費10~12秒,後面有自動降級的方法可以減少選主時間。
① 獲取副本集配置文件
> cfg = rs.conf()
② 修改文件中指定成員的屬性:優先順序
> cfg.members[1].priority = 2
③ 新文件生效
> rs.reconfig(cfg)
4. 主節點降級為備份節點:rs.
(stepDownSecs, secondaryCatchUpPeriodSecs)
該方法不會立即降級主庫, 如果沒有可選舉的從節點,則主節點將等待secondaryCatchUpPeriodSecs(預設為10秒),以等待從節點趕上。 一旦可以選擇的從節點可用,就降級主節點。降級後,原始的主節點將成為從節點,並且在stepDownSecs指定的剩餘時間內沒有資格再次成為主節點,預設60秒。
> rs.stepDown(60,10)
注意:rs.stepDown開始的時間段內,所有對主的寫入都會失敗,直到選擇了新的主資料庫,或者如果沒有可選舉的輔助資料庫,則原始主資料庫將恢復正常操作。正在進行的寫入將被殺死,正在進行的事務也會因“ TransientTransactionError”而失敗,並且可以整體重試。寫入失敗的時間最多為20秒:
5. 讓從節點在一定時間內不能成為主節點:rs.
> rs.freeze(3600)
> rs.freeze(0)
6. 修改同步源:rs.
修改當前成員的預設同步目標。 以[主機名]:[埠]的形式指定要複製的成員的名稱。從版本3.2中開始:具有投票權(>0)的副本整合員不能與沒有投票權(0)的成員同步。
配置好的副本集都是自動的對同步源進行分配,根據pingMS來尋找最新的資料來源,可能某個Secondary是另一個Secondary的同步源。如果當前主節點(PSS)的壓力比較大,可以修改從節點的同步目標,修改到另一個成員,組成一個鏈級的複製(P -> S -> S),減輕主節點的壓力,但可能會出現複製延遲不可控的情況。
① 檢視同步源
shard1:SECONDARY> db.adminCommand({"replSetGetStatus":1}).syncingTo shard1:SECONDARY> rs.status().syncingTo
② 修改同步源
shard1:SECONDARY> rs.syncFrom("") { "syncFromRequested" : "", "prevSyncTarget" : "", "ok" : 1 } > db.adminCommand({"replSetSyncFrom":""}) { "syncFromRequested" : "", "prevSyncTarget" : "", "ok" : 1 }
7. 檢視主從節點的延遲和OpLog資訊:rs.
shard1:PRIMARY> rs.printSlaveReplicationInfo() source: --從節1點的落後時間 syncedTo: Thu Feb 25 2021 09:27:05 GMT+0000 (UTC) 0 secs (0 hrs) behind the primary source: --從節點2的落後時間 syncedTo: Thu Feb 25 2021 09:27:05 GMT+0000 (UTC) 0 secs (0 hrs) behind the primary shard1:PRIMARY> rs.printReplicationInfo() configured oplog size: 100MB --oplog大小 log length start to end: 25707secs (7.14hrs) --oplog使用的時間長度 oplog first event time: Thu Feb 25 2021 02:18:28 GMT+0000 (UTC) -- 第一次操作時間 oplog last event time: Thu Feb 25 2021 09:26:55 GMT+0000 (UTC) -- 最後一次操作時間 now: Thu Feb 25 2021 09:26:59 GMT+0000 (UTC) --當前時間
db.serverStatus() == db.runCommand( { serverStatus: 1 } )
可帶引數:db.serverStatus( { repl: 0, metrics: 0, locks: 0 } )、db.runCommand( { serverStatus: 1, repl: 0, metrics: 0, locks: 0 } )

XYZ:PRIMARY> db.runCommand( { serverStatus: 1 } ) { "host" : "lbs-postgresql01", -- 主機名 "version" : "4.2.8", -- 版本 "process" : "mongod", -- 程式名,可能的值為:mongos或mongod "pid" : NumberLong(27568), -- pid "uptime" : 30149, -- 服務執行時間(秒) "uptimeMillis" : NumberLong(30149594), -- 服務執行時間(毫秒) "uptimeEstimate" : NumberLong(30149), -- 服務執行時間(秒),根據MongoDB內部處理統計 "localTime" : ISODate("2020-08-13T09:20:24.614Z"), -- 根據伺服器,以UTC表示當前時間的ISODate "asserts" : { -- 報告自MongoDB流程啟動以來提出的斷言數量的文件。雖然斷言錯誤通常很少見,但是如果斷言的值不為零,則應檢查日誌檔案以獲取更多資訊。 "regular" : 0, -- 自MongoDB流程開始以來提出的常規宣告的數量。檢查日誌檔案以獲取有關這些訊息的更多資訊。 "warning" : 0, -- 該欄位返回自MongoDB程式啟動以來引發的警告數,從MongoDB 4.0開始,該欄位返回零0 "msg" : 0, -- 自MongoDB程式啟動以來引發的訊息宣告的數量。檢查日誌檔案以獲取有關這些訊息的更多資訊。 "user" : 2244, -- 自上次啟動MongoDB程式以來發生的“使用者斷言”數量。 如磁碟空間不足或重複金鑰。 "rollovers" : 0 -- 自上次MongoDB程式啟動以來,翻轉計數器已翻轉的次數。 230個斷言後,計數器將翻轉為零。 }, "connections" : { -- 報告連線狀態的文件。使用這些值可以評估伺服器的當前負載和容量要求。 "current" : 11, -- 當前連線數 "available" : 52417, -- 可用連線數 "totalCreated" : 38, -- 總建立的連線數 "active" : 2 -- 活躍連線數 }, "electionMetrics" : { -- 選舉資訊 "stepUpCmd" : { -- Primary down時,在選舉交接中呼叫的選舉指標 "called" : NumberLong(0), "successful" : NumberLong(0) }, "priorityTakeover" : { -- 由mongod例項呼叫的選舉指標,因為其優先順序高於Primary "called" : NumberLong(0), "successful" : NumberLong(0) }, "catchUpTakeover" : { -- 由mongod例項呼叫的選舉指標,因為其資料比Primary新 "called" : NumberLong(0), "successful" : NumberLong(0) }, "electionTimeout" : { -- 由mongod例項呼叫的選舉指標,因為其無法在settings.electionTimeoutMillis內到達Primary "called" : NumberLong(1), "successful" : NumberLong(1) }, "freezeTimeout" : { -- mongod例項在凍結期(成員無法申請選舉)之後呼叫的選舉指標 "called" : NumberLong(0), "successful" : NumberLong(0) }, "numStepDownsCausedByHigherTerm" : NumberLong(0), -- 由於更高的任期(term),該mongod例項down的次數 "numCatchUps" : NumberLong(0), -- 作為新當選的主必須趕上已知的最高oplog條目的選舉次數 "numCatchUpsSucceeded" : NumberLong(0), -- 作為新當選的主成功追上已知的最高oplog條目的次數 "numCatchUpsAlreadyCaughtUp" : NumberLong(1), -- 作為新當選的主完成追趕的次數,因為當選時已經被追趕 "numCatchUpsSkipped" : NumberLong(0), -- 作為新當選的主跳過追趕過程的次數 "numCatchUpsTimedOut" : NumberLong(0), -- 由於settings.catchUpTimeoutMillis限制,作為新當選的主完成其追趕過程的次數 "numCatchUpsFailedWithError" : NumberLong(0), -- 新當選的主追趕過程因錯誤而失敗的次數 "numCatchUpsFailedWithNewTerm" : NumberLong(0), -- 由於另一位成員的任期較高(即其他一位或多位議員參加了其他選舉),新當選的主追趕過程結束的次數 "numCatchUpsFailedWithReplSetAbortPrimaryCatchUpCmd" : NumberLong(0), -- 由於收到replSetAbortPrimaryCatchUp命令而導致的新當選的主追趕過程結束的次數 "averageCatchUpOps" : 0 -- 新當選的主在趕超過程中平均執行的運算元 }, "extra_info" : { -- 提供有關基礎系統的其他資訊的文件 "note" : "fields vary by platform", -- 文字為“欄位因平臺而異”的字串 "user_time_us" : NumberLong(114316152), -- 使用者使用的CPU時間 "system_time_us" : NumberLong(19584160), -- 核心使用的CPU時間 "maximum_resident_set_kb" : NumberLong(91260), -- 執行程式所佔用記憶體的最大值。單位是 KB "input_blocks" : NumberLong(0), -- 輸入塊 "output_blocks" : NumberLong(263944), -- 輸出塊 "page_reclaims" : NumberLong(97588), -- 頁回收數量 "page_faults" : NumberLong(0), -- 數量錯誤數量 "voluntary_context_switches" : NumberLong(1497531), -- 主動上下文切換數量 "involuntary_context_switches" : NumberLong(3283) -- 被動上下文切換數量 }, "flowControl" : { -- 使用流量控制時最大滯後時間。將嘗試將大多數的延遲保持在指定的秒數內(10秒)https://docs.mongodb.com/v4.2/reference/parameters/#param.enableFlowControl "enabled" : true, -- 是否開啟,https://docs.mongodb.com/v4.2/reference/parameters/#param.enableFlowControl "targetRateLimit" : 1000000000, -- 主伺服器上執行時,每秒可以獲取的最大票證數量;輔助伺服器上執行時,返回的數字是佔位符 "timeAcquiringMicros" : NumberLong(780), -- 主資料庫上執行時,寫操作等待獲取票證的總時間;輔助伺服器上執行時,返回的數字是佔位符 "locksPerOp" : 1.167, -- 主伺服器上執行時,近似於每個操作獲取的鎖數;輔助伺服器上執行時,返回的數字是佔位符 "sustainerRate" : 0, -- 主伺服器上執行時,輔助伺服器每秒維持提交點的每秒近似運算元;輔助伺服器上執行時,返回的數字是佔位符 "isLagged" : false, -- 主資料庫上執行時,是否已使用流控制。 當大多數承諾滯後時間大於已配置的flowControlTargetLagSeconds的某個百分比時,將啟用流控制 "isLaggedCount" : 0, -- 主伺服器上執行時,自上次重新啟動以來流控制已參與的次數;輔助伺服器上執行時,返回的數字是佔位符 "isLaggedTimeMicros" : NumberLong(0) -- 主伺服器上執行時,自上次重新啟動以來已花費了多少時間進行流控制 }, "freeMonitoring" : { -- 是否開啟雲監控 "state" : "undecided" }, "globalLock" : { -- 報告資料庫鎖定狀態的文件, "totalTime" : NumberLong("30149591000"), -- 自資料庫啟動並建立globalLock以來的時間(以微秒為單位)。這大致相當於伺服器的總正常執行時間。 "currentQueue" : { -- 由於鎖而排隊的運算元的資訊的文件 "total" : 0, -- 排隊等待鎖定的操作總數(即globalLock.currentQueue.readers和globalLock.currentQueue.writers的總和) "readers" : 0, -- 當前排隊並等待讀鎖定的運算元。始終較小的讀取佇列,尤其是較短的操作,不會引起任何問題。 "writers" : 0 -- 當前排隊並等待寫鎖定的運算元。始終較小的寫佇列,尤其是較短操作的寫佇列,無需擔心。 }, "activeClients" : { -- 提供有關已連線客戶端數量以及這些客戶端執行的讀取和寫入操作的資訊的文件。 "total" : 0, -- 與資料庫的內部客戶端連線總數,包括系統執行緒以及排隊的讀取器和寫入器。 "readers" : 0, -- 執行讀取操作的活動客戶端連線數。 "writers" : 0 -- 執行寫操作的活動客戶端連線數。 } }, "locks" : { -- 針對每個鎖<型別>報告有關鎖<模式>的資料的文件。https://docs.mongodb.com/v4.2/reference/command/serverStatus/#locks "ParallelBatchWriterMode" : { -- 並行批處理寫入器模式的鎖 "acquireCount" : { -- 在指定模式下獲取鎖定的次數 "r" : NumberLong(32460) -- 意向讀鎖(IS) } }, "ReplicationStateTransition" : { -- 副本整合員狀態轉換的鎖定 "acquireCount" : { -- 在指定模式下獲取鎖定的次數 "w" : NumberLong(209603), -- 意向寫鎖(IX) "W" : NumberLong(2) -- 排他(X)鎖 }, "acquireWaitCount" : { -- 由於鎖處於衝突模式而導致的locks.acquireCount鎖獲取遇到的等待次數。 "w" : NumberLong(2), -- 意向寫鎖(IX) "W" : NumberLong(1) -- 排他(X)鎖 }, "timeAcquiringMicros" : { -- 鎖定獲取的累積等待時間(以微秒為單位) "w" : NumberLong(175), -- 意向寫鎖(IX) "W" : NumberLong(2) -- 排他(X)鎖 } }, "Global" : { -- 全域性鎖 "acquireCount" : { -- 在指定模式下獲取鎖定的次數 "r" : NumberLong(206263), -- 意向讀鎖(IS) "w" : NumberLong(3335), -- 意向寫鎖(IX) "W" : NumberLong(5) -- 排他(X)鎖 }, "acquireWaitCount" : { -- 由於鎖處於衝突模式而導致的locks.acquireCount鎖獲取遇到的等待次數。 "w" : NumberLong(1), -- 意向寫鎖(IX) "W" : NumberLong(1) -- 排他(X)鎖 }, "timeAcquiringMicros" : { -- 鎖定獲取的累積等待時間(以微秒為單位) "w" : NumberLong(11524), -- 意向寫鎖(IX) "W" : NumberLong(36) -- 排他(X)鎖 } }, "Database" : { -- 資料庫鎖 "acquireCount" : { -- 在指定模式下獲取鎖定的次數 "r" : NumberLong(145945), -- 意向讀鎖(IS) "w" : NumberLong(496), -- 意向寫鎖(IX) "W" : NumberLong(27) -- 排他(X)鎖 }, "acquireWaitCount" : { -- 由於鎖處於衝突模式而導致的locks.acquireCount鎖獲取遇到的等待次數。 "r" : NumberLong(2) -- 意向讀鎖(IS) }, "timeAcquiringMicros" : { -- 鎖定獲取的累積等待時間(以微秒為單位) "r" : NumberLong(10074) -- 意向讀鎖(IS) } }, "Collection" : { -- 集合鎖 "acquireCount" : { -- 在指定模式下獲取鎖定的次數 "r" : NumberLong(34475), -- 意向讀鎖(IS) "w" : NumberLong(494), -- 意向寫鎖(IX) "R" : NumberLong(1), -- 共享(S)鎖 "W" : NumberLong(18) -- 排他(X)鎖 } }, "Metadata" : { -- 後設資料鎖 "acquireCount" : { -- 在指定模式下獲取鎖定的次數 "W" : NumberLong(1) -- 排他(X)鎖 } }, "Mutex" : { -- 互斥鎖 "acquireCount" : { -- 在指定模式下獲取鎖定的次數 "r" : NumberLong(126997) -- 意向(IS) } }, "oplog" : { -- oplog鎖 "acquireCount" : { -- 在指定模式下獲取鎖定的次數 "r" : NumberLong(115593), -- 意向讀鎖(IS) "w" : NumberLong(2), -- 共享(S)鎖 "W" : NumberLong(1) -- 排他(X)鎖 } } }, "logicalSessionRecordCache" : { -- 提供有關伺服器會話快取的指標 "activeSessionsCount" : 1, -- 自上次重新整理週期以來,由mongod或mongos例項快取在記憶體中所有活動的本地會話數。 "sessionsCollectionJobCount" : 101, -- 跟蹤重新整理過程在config.system.sessions集合上執行的次數的數字。 "lastSessionsCollectionJobDurationMillis" : 4, -- 上次重新整理的時間(以毫秒為單位) "lastSessionsCollectionJobTimestamp" : ISODate("2020-08-13T09:17:55.863Z"), -- 上次重新整理發生的時間 "lastSessionsCollectionJobEntriesRefreshed" : 1, -- 在上次重新整理期間重新整理的會話數。 "lastSessionsCollectionJobEntriesEnded" : 0, -- 在上一次重新整理期間結束的會話數。 "lastSessionsCollectionJobCursorsClosed" : 0, -- 在上一次config.system.sessions集合重新整理期間關閉的遊標數。 "transactionReaperJobCount" : 101, -- 跟蹤事務記錄清除過程已在config.transactions集合上執行的次數的數字。 "lastTransactionReaperJobDurationMillis" : 0, -- 上次事務記錄清除的長度(以毫秒為單位) "lastTransactionReaperJobTimestamp" : ISODate("2020-08-13T09:17:55.863Z"), -- 上次事務記錄清除的時間 "lastTransactionReaperJobEntriesCleanedUp" : 0, -- config.transactions集合中上次事務記錄清除期間刪除的條目數。 "sessionCatalogSize" : 0 -- 對於mongod例項,config.transactions條目的記憶體快取大小;對於mongos例項:localLogicalSessionTimeoutMinutes內未過期的可重試寫入或事務 }, "network" : { -- MongoDB網路使用情況資料的文件。https://docs.mongodb.com/v4.2/reference/command/serverStatus/#network "bytesIn" : NumberLong(25843431), -- 接收的網路流量的位元組數 "bytesOut" : NumberLong(32178855), -- 傳送的網路流量的位元組數 "physicalBytesIn" : NumberLong(18156427), "physicalBytesOut" : NumberLong(22163279), "numRequests" : NumberLong(57762), -- 收到的不同請求的總數 "compression" : { -- 壓縮資訊 "snappy" : { "compressor" : { -- compressor資訊 "bytesIn" : NumberLong(37694572), "bytesOut" : NumberLong(26683033) }, "decompressor" : { -- decompressor資訊 "bytesIn" : NumberLong(27727534), "bytesOut" : NumberLong(41769607) } }, "zstd" : { "compressor" : { "bytesIn" : NumberLong(0), "bytesOut" : NumberLong(0) }, "decompressor" : { "bytesIn" : NumberLong(0), "bytesOut" : NumberLong(0) } }, "zlib" : { "compressor" : { "bytesIn" : NumberLong(0), "bytesOut" : NumberLong(0) }, "decompressor" : { "bytesIn" : NumberLong(0), "bytesOut" : NumberLong(0) } } }, "serviceExecutorTaskStats" : { "executor" : "passthrough", "threadsRunning" : 11 } }, "opLatencies" : { -- 僅適用於mongod例項,包含整個例項的操作延遲 "reads" : { -- 讀取請求的延遲統計資訊 "latency" : NumberLong(1140144), "ops" : NumberLong(8506) }, "writes" : { -- 寫入操作的延遲統計資訊 "latency" : NumberLong(0), "ops" : NumberLong(0) }, "commands" : { -- 資料庫命令的延遲統計資訊 "latency" : NumberLong(3201015), "ops" : NumberLong(49254) }, "transactions" : { -- 事務的延遲統計資訊 "latency" : NumberLong(0), "ops" : NumberLong(0) } }, "opReadConcernCounters" : { -- 自上次啟動以來,向mongod例項報告查詢操作指定的讀取關注級別的文件。 "available" : NumberLong(0), -- 指定讀取關注級別“可用”的查詢運算元 "linearizable" : NumberLong(0), -- 指定讀取關注級別“linearizable”的查詢運算元 "local" : NumberLong(2), -- 指定讀取關注級別“本地”的查詢運算元 "majority" : NumberLong(0), -- 指定讀取關注級別“多數”的查詢運算元 "snapshot" : NumberLong(0), -- 指定讀取關注級別“快照”的查詢運算元 "none" : NumberLong(111) -- 未指定讀關注級別,而是使用預設讀關注級別的查詢運算元。 }, "opcounters" : { -- 自mongod例項上次啟動以來按型別報告資料庫操作的文件 "insert" : NumberLong(3), -- 自mongod例項上次啟動以來收到的插入操作總數 "query" : NumberLong(113), -- 自mongod例項上次啟動以來收到的查詢總數 "update" : NumberLong(9), -- 自mongod例項上次啟動以來收到的更新操作總數 "delete" : NumberLong(2), -- 自mongod例項上次啟動以來的刪除操作總數 "getmore" : NumberLong(8489), -- 自上次啟動mongod例項以來,“getmore”操作的總數。即使查詢計數很低,此計數器也可能很高。輔助節點在複製過程中傳送getMore操作。 "command" : NumberLong(49404) -- 自mongod例項上次啟動以來,釋出到資料庫的命令總數 }, "opcountersRepl" : { -- 自mongod例項上次啟動以來按型別報告資料庫複製操作的文件,僅噹噹前主機是副本集的成員時,才會顯示這些值 "insert" : NumberLong(0), -- 插入總數 "query" : NumberLong(0), -- 查詢總數 "update" : NumberLong(0), -- 更新總數 "delete" : NumberLong(0), -- 刪除總數 "getmore" : NumberLong(0), -- getmore總數 "command" : NumberLong(0) -- 命令總數 }, "oplogTruncation" : { -- 當前例項是副本集的成員並使用WiredTiger Storage Engine時,才顯示該欄位。 "totalTimeProcessingMicros" : NumberLong(33), -- 掃描或取樣操作日誌以確定操作日誌截斷點所花費的總時間(以微秒為單位) "processingMethod" : "scanning", -- 啟動時用於確定oplog截斷點的方法。 該值可以是“取樣”或“掃描”。 "totalTimeTruncatingMicros" : NumberLong(0), -- 執行oplog截斷所花費的累積時間(以微秒為單位) "truncateCount" : NumberLong(0) -- oplog截斷的累積數量 }, "repl" : { -- 報告副本集配置的文件。僅噹噹前主機是副本集時才會出現repl。 "hosts" : [ -- 成員主機名 "", "", "" ], "setName" : "XYZ", -- 副本集名稱 "setVersion" : 1, -- 版本 "ismaster" : true, -- 當前節點是否為副本集的主節點 "secondary" : false, -- 當前節點是否為副本集的輔助節點 "primary" : "", -- 主節點地址 "me" : "", -- 當前執行的地址 "electionId" : ObjectId("7fffffff0000000000000001"), "lastWrite" : { "opTime" : { -- 該成員所報告的有關該成員所應用操作日誌中最後一次操作的資訊 "ts" : Timestamp(1597310423, 1), "t" : NumberLong(1) }, "lastWriteDate" : ISODate("2020-08-13T09:20:23Z"), "majorityOpTime" : { "ts" : Timestamp(1597310423, 1), "t" : NumberLong(1) }, "majorityWriteDate" : ISODate("2020-08-13T09:20:23Z") }, "rbid" : 1 -- 回滾識別符號。用於確定此mongod例項是否發生了回滾 }, "storageEngine" : { -- 有關當前儲存引擎資料的文件 "name" : "wiredTiger", -- 當前儲存引擎的名稱 "supportsCommittedReads" : true, -- 儲存引擎是否支援“多數”讀取關注的布林值 "oldestRequiredTimestampForCrashRecovery" : Timestamp(1597310403, 1), "supportsPendingDrops" : true, "dropPendingIdents" : NumberLong(0), "supportsSnapshotReadConcern" : true, "readOnly" : false, -- 是否只讀 "persistent" : true, -- 指示儲存引擎是否將資料持久儲存到磁碟的布林值 "backupCursorOpen" : false }, "tcmalloc" : { "generic" : { "current_allocated_bytes" : 137730688, "heap_size" : 176914432 }, "tcmalloc" : { "pageheap_free_bytes" : 2736128, "pageheap_unmapped_bytes" : 31244288, "max_total_thread_cache_bytes" : 1024458752, "current_total_thread_cache_bytes" : 1950976, "total_free_bytes" : 5203328, "central_cache_free_bytes" : 427840, "transfer_cache_free_bytes" : 2824512, "thread_cache_free_bytes" : 1950976, "aggressive_memory_decommit" : 0, "pageheap_committed_bytes" : 145670144, "pageheap_scavenge_count" : 575, "pageheap_commit_count" : 1376, "pageheap_total_commit_bytes" : NumberLong(1139781632), "pageheap_decommit_count" : 575, "pageheap_total_decommit_bytes" : 994111488, "pageheap_reserve_count" : 60, "pageheap_total_reserve_bytes" : 176914432, "spinlock_total_delay_ns" : 1320, "release_rate" : 1, "formattedString" : "------------------------------------------------\nMALLOC: 137731264 ( 131.4 MiB) Bytes in use by application\nMALLOC: + 2736128 ( 2.6 MiB) Bytes in page heap freelist\nMALLOC: + 427840 ( 0.4 MiB) Bytes in central cache freelist\nMALLOC: + 2824512 ( 2.7 MiB) Bytes in transfer cache freelist\nMALLOC: + 1950400 ( 1.9 MiB) Bytes in thread cache freelists\nMALLOC: + 2883584 ( 2.8 MiB) Bytes in malloc metadata\nMALLOC: ------------\nMALLOC: = 148553728 ( 141.7 MiB) Actual memory used (physical + swap)\nMALLOC: + 31244288 ( 29.8 MiB) Bytes released to OS (aka unmapped)\nMALLOC: ------------\nMALLOC: = 179798016 ( 171.5 MiB) Virtual address space used\nMALLOC:\nMALLOC: 1434 Spans in use\nMALLOC: 71 Thread heaps in use\nMALLOC: 4096 Tcmalloc page size\n------------------------------------------------\nCall ReleaseFreeMemory() to release freelist memory to the OS (via madvise()).\nBytes released to the OS take up virtual address space but no physical memory.\n" } }, "trafficRecording" : { -- 輸出中包括trafficRecording指標 "running" : false }, "transactions" : { -- 包含有關事務資料的文件,在3.6.3+的mongod和4.2+的mongos中可用。https://docs.mongodb.com/v4.2/reference/command/serverStatus/#transactions "retriedCommandsCount" : NumberLong(0), -- 僅在mongod上可用。在已經提交了相應的可重試寫入命令之後,已接收到的重試嘗試總數。 "retriedStatementsCount" : NumberLong(0), -- 寫語句總數,與transaction.retriedCommandsCount中重試的命令相關聯 "transactionsCollectionWriteCount" : NumberLong(0), -- 僅在mongod上可用,提交新的可重試的寫語句時觸發對config.transactions集合的寫總數 "currentActive" : NumberLong(0), -- 當前正在執行的事務總數 "currentInactive" : NumberLong(0), -- 當前未執行命令的事務總數 "currentOpen" : NumberLong(0), -- 當前開啟事務的總數 "totalAborted" : NumberLong(0), -- 例項自上次啟動以來中止的事務總數 "totalCommitted" : NumberLong(0), -- 例項自上次啟動以來在例項上提交的事務總數 "totalStarted" : NumberLong(0), -- 例項自上次啟動以來在例項上啟動的事務總數 "totalPrepared" : NumberLong(0), -- 例項自上次啟動以來在伺服器上處於準備狀態的事務總數 "totalPreparedThenCommitted" : NumberLong(0), -- 例項自上次啟動以來在伺服器上準備並提交的事務總數 "totalPreparedThenAborted" : NumberLong(0), -- 例項自上次啟動以來在伺服器上準備並中止的事務總數 "currentPrepared" : NumberLong(0) -- 伺服器上處於準備狀態的當前事務數 }, "transportSecurity" : { -- 建立的TLS <version>連線的累積數量。 重新啟動後將重置該值。 "1.0" : NumberLong(0), "1.1" : NumberLong(0), "1.2" : NumberLong(0), "1.3" : NumberLong(0), "unknown" : NumberLong(0) }, "twoPhaseCommitCoordinator" : { -- 二階段提交資訊 "totalCreated" : NumberLong(0), "totalStartedTwoPhaseCommit" : NumberLong(0), "totalAbortedTwoPhaseCommit" : NumberLong(0), "totalCommittedTwoPhaseCommit" : NumberLong(0), "currentInSteps" : { "writingParticipantList" : NumberLong(0), "waitingForVotes" : NumberLong(0), "writingDecision" : NumberLong(0), "waitingForDecisionAcks" : NumberLong(0), "deletingCoordinatorDoc" : NumberLong(0) } }, "wiredTiger" : { -- 使用WiredTiger儲存引擎時資訊才會出現。一些統計彙總資訊。https://docs.mongodb.com/v4.2/reference/command/serverStatus/#wiredtiger "uri" : "statistics:", -- 一個字串。 供MongoDB內部使用。 "async" : { -- 返回與非同步操作API相關的統計資訊的文件,MongoDB未使用它。 "current work queue length" : 0, "maximum work queue length" : 0, "number of allocation state races" : 0, "number of flush calls" : 0, "number of operation slots viewed for allocation" : 0, "number of times operation allocation failed" : 0, "number of times worker found no work" : 0, "total allocations" : 0, "total compact calls" : 0, "total insert calls" : 0, "total remove calls" : 0, "total search calls" : 0, "total update calls" : 0 }, "block-manager" : { -- 返回有關塊管理器操作的統計資訊的文件 "blocks pre-loaded" : 0, "blocks read" : 1458, "blocks written" : 5954, "bytes read" : 5971968, "bytes written" : 39948288, "bytes written for checkpoint" : 39948288, "mapped blocks read" : 0, "mapped bytes read" : 0 }, "cache" : { -- 有關快取的統計資訊和來自快取的頁面逐出的文件 "application threads page read from disk to cache count" : 0, "application threads page read from disk to cache time (usecs)" : 0, "application threads page write from cache to disk count" : 2972, "application threads page write from cache to disk time (usecs)" : 181330, "bytes belonging to page images in the cache" : 43, "bytes belonging to the cache overflow table in the cache" : 182, "bytes currently in the cache" : 753495, -- 當前快取中資料的位元組大小,該值不應大於配置的最大位元組數。 "bytes dirty in the cache cumulative" : 2438469, "bytes not belonging to page images in the cache" : 753452, "bytes read into cache" : 0, "bytes written from cache" : 52711232, "cache overflow cursor application thread wait time (usecs)" : 0, "cache overflow cursor internal thread wait time (usecs)" : 0, "cache overflow score" : 0, "cache overflow table entries" : 0, "cache overflow table insert calls" : 0, "cache overflow table max on-disk size" : 0, "cache overflow table on-disk size" : 0, "cache overflow table remove calls" : 0, "checkpoint blocked page eviction" : 0, "eviction calls to get a page" : 1148, "eviction calls to get a page found queue empty" : 1129, "eviction calls to get a page found queue empty after locking" : 0, "eviction currently operating in aggressive mode" : 0, "eviction empty score" : 0, "eviction passes of a file" : 0, "eviction server candidate queue empty when topping up" : 0, "eviction server candidate queue not empty when topping up" : 0, "eviction server evicting pages" : 0, "eviction server slept, because we did not make progress with eviction" : 1056, "eviction server unable to reach eviction goal" : 0, "eviction server waiting for a leaf page" : 4, "eviction state" : 128, "eviction walk target pages histogram - 0-9" : 0, "eviction walk target pages histogram - 10-31" : 0, "eviction walk target pages histogram - 128 and higher" : 0, "eviction walk target pages histogram - 32-63" : 0, "eviction walk target pages histogram - 64-128" : 0, "eviction walk target strategy both clean and dirty pages" : 0, "eviction walk target strategy only clean pages" : 0, "eviction walk target strategy only dirty pages" : 0, "eviction walks abandoned" : 0, "eviction walks gave up because they restarted their walk twice" : 0, "eviction walks gave up because they saw too many pages and found no candidates" : 0, "eviction walks gave up because they saw too many pages and found too few candidates" : 0, "eviction walks reached end of tree" : 0, "eviction walks started from root of tree" : 0, "eviction walks started from saved location in tree" : 0, "eviction worker thread active" : 4, "eviction worker thread created" : 0, "eviction worker thread evicting pages" : 3, "eviction worker thread removed" : 0, "eviction worker thread stable number" : 0, "files with active eviction walks" : 0, "files with new eviction walks started" : 0, "force re-tuning of eviction workers once in a while" : 0, "forced eviction - pages evicted that were clean count" : 0, "forced eviction - pages evicted that were clean time (usecs)" : 0, "forced eviction - pages evicted that were dirty count" : 2, "forced eviction - pages evicted that were dirty time (usecs)" : 56, "forced eviction - pages selected because of too many deleted items count" : 5, "forced eviction - pages selected count" : 2, "forced eviction - pages selected unable to be evicted count" : 0, "forced eviction - pages selected unable to be evicted time" : 0, "hazard pointer blocked page eviction" : 0, "hazard pointer check calls" : 5, "hazard pointer check entries walked" : 0, "hazard pointer maximum array length" : 0, "in-memory page passed criteria to be split" : 0, "in-memory page splits" : 0, "internal pages evicted" : 0, "internal pages queued for eviction" : 0, "internal pages seen by eviction walk" : 0, "internal pages seen by eviction walk that are already queued" : 0, "internal pages split during eviction" : 0, "leaf pages split during eviction" : 0, "maximum bytes configured" : 1073741824, -- 已配置wiredTiger.cache.maximum位元組,最大快取大小 "maximum page size at eviction" : 0, "modified pages evicted" : 7, "modified pages evicted by application threads" : 0, "operations timed out waiting for space in cache" : 0, "overflow pages read into cache" : 0, "page split during eviction deepened the tree" : 0, "page written requiring cache overflow records" : 0, "pages currently held in the cache" : 59, "pages evicted by application threads" : 0, "pages queued for eviction" : 0, "pages queued for eviction post lru sorting" : 0, "pages queued for urgent eviction" : 5, "pages queued for urgent eviction during walk" : 0, "pages read into cache" : 0, -- 讀入快取的頁面數,從快取寫入的wiredTiger.cache.pages讀取到快取的wiredTiger.cache.pages(IO)。 "pages read into cache after truncate" : 30, "pages read into cache after truncate in prepare state" : 0, "pages read into cache requiring cache overflow entries" : 0, "pages read into cache requiring cache overflow for checkpoint" : 0, "pages read into cache skipping older cache overflow entries" : 0, "pages read into cache with skipped cache overflow entries needed later" : 0, "pages read into cache with skipped cache overflow entries needed later by checkpoint" : 0, "pages requested from the cache" : 234580, "pages seen by eviction walk" : 0, "pages seen by eviction walk that are already queued" : 0, "pages selected for eviction unable to be evicted" : 0, "pages selected for eviction unable to be evicted as the parent page has overflow items" : 0, "pages selected for eviction unable to be evicted because of active children on an internal page" : 0, "pages selected for eviction unable to be evicted because of failure in reconciliation" : 0, "pages selected for eviction unable to be evicted due to newer modifications on a clean page" : 0, "pages walked for eviction" : 0, "pages written from cache" : 2972, -- 從快取寫入的頁面數,從快取寫入的wiredTiger.cache.pages和讀取到快取中的wiredTiger.cache.pages(IO)。 "pages written requiring in-memory restoration" : 3, "percentage overhead" : 8, "tracked bytes belonging to internal pages in the cache" : 12935, "tracked bytes belonging to leaf pages in the cache" : 740560, "tracked dirty bytes in the cache" : 688182, -- 快取記憶體中髒資料的大小(以位元組為單位),此值應小於快取值中當前的位元組。 "tracked dirty pages in the cache" : 4, -- 快取記憶體中髒資料頁數 "unmodified pages evicted" : 0 -- 頁面驅逐的主要統計資料 }, "capacity" : { -- 後臺刷寫資訊 "background fsync file handles considered" : 0, "background fsync file handles synced" : 0, "background fsync time (msecs)" : 0, "bytes read" : 0, "bytes written for checkpoint" : 18069881, "bytes written for eviction" : 0, "bytes written for log" : 1635328, "bytes written total" : 19705209, "threshold to call fsync" : 0, "time waiting due to total capacity (usecs)" : 0, "time waiting during checkpoint (usecs)" : 0, "time waiting during eviction (usecs)" : 0, "time waiting during logging (usecs)" : 0, "time waiting during read (usecs)" : 0 }, "connection" : { -- 返回與WiredTiger連線有關的統計資訊的文件 "auto adjusting condition resets" : 6370, "auto adjusting condition wait calls" : 191658, "detected system time went backwards" : 0, "files currently open" : 34, "memory allocations" : 2615516, "memory frees" : 2607397, "memory re-allocations" : 437367, "pthread mutex condition wait calls" : 510231, "pthread mutex shared lock read-lock calls" : 736461, "pthread mutex shared lock write-lock calls" : 82147, "total fsync I/Os" : 7277, "total read I/Os" : 1970, "total write I/Os" : 10269 }, "cursor" : { -- 在WiredTiger遊標上返回統計資訊的文件 "cached cursor count" : 43, "cursor bulk loaded cursor insert calls" : 0, "cursor close calls that result in cache" : 69336, "cursor create calls" : 84645, "cursor insert calls" : 5974, "cursor insert key and value bytes" : 2708353, "cursor modify calls" : 0, "cursor modify key and value bytes affected" : 0, "cursor modify value bytes modified" : 0, "cursor next calls" : 86761, "cursor operation restarted" : 0, "cursor prev calls" : 479, "cursor remove calls" : 19, "cursor remove key bytes removed" : 484, "cursor reserve calls" : 0, "cursor reset calls" : 304050, "cursor search calls" : 185985, "cursor search near calls" : 591, "cursor sweep buckets" : 26167, "cursor sweep cursors closed" : 1, "cursor sweep cursors examined" : 533, "cursor sweeps" : 4361, "cursor truncate calls" : 0, "cursor update calls" : 0, "cursor update key and value bytes" : 0, "cursor update value size change" : 0, "cursors reused from cache" : 68813, "open cursor count" : 26 }, "data-handle" : { -- 返回有關資料控制程式碼和掃描的統計資訊的文件。 "connection data handle size" : 432, "connection data handles currently active" : 61, "connection sweep candidate became referenced" : 0, "connection sweep dhandles closed" : 1, "connection sweep dhandles removed from hash list" : 1984, "connection sweep time-of-death sets" : 5948, "connection sweeps" : 3015, "session dhandles swept" : 2, "session sweep attempts" : 572 }, "lock" : { "checkpoint lock acquisitions" : 503, "checkpoint lock application thread wait time (usecs)" : 0, "checkpoint lock internal thread wait time (usecs)" : 0, "dhandle lock application thread time waiting (usecs)" : 0, "dhandle lock internal thread time waiting (usecs)" : 0, "dhandle read lock acquisitions" : 128469, "dhandle write lock acquisitions" : 4030, "durable timestamp queue lock application thread time waiting (usecs)" : 0, "durable timestamp queue lock internal thread time waiting (usecs)" : 0, "durable timestamp queue read lock acquisitions" : 0, "durable timestamp queue write lock acquisitions" : 2822, "metadata lock acquisitions" : 473, "metadata lock application thread wait time (usecs)" : 0, "metadata lock internal thread wait time (usecs)" : 0, "read timestamp queue lock application thread time waiting (usecs)" : 1, "read timestamp queue lock internal thread time waiting (usecs)" : 0, "read timestamp queue read lock acquisitions" : 0, "read timestamp queue write lock acquisitions" : 490, "schema lock acquisitions" : 511, "schema lock application thread wait time (usecs)" : 0, "schema lock internal thread wait time (usecs)" : 0, "table lock application thread time waiting for the table lock (usecs)" : 193, "table lock internal thread time waiting for the table lock (usecs)" : 0, "table read lock acquisitions" : 0, "table write lock acquisitions" : 28145, "txn global lock application thread time waiting (usecs)" : 0, "txn global lock internal thread time waiting (usecs)" : 9, "txn global read lock acquisitions" : 8837, "txn global write lock acquisitions" : 12689 }, "log" : { -- 返回WiredTiger的預寫日誌(即日誌)統計資訊的文件,https://docs.mongodb.com/v4.2/core/journaling/#journaling-wiredtiger "busy returns attempting to switch slots" : 0, "force archive time sleeping (usecs)" : 0, "log bytes of payload data" : 1181490, "log bytes written" : 1635200, "log files manually zero-filled" : 0, "log flush operations" : 63118, "log force write operations" : 96155, "log force write operations skipped" : 92857, "log records compressed" : 513, "log records not compressed" : 2886, "log records too small to compress" : 1446, "log release advances write LSN" : 507, "log scan operations" : 0, "log scan records requiring two reads" : 0, "log server thread advances write LSN" : 3298, "log server thread write LSN walk skipped" : 48737, "log sync operations" : 3806, "log sync time duration (usecs)" : 4251984, "log sync_dir operations" : 1, "log sync_dir time duration (usecs)" : 1423, "log write operations" : 4845, "logging bytes consolidated" : 1634688, "maximum log file size" : 104857600, "number of pre-allocated log files to create" : 2, "pre-allocated log files not ready and missed" : 1, "pre-allocated log files prepared" : 2, "pre-allocated log files used" : 0, "records processed by log scan" : 0, "slot close lost race" : 0, "slot close unbuffered waits" : 0, "slot closures" : 3805, "slot join atomic update races" : 0, "slot join calls atomic updates raced" : 0, "slot join calls did not yield" : 4845, "slot join calls found active slot closed" : 0, "slot join calls slept" : 0, "slot join calls yielded" : 0, "slot join found active slot closed" : 0, "slot joins yield time (usecs)" : 0, "slot transitions unable to find free slot" : 0, "slot unbuffered writes" : 0, "total in-memory size of compressed records" : 2320998, "total log buffer size" : 33554432, "total size of compressed records" : 691677, "written slots coalesced" : 0, "yields waiting for previous log file close" : 0 }, "perf" : { "file system read latency histogram (bucket 1) - 10-49ms" : 0, "file system read latency histogram (bucket 2) - 50-99ms" : 0, "file system read latency histogram (bucket 3) - 100-249ms" : 0, "file system read latency histogram (bucket 4) - 250-499ms" : 0, "file system read latency histogram (bucket 5) - 500-999ms" : 0, "file system read latency histogram (bucket 6) - 1000ms+" : 0, "file system write latency histogram (bucket 1) - 10-49ms" : 0, "file system write latency histogram (bucket 2) - 50-99ms" : 0, "file system write latency histogram (bucket 3) - 100-249ms" : 0, "file system write latency histogram (bucket 4) - 250-499ms" : 0, "file system write latency histogram (bucket 5) - 500-999ms" : 0, "file system write latency histogram (bucket 6) - 1000ms+" : 0, "operation read latency histogram (bucket 1) - 100-249us" : 0, "operation read latency histogram (bucket 2) - 250-499us" : 0, "operation read latency histogram (bucket 3) - 500-999us" : 0, "operation read latency histogram (bucket 4) - 1000-9999us" : 0, "operation read latency histogram (bucket 5) - 10000us+" : 0, "operation write latency histogram (bucket 1) - 100-249us" : 0, "operation write latency histogram (bucket 2) - 250-499us" : 0, "operation write latency histogram (bucket 3) - 500-999us" : 0, "operation write latency histogram (bucket 4) - 1000-9999us" : 0, "operation write latency histogram (bucket 5) - 10000us+" : 0 }, "reconciliation" : { -- 返回和解過程統計資訊的文件 "fast-path pages deleted" : 0, "page reconciliation calls" : 3000, "page reconciliation calls for eviction" : 6, "pages deleted" : 32, "split bytes currently awaiting free" : 0, "split objects currently awaiting free" : 0 }, "session" : { -- 返回會話的開啟遊標計數和開啟會話數的文件。 "open session count" : 21, "session query timestamp calls" : 0, "table alter failed calls" : 0, "table alter successful calls" : 0, "table alter unchanged and skipped" : 0, "table compact failed calls" : 0, "table compact successful calls" : 0, "table create failed calls" : 0, "table create successful calls" : 30, "table drop failed calls" : 0, "table drop successful calls" : 1, "table import failed calls" : 0, "table import successful calls" : 0, "table rebalance failed calls" : 0, "table rebalance successful calls" : 0, "table rename failed calls" : 0, "table rename successful calls" : 0, "table salvage failed calls" : 0, "table salvage successful calls" : 0, "table truncate failed calls" : 0, "table truncate successful calls" : 0, "table verify failed calls" : 0, "table verify successful calls" : 0 }, "thread-state" : { "active filesystem fsync calls" : 0, "active filesystem read calls" : 0, "active filesystem write calls" : 0 }, "thread-yield" : { -- 在頁面獲取過程中返回產量統計資訊的文件 "application thread time evicting (usecs)" : 0, "application thread time waiting for cache (usecs)" : 0, "connection close blocked waiting for transaction state stabilization" : 0, "connection close yielded for lsm manager shutdown" : 0, "data handle lock yielded" : 0, "get reference for page index and slot time sleeping (usecs)" : 0, "log server sync yielded for log write" : 0, "page access yielded due to prepare state change" : 0, "page acquire busy blocked" : 0, "page acquire eviction blocked" : 0, "page acquire locked blocked" : 0, "page acquire read blocked" : 0, "page acquire time sleeping (usecs)" : 0, "page delete rollback time sleeping for state change (usecs)" : 0, "page reconciliation yielded due to child modification" : 0 }, "transaction" : { -- 返回有關事務檢查點和操作的統計資訊的文件 "Number of prepared updates" : 0, "Number of prepared updates added to cache overflow" : 0, "durable timestamp queue entries walked" : 1085, "durable timestamp queue insert to empty" : 1737, "durable timestamp queue inserts to head" : 1085, "durable timestamp queue inserts total" : 2822, "durable timestamp queue length" : 1, "number of named snapshots created" : 0, "number of named snapshots dropped" : 0, "prepared transactions" : 0, "prepared transactions committed" : 0, "prepared transactions currently active" : 0, "prepared transactions rolled back" : 0, "query timestamp calls" : 92170, "read timestamp queue entries walked" : 248, "read timestamp queue insert to empty" : 242, "read timestamp queue inserts to head" : 248, "read timestamp queue inserts total" : 490, "read timestamp queue length" : 1, "rollback to stable calls" : 0, "rollback to stable updates aborted" : 0, "rollback to stable updates removed from cache overflow" : 0, "set timestamp calls" : 5636, "set timestamp durable calls" : 0, "set timestamp durable updates" : 0, "set timestamp oldest calls" : 2818, "set timestamp oldest updates" : 2818, "set timestamp stable calls" : 2818, "set timestamp stable updates" : 2818, "transaction begins" : 87358, "transaction checkpoint currently running" : 0, "transaction checkpoint generation" : 474, "transaction checkpoint max time (msecs)" : 35, "transaction checkpoint min time (msecs)" : 5, "transaction checkpoint most recent time (msecs)" : 12, -- 建立最新檢查點的時間(以毫秒為單位)。在穩定的寫負載下,該值的增加可能表示IO子系統已飽和。 "transaction checkpoint scrub dirty target" : 0, "transaction checkpoint scrub time (msecs)" : 0, "transaction checkpoint total time (msecs)" : 5855, "transaction checkpoints" : 503, "transaction checkpoints skipped because database was clean" : 30, "transaction failures due to cache overflow" : 0, "transaction fsync calls for checkpoint after allocating the transaction ID" : 473, "transaction fsync duration for checkpoint after allocating the transaction ID (usecs)" : 3815, "transaction range of IDs currently pinned" : 0, "transaction range of IDs currently pinned by a checkpoint" : 0, "transaction range of IDs currently pinned by named snapshots" : 0, "transaction range of timestamps currently pinned" : 21474836480, "transaction range of timestamps pinned by a checkpoint" : NumberLong("6860396028344926209"), "transaction range of timestamps pinned by the oldest active read timestamp" : 0, "transaction range of timestamps pinned by the oldest timestamp" : 21474836480, "transaction read timestamp of the oldest active reader" : 0, "transaction sync calls" : 0, "transactions committed" : 3318, "transactions rolled back" : 84391, "update conflicts" : 0 }, "concurrentTransactions" : { -- 返回有關允許WiredTiger儲存引擎進行的併發讀寫事務數的資訊 "write" : { "out" : 0, "available" : 128, "totalTickets" : 128 }, "read" : { "out" : 1, "available" : 127, "totalTickets" : 128 } }, "snapshot-window-settings" : { "cache pressure percentage threshold" : 95, "current cache pressure percentage" : NumberLong(0), "total number of SnapshotTooOld errors" : NumberLong(0), "max target available snapshots window size in seconds" : 5, "target available snapshots window size in seconds" : 5, "current available snapshots window size in seconds" : 5, "latest majority snapshot timestamp available" : "Aug 13 17:20:23:1", "oldest majority snapshot timestamp available" : "Aug 13 17:20:18:1" }, "oplog" : { "visibility timestamp" : Timestamp(1597310423, 1) } }, "mem" : { -- 有關mongod的系統體系結構和當前記憶體使用情況的文件 "bits" : 64, -- DB例項是64位還是32位體系結構編譯的。 "resident" : 89, -- 大致等於資料庫程式當前使用的RAM量(以M為單位)。在正常使用期間,該值趨於增加。在專用資料庫伺服器中,此數字趨向於接近系統記憶體總量。 "virtual" : 1879, -- 顯示mongod程式使用的虛擬記憶體量(以M為單位)。 "supported" : true -- 是否支援擴充套件的記憶體資訊 }, "metrics" : { -- 返回各種統計資訊的文件,這些統計資訊反映了正在執行的mongod例項的當前使用情況和狀態。 "aggStageCounters" : { -- 報告聚合管道階段使用情況的文件。 其中的欄位是聚合管道階段的名稱,報告該階段已執行的次數。 "$_internalInhibitOptimization" : NumberLong(0), "$_internalSplitPipeline" : NumberLong(0), "$addFields" : NumberLong(0), "$bucket" : NumberLong(0), "$bucketAuto" : NumberLong(0), "$changeStream" : NumberLong(0), "$collStats" : NumberLong(0), "$count" : NumberLong(0), "$currentOp" : NumberLong(3), "$facet" : NumberLong(0), "$geoNear" : NumberLong(0), "$graphLookup" : NumberLong(0), "$group" : NumberLong(3), "$indexStats" : NumberLong(0), "$limit" : NumberLong(0), "$listLocalSessions" : NumberLong(0), "$listSessions" : NumberLong(0), "$lookup" : NumberLong(0), "$match" : NumberLong(3), "$merge" : NumberLong(0), "$mergeCursors" : NumberLong(0), "$out" : NumberLong(0), "$planCacheStats" : NumberLong(0), "$project" : NumberLong(0), "$redact" : NumberLong(0), "$replaceRoot" : NumberLong(0), "$replaceWith" : NumberLong(0), "$sample" : NumberLong(0), "$set" : NumberLong(0), "$skip" : NumberLong(0), "$sort" : NumberLong(0), "$sortByCount" : NumberLong(0), "$unset" : NumberLong(0), "$unwind" : NumberLong(0) }, "commands" : { -- 報告命令使用情況的文件。 其中的欄位是資料庫命令的名稱。 對於每個命令,報告執行的總數和失敗的執行次數。 "<UNKNOWN>" : NumberLong(0), "_addShard" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), -- 失敗的次數 "total" : NumberLong(0) -- 執行的次數 }, "_cloneCatalogData" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "_cloneCollectionOptionsFromPrimaryShard" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "_configsvrAddShard" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "_configsvrAddShardToZone" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "_configsvrBalancerStart" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "_configsvrBalancerStatus" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "_configsvrBalancerStop" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "_configsvrClearJumboFlag" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "_configsvrCommitChunkMerge" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "_configsvrCommitChunkMigration" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "_configsvrCommitChunkSplit" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "_configsvrCommitMovePrimary" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "_configsvrCreateCollection" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "_configsvrCreateDatabase" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "_configsvrDropCollection" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "_configsvrDropDatabase" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "_configsvrEnableSharding" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "_configsvrMoveChunk" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "_configsvrMovePrimary" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "_configsvrRemoveShard" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "_configsvrRemoveShardFromZone" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "_configsvrShardCollection" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "_configsvrUpdateZoneKeyRange" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "_flushDatabaseCacheUpdates" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "_flushRoutingTableCacheUpdates" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "_getNextSessionMods" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "_getUserCacheGeneration" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "_isSelf" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(2) }, "_mergeAuthzCollections" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "_migrateClone" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "_movePrimary" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "_recvChunkAbort" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "_recvChunkCommit" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "_recvChunkStart" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "_recvChunkStatus" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "_shardsvrShardCollection" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "_transferMods" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "abortTransaction" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "aggregate" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "appendOplogNote" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "applyOps" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "authenticate" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "availableQueryOptions" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(2) }, "buildInfo" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(45) }, "checkShardingIndex" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "cleanupOrphaned" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "cloneCollection" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "cloneCollectionAsCapped" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "collMod" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "collStats" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "commitTransaction" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "compact" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "connPoolStats" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "connPoolSync" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "connectionStatus" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(3) }, "convertToCapped" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "coordinateCommitTransaction" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "count" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(2) }, "create" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "createIndexes" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(1) }, "createRole" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "createUser" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(1) }, "currentOp" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(3) }, "dataSize" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "dbHash" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "dbStats" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "delete" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(2) }, "distinct" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "driverOIDTest" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "drop" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "dropAllRolesFromDatabase" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "dropAllUsersFromDatabase" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "dropConnections" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "dropDatabase" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "dropIndexes" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "dropRole" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "dropUser" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "endSessions" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(2) }, "explain" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "features" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "filemd5" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "find" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(113) }, "findAndModify" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "flushRouterConfig" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "fsync" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "fsyncUnlock" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "geoSearch" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "getCmdLineOpts" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(7) }, "getDatabaseVersion" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "getDiagnosticData" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "getFreeMonitoringStatus" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(6) }, "getLastError" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "getLog" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(6) }, "getMore" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(8489) }, "getParameter" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "getShardMap" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "getShardVersion" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "getnonce" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "grantPrivilegesToRole" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "grantRolesToRole" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "grantRolesToUser" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "hostInfo" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "insert" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(3) }, "invalidateUserCache" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "isMaster" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(2456) }, "killAllSessions" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "killAllSessionsByPattern" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "killCursors" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "killOp" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "killSessions" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "listCollections" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(21) }, "listCommands" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "listDatabases" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(4) }, "listIndexes" : { "failed" : NumberLong(9), "total" : NumberLong(197) }, "lockInfo" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "logRotate" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "logout" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "mapReduce" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "mapreduce" : { "shardedfinish" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) } }, "mergeChunks" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "moveChunk" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "ping" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "planCacheClear" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "planCacheClearFilters" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "planCacheListFilters" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "planCacheListPlans" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "planCacheListQueryShapes" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "planCacheSetFilter" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "prepareTransaction" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "profile" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "reIndex" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "refreshSessions" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "renameCollection" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "repairCursor" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "repairDatabase" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "replSetAbortPrimaryCatchUp" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "replSetFreeze" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "replSetGetConfig" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(9) }, "replSetGetRBID" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(5) }, "replSetGetStatus" : { "failed" : NumberLong(7), "total" : NumberLong(87) }, "replSetHeartbeat" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(28146) }, "replSetInitiate" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(1) }, "replSetMaintenance" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "replSetReconfig" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "replSetRequestVotes" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "replSetResizeOplog" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "replSetStepDown" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "replSetStepDownWithForce" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "replSetStepUp" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "replSetSyncFrom" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "replSetUpdatePosition" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(15491) }, "resetError" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "revokePrivilegesFromRole" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "revokeRolesFromRole" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "revokeRolesFromUser" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "rolesInfo" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "saslContinue" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(1924) }, "saslStart" : { "failed" : NumberLong(1), "total" : NumberLong(963) }, "serverStatus" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(5) }, "setFeatureCompatibilityVersion" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "setFreeMonitoring" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "setParameter" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "setShardVersion" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "shardConnPoolStats" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "shardingState" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "shutdown" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "splitChunk" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "splitVector" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "startRecordingTraffic" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "startSession" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "stopRecordingTraffic" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "top" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "touch" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "unsetSharding" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "update" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(9) }, "updateRole" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "updateUser" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "usersInfo" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "validate" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "voteCommitIndexBuild" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "waitForFailPoint" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(0) }, "whatsmyuri" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(15) } }, "cursor" : { -- 包含有關遊標狀態和使用的資料的文件 "timedOut" : NumberLong(2), -- 自伺服器程式啟動以來已超時的遊標總數。如果此數字很大或以固定速度增長,則可能表明應用程式錯誤。 "open" : { -- 包含有關開啟的遊標的資料的文件 "noTimeout" : NumberLong(0),-- 選項DBQuery.Option.noTimeout的開啟遊標的數量,以防止一段時間不活動後發生超時。 "pinned" : NumberLong(1), -- “固定”開啟的遊標的數量 "total" : NumberLong(1) -- MongoDB為客戶端維護的遊標數 } }, "document" : { -- 反映文件訪問和修改的總數 "deleted" : NumberLong(1), -- 刪除的文件總數 "inserted" : NumberLong(3), -- 插入的文件總數 "returned" : NumberLong(2840), -- 查詢返回的文件總數 "updated" : NumberLong(3) -- 更新的文件總數 }, "getLastError" : { -- 報告getLastError使用情況的文件 "wtime" : { -- 報告getLastError操作的文件的w引數大於1 "num" : 13, -- 等待副本集的一個或多個成員確認寫操作(即w值大於1)的具有指定寫關注點(即w)的getLastError操作的總數。 "totalMillis" : 204 -- 消耗總時間(以毫秒為單位),該時間以寫關注點(即w)執行等待複製副本的一個或多個成員確認寫操作(即w值大於1)的getLastError操作。 }, "wtimeouts" : NumberLong(0) -- 由於getLastError的wtimeout閾值,導致寫入關注操作超時的次數 }, "operation" : { -- 包含MongoDB使用特殊操作型別處理的計數器。 "scanAndOrder" : NumberLong(1), -- 返回無法使用索引執行排序操作的排序數字的查詢總數 "writeConflicts" : NumberLong(0)-- 遇到寫衝突的查詢總數 }, "query" : { "planCacheTotalSizeEstimateBytes" : NumberLong(0), "updateOneOpStyleBroadcastWithExactIDCount" : NumberLong(0) }, "queryExecutor" : { -- 報告來自查詢執行系統的資料的文件 "scanned" : NumberLong(6), -- 在查詢和查詢計劃評估期間掃描的索引項總數。 該計數器與explain()輸出中的totalKeysExamined相同。 "scannedObjects" : NumberLong(2841) -- 在查詢和查詢計劃評估期間掃描的文件總數。 該計數器與explain()輸出中的totalDocsExamined相同。 }, "record" : { -- 報告磁碟上的記憶體檔案中與記錄分配有關的資料的文件 "moves" : NumberLong(0) }, "repl" : { -- 報告與複製過程相關的指標的文件 "executor" : { "pool" : { "inProgressCount" : 0 }, "queues" : { "networkInProgress" : 0, "sleepers" : 3 }, "unsignaledEvents" : 0, "shuttingDown" : false, "networkInterface" : "DEPRECATED: getDiagnosticString is deprecated in NetworkInterfaceTL" }, "apply" : { -- 報告複製操作日誌中的操作應用程式的文件 "attemptsToBecomeSecondary" : NumberLong(1), "batchSize" : NumberLong(0), -- 應用的oplog操作總數。在批處理邊界處隨批處理中的運算元增加,而不是在每次操作後均增加一 "batches" : { -- 有關副本集的輔助成員的oplog應用程式過程的報告 "num" : 0, -- 所有資料庫應用的批次總數 "totalMillis" : 0 -- 從操作日誌應用操作所花費的總時間(以毫秒為單位) }, "ops" : NumberLong(0) -- 應用的oplog操作總數 }, "buffer" : { -- 在批量應用oplog條目之前,MongoDB會從複製同步源緩衝區中緩衝oplog操作 "count" : NumberLong(0), -- oplog緩衝區中的當前運算元 "maxSizeBytes" : NumberLong(268435456), -- oplog緩衝區的最大大小,不可配置 "sizeBytes" : NumberLong(0) -- oplog緩衝區內容的當前大小 }, "initialSync" : { "completed" : NumberLong(0), "failedAttempts" : NumberLong(0), "failures" : NumberLong(0) }, "network" : { -- 報告複製過程中的網路使用情況 "bytes" : NumberLong(0), -- 報告從複製同步源讀取的資料總量 "getmores" : { -- 報告有關getmore操作的資訊,這些操作是操作日誌複製過程的一部分,要求操作日誌遊標提供其他結果 "num" : 0, -- 報告getmore操作的總數,這些操作是從複製同步源請求其他操作集的操作 "totalMillis" : 0 -- 報告從getmore操作收集資料所需的總時間 }, "notMasterLegacyUnacknowledgedWrites" : NumberLong(0), -- 由於當前mongod不在PRIMARY狀態而失敗的未確認(w:0)舊寫入運算元。 "notMasterUnacknowledgedWrites" : NumberLong(0), -- 由於當前mongod不在PRIMARY狀態而失敗的未確認(w:0)寫運算元。 "ops" : NumberLong(0), -- 從複製源讀取的操作總數 "readersCreated" : NumberLong(0), -- 建立的oplog查詢程式的總數 "replSetUpdatePosition" : { "num" : NumberLong(0) } }, "stateTransition" : { -- 成員狀態轉換的使用者操作資訊 "lastStateTransition" : "stepUp", -- 成員狀態轉換說明。stepUp:主;stepDown:副本;rollback:回滾 "userOperationsKilled" : NumberLong(0), -- 例項狀態更改期間殺死的使用者運算元 "userOperationsRunning" : NumberLong(0) -- 狀態更改期間保持執行的使用者運算元 }, "syncSource" : { "numSelections" : NumberLong(11), "numTimesChoseDifferent" : NumberLong(0), "numTimesChoseSame" : NumberLong(0), "numTimesCouldNotFind" : NumberLong(11) } }, "ttl" : { "deletedDocuments" : NumberLong(3), "passes" : NumberLong(469) } }, "ok" : 1, "$clusterTime" : { "clusterTime" : Timestamp(1597310423, 1), "signature" : { "hash" : BinData(0,"oyQFyHGe1RHLqSQkSNOrDlZ8gyg="), "keyId" : NumberLong("6860275335468941315") } }, "operationTime" : Timestamp(1597310423, 1) }
- 檢視鎖資訊:db.runCommand( { serverStatus: 1 } ).locks
- 檢視全域性鎖:db.runCommand( { serverStatus: 1 } ).globalLock
- 檢視記憶體資訊:db.runCommand( { serverStatus: 1 } ).mem
- 檢視連線資訊:db.runCommand( { serverStatus: 1 } ).connections
- 檢視網路資訊:db.runCommand( { serverStatus: 1, repl: 1, metrics: 1, locks: 1 } ).network
- 檢視操作資訊:db.runCommand( { serverStatus: 1, repl: 1, metrics: 1, locks: 1 } ).opcounters
- 檢視複製資訊:db.runCommand( { serverStatus: 1, repl: 1, metrics: 1, locks: 1 } ).repl
- 檢視複製整合員的操作資訊:db.runCommand( { serverStatus: 1, repl: 1, metrics: 1, locks: 1 } ).opcountersRepl
rs.conf() == db.adminCommand({replSetGetConfig:1}):返回副本集的配置文件。

XYZ:PRIMARY> db.adminCommand({replSetGetConfig:1}) { "config" : { "_id" : "XYZ", -- 副本集名 "version" : 1, -- 遞增的數字,用於區分副本集配置版本 "protocolVersion" : NumberLong(1), -- 副本集協議版本,從4.0開始,MongoDB僅支援protocolVersion:1,並且不再支援protocolVersion:0。 "writeConcernMajorityJournalDefault" : true, -- 如果寫關注未明確指定日記選項j,則確定{w:"majority"}寫關注的行為。true:在大多數有投票權的成員將其寫入磁碟日誌後才確認該寫入操作。false:在大多數投票成員在記憶體中應用了該操作之後才確認該寫操作。 "members" : [ -- 副本整合員 { "_id" : 0, -- 成員標識,範圍是0~255。 "host" : "", -- 成員地址 "arbiterOnly" : false, -- 是否為仲裁節點 "buildIndexes" : true, -- 是否在成員上建立索引,對於接受查詢的例項,不能設定成false。如果設定為false,priority也需要是0,並且不能從該成員上進行復制 "hidden" : false, -- 是否為隱藏節點 "priority" : 1, -- 優先順序,越大優先順序越高,範圍是0~1000 "tags" : { -- 標籤,用來寫關注 }, "slaveDelay" : NumberLong(0), -- 是否為延遲節點 "votes" : 1 -- 是否有投票許可權 }, { "_id" : 1, "host" : "", "arbiterOnly" : false, "buildIndexes" : true, "hidden" : false, "priority" : 1, "tags" : { }, "slaveDelay" : NumberLong(0), "votes" : 1 }, { "_id" : 2, "host" : "", "arbiterOnly" : false, "buildIndexes" : true, "hidden" : false, "priority" : 1, "tags" : { }, "slaveDelay" : NumberLong(0), "votes" : 1 } ], "settings" : { -- 相關設定 "chainingAllowed" : true, --是否支援鏈式複製,true:副本集允許輔助成員從其他輔助成員進行復制;false:輔助伺服器只能從主伺服器複製 "heartbeatIntervalMillis" : 2000, -- 心跳間隔,單位毫秒 "heartbeatTimeoutSecs" : 10, -- 心跳超時時間 "electionTimeoutMillis" : 10000, -- 選舉檢測副本集主資料庫何時不可用的時間限制(以毫秒為單位),單位毫秒。在protocolVersion為1是可用。引數enableElectionHandoff為true,rs.stepDown會立即選舉。不然等10s選舉。 "catchUpTimeoutMillis" : -1, -- 新選擇的主資料庫與其他可能具有更近期寫入操作的副本整合員同步(追趕)的時間限制(以毫秒為單位)-1:無限追趕時間。在protocolVersion為1是可用。版本3.6中啟動的副本集降級為3.4,請將catchUpTimeoutMillis從-1更改為正數,不然導致執行版本3.4的節點既不重新啟動也不加入副本集。 "catchUpTakeoverDelayMillis" : 30000, -- 新選擇的主資料庫追趕的超時時間,單位毫秒。在改時間內未完成追趕則當前主節點之前的節點會發起選舉以成為副本集的新主節點 "getLastErrorModes" : { -- 自定義寫關注點的文件,<number>是指滿足寫關注所需的不同標籤值的數量。定義好的寫關注名字,可以帶入到getLastErrorDefaults引數中的w選項。 <name of write concern> : { <tag1>: <number>, .... }, -- 參考 https://docs.mongodb.com/v4.2/tutorial/configure-replica-set-tag-sets/ ... }, "getLastErrorDefaults" : { -- 寫關注文件,如未設定,則副本集的預設寫關注僅需要主資料庫的確認。可以設定getLastErrorModes定義的。 -- https://docs.mongodb.com/v4.2/reference/write-concern/ "w" : 1, "wtimeout" : 0 }, "replicaSetId" : ObjectId("5f3498078ce4089ec0948365") -- 自動建立的ObjectId } }, "ok" : 1, "$clusterTime" : { "clusterTime" : Timestamp(1597297052, 1), "signature" : { "hash" : BinData(0,"LqYQwo/Nrx+gQrnnzJnYRMf8+78="), "keyId" : NumberLong("6860275335468941315") } }, "operationTime" : Timestamp(1597297052, 1) -- 操作執行時間 }
rs.status() == db.adminCommand({replSetGetStatus:1}):檢視副本集狀態。

XYZ:PRIMARY> db.adminCommand({replSetGetStatus:1}) { "set" : "XYZ", -- 複製集名(replSetName) "date" : ISODate("2020-08-13T02:24:38.530Z"), -- 當前時間 "myState" : 1, -- 0到10之間的整數,表示當前成員的副本狀態:https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/reference/replica-states/ "term" : NumberLong(1), -- 副本整合員的選舉計數 "syncingTo" : "", -- 在MongoDB 4.4中刪除,同syncSourceHost "syncSourceHost" : "", -- 同步的成員的主機名 "syncSourceId" : -1, -- 如果此例項是主例項,則syncSourceHost為空字串,且syncSourceId -1 "heartbeatIntervalMillis" : NumberLong(2000), -- 心跳的頻率(以毫秒為單位) "majorityVoteCount" : 2, -- 選舉中所需的多數票的數字 "writeMajorityCount" : 2, -- 滿足寫關注“多數”需要的投票成員(即非仲裁員)的數量 "optimes" : { "lastCommittedOpTime" : { -- 寫入大多數副本整合員的最新操作的資訊 "ts" : Timestamp(1597285472, 1), -- 時間戳 "t" : NumberLong(1) -- 一個term裡主上生成操作的次數 }, "lastCommittedWallTime" : ISODate("2020-08-13T02:24:32.634Z"), --和lastCommittedOpTime關聯 "readConcernMajorityOpTime" : { -- 完成讀取操作的最新操作的資訊涉及“多數”查詢 "ts" : Timestamp(1597285472, 1), "t" : NumberLong(1) }, "readConcernMajorityWallTime" : ISODate("2020-08-13T02:24:32.634Z"), --和readConcernMajorityOpTime關聯 "appliedOpTime" : { -- 應用於副本集此成員的最新操作的資訊 "ts" : Timestamp(1597285472, 1), "t" : NumberLong(1) }, "durableOpTime" : { -- 寫入副本集此成員的日記中的最新操作的資訊 "ts" : Timestamp(1597285472, 1), "t" : NumberLong(1) }, "lastAppliedWallTime" : ISODate("2020-08-13T02:24:32.634Z"), --和appliedOpTime關聯 "lastDurableWallTime" : ISODate("2020-08-13T02:24:32.634Z") --和durableOpTime關聯 }, "lastStableRecoveryTimestamp" : Timestamp(1597285442, 1), "lastStableCheckpointTimestamp" : Timestamp(1597285442, 1), -- 4.2版起棄用,適用於WiredTiger儲存引擎,當前或上一個持久檢查點所在的時間戳 "electionCandidateMetrics" : { -- 與選舉相關的指標。 只有在主要候選人或候選人身上,才可以使用競選候選人資格指標。 對於候選人,一旦候選人失去選舉,該指標將不可用。 "lastElectionReason" : "electionTimeout", -- 該成員召集了選舉 "lastElectionDate" : ISODate("2020-08-13T01:32:02.522Z"), -- 選舉的日期和時間 "electionTerm" : NumberLong(1), -- 該成員要求進行新選舉時的選舉計數(即任期) "lastCommittedOpTimeAtElection" : { -- 最近一次多數派承諾的optime要求進行新的選舉 "ts" : Timestamp(0, 0), "t" : NumberLong(-1) }, "lastSeenOpTimeAtElection" : { -- 該成員在要求進行新選舉時最近一次使用optime "ts" : Timestamp(1597282312, 1), "t" : NumberLong(-1) }, "numVotesNeeded" : 2, -- 贏得選舉所需的票數 "priorityAtElection" : 1, -- 成員在進行選舉時的優先順序 "electionTimeoutMillis" : NumberLong(10000), --成員選舉的超時時間,單位毫秒,預設10s。 "numCatchUpOps" : NumberLong(0), -- 新當選的主其追趕過程時所應用的運算元 "newTermStartDate" : ISODate("2020-08-13T01:32:02.560Z"), -- 新任期條目寫入操作日誌的日期和時間 "wMajorityWriteAvailabilityDate" : ISODate("2020-08-13T01:32:02.703Z") --選擇副本集後,可以使用寫關注點“多數”的日期和時間(即,新任期oplog條目被提交了多數的日期和時間)。 }, "members" : [ -- 副本集中每個成員的文件 { "_id" : 0, -- 成員的識別符號 "name" : "", --成員的名稱 "health" : 1, -- 成員是否存活 "state" : 1, -- 0到10之間的整數,表示成員的副本狀態,https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/reference/replica-states/ "stateStr" : "PRIMARY", -- 描述狀態的字串 "uptime" : 5203, -- 執行時間 "optime" : { -- 應用的操作日誌中有關最後操作的資訊 "ts" : Timestamp(1597285472, 1), -- 操作日誌中應用於副本集的此成員的最後一個操作的時間戳。 "t" : NumberLong(1) -- 最後一次應用的操作次數 }, "optimeDate" : ISODate("2020-08-13T02:24:32Z"), -- 操作日誌中的最後一個記錄。 如果與lastHeartbeat明顯不同,則該成員正在經歷“複製滯後”,或者自上次更新以來沒有任何新操作。 "syncingTo" : "", -- 同步的成員的ip "syncSourceHost" : "", -- 同步的成員的主機名,如果成員是Primary,則顯示空格 "syncSourceId" : -1, -- 如果成員是Primary,則顯示-1,否則顯示對應的member._id "infoMessage" : "", -- 複製集資訊 "electionTime" : Timestamp(1597282322, 1), -- 對於當前主資料庫,有關操作日誌中選舉時間戳 "electionDate" : ISODate("2020-08-13T01:32:02Z"), -- 對於當前主資料庫,有關操作日誌中選舉時間 "configVersion" : 1, -- 副本集配置版本 "self" : true, -- 是否為當前mongod例項 "lastHeartbeatMessage" : "" -- 當最後一個心跳包括額外的訊息時,lastHeartbeatMessage將包含該訊息的字串表示形式。 }, { "_id" : 1, "name" : "", "health" : 1, "state" : 2, "stateStr" : "SECONDARY", "uptime" : 3166, "optime" : { "ts" : Timestamp(1597285472, 1), "t" : NumberLong(1) }, "optimeDurable" : { -- 對其日記(journal)應用的操作日誌中有關最後操作的資訊 "ts" : Timestamp(1597285472, 1), -- 操作的時間戳 "t" : NumberLong(1) -- 生產的操作次數 }, "optimeDate" : ISODate("2020-08-13T02:24:32Z"), "optimeDurableDate" : ISODate("2020-08-13T02:24:32Z"), "lastHeartbeat" : ISODate("2020-08-13T02:24:36.549Z"), -- 最後一次收到心跳的響應併傳送給成員。將此值與date和lastHeartBeatRecv欄位的值進行比較,以跟蹤這些副本整合員之間的延遲。 "lastHeartbeatRecv" : ISODate("2020-08-13T02:24:38.071Z"), -- 同上 "pingMs" : NumberLong(0), -- 表示往返資料包在遠端成員和本地例項之間傳播所需的毫秒數。 "lastHeartbeatMessage" : "", "syncingTo" : "", "syncSourceHost" : "", "syncSourceId" : 2, "infoMessage" : "", "configVersion" : 1 }, { "_id" : 2, "name" : "", "health" : 1, "state" : 2, "stateStr" : "SECONDARY", "uptime" : 3166, "optime" : { "ts" : Timestamp(1597285472, 1), "t" : NumberLong(1) }, "optimeDurable" : { "ts" : Timestamp(1597285472, 1), "t" : NumberLong(1) }, "optimeDate" : ISODate("2020-08-13T02:24:32Z"), "optimeDurableDate" : ISODate("2020-08-13T02:24:32Z"), "lastHeartbeat" : ISODate("2020-08-13T02:24:36.591Z"), "lastHeartbeatRecv" : ISODate("2020-08-13T02:24:37.162Z"), "pingMs" : NumberLong(0), "lastHeartbeatMessage" : "", "syncingTo" : "", "syncSourceHost" : "", "syncSourceId" : 0, "infoMessage" : "", "configVersion" : 1 } ], "ok" : 1, -- 是否執行成 "$clusterTime" : { "clusterTime" : Timestamp(1597285472, 1), "signature" : { "hash" : BinData(0,"lbLV7xyYk7NJHtg6EFD/E7Jy+dE="), "keyId" : NumberLong("6860275335468941315") } }, "operationTime" : Timestamp(1597285472, 1) -- 命令執行時間 }
() :允許對從節點執行讀取操作。
8. 維護模式,啟用或禁用副本集從節點的維護模式,之後會進入RECOVERING狀態:replSetMaintenance。必須在從節點上的admin資料庫下執行。
shard1:SECONDARY> db.adminCommand({"replSetMaintenance":true}) { "ok" : 1 } shard1:RECOVERING>
shard1:RECOVERING> db.adminCommand({"replSetMaintenance":false}) { "ok" : 1 } shard1:SECONDARY>
9. OpLog大小設定:replSetResizeOplog:動態調整,size引數以M為單位,而OpLog的大小以位元組為單位。只能在與Wired Tiger儲存引擎一起執行,減小操作日誌的大小不會自動回收該磁碟空間。
db.adminCommand({replSetResizeOplog:1, size: 16384})
MongoDB 3.4和更早版本中,通過刪除並重新建立local.oplog.rs集合來調整操作日誌的大小,具體的操作可以看 MongoDB的oplogSize修改。
MongoDB 3.6及更高版本中,請使用replSetResizeOplog命令來調整操作日誌的大小。從MongoDB 4.0開始,MongoDB禁止drop local.oplog.rs集合。從Secondary成員開始,然後再進行Primary操作。
① 檢視當前OpLog大小:
shard1:SECONDARY> use local switched to db local shard1:SECONDARY> db.oplog.rs.stats().maxSize 104857600 -- 100M
shard1:SECONDARY> db.adminCommand({replSetResizeOplog: 1, size: 1000}) { "ok" : 1 } shard1:SECONDARY> db.oplog.rs.stats().maxSize 1048576000 -- 1000M
注意:對於MongoDB 4.2.2和更高版本,replSetResizeOplog在操作日誌上獲得排他(W)鎖,並阻止對集合的其他操作,直到完成。對於MongoDB 4.2.1和更早版本,replSetResizeOplog採用全域性排他(W)鎖定並阻止所有其他操作,直到完成。
10. 回收磁碟空間,壓縮oplog.rs以回收磁碟空間,減小oplog的大小不會回收已經分配的磁碟空間,必須壓縮oplog.rs來回收磁碟空間:
use local db.runCommand({"compact" : "oplog.rs"})
11. settings的設定:settings
- chainingAllowed:預設ture。只有true才能使用引數
當settings.chainingAllowed為true時,副本集允許輔助成員從其他輔助成員進行復制(鏈式複製)。 當settings.chainingAllowed為false時,輔助節點只能從主節點複製。
- heartbeatIntervalMillis:預設2000
- heartbeatTimeoutSecs:預設10秒
副本整合員等待彼此成功發出心跳的秒數。 如果某個成員未及時響應,則其他成員會將該成員標記為不可訪問。
- electionTimeoutMillis:預設1000毫秒,即10秒
檢測副本集主庫不可用的時間限制(以毫秒為單位),較高的值會導致較慢的故障轉移,會降低對主節點或網路的速度的敏感度。 較低的值將導致更快的故障轉移,會增加對主節點或網路的速度的敏感性。 在版本4.0.2中:如果引數enableElectionHandoff為true(預設值),則當主節點從rs.stepDown降級時,已降級的主節點將指定合格的輔助節點立即選舉。否則,輔助節點在呼叫選舉之前先等待settings.electionTimeoutMillis。
- catchUpTimeoutMillis:單位毫秒,預設-1,不限制追趕時間。
新選擇的主資料庫與其他可能具有更近期寫入操作的副本整合員同步(追趕)的時間限制(以毫秒為單位)。無限或高時間限制可能會減少選舉後其他成員需要回滾的資料量,但可能會增加故障轉移時間。 一旦新當選的主要成員完全趕上集合中的其他成員,他們就會提前結束趕超階段。在追趕期間,新選擇的主伺服器不可用於來自客戶端的寫入。使用replSetAbortPrimaryCatchUp中止追趕,然後完成向主要角色的過渡。
- catchUpTakeoverDelayMillis:預設30000毫秒,即30秒
接管的節點確定它在當前主節點之前,然後等待指定的毫秒數,發起選舉。選舉驗證以下內容: 它仍然領先於當前的主要資料庫, 它是所有可用節點中最新的節點, 當前的主資料庫正在趕上它。 一旦確定滿足所有這些條件,發起接管的節點將立即執行以進行選舉。
- getLastErrorModes:通過使用member[n].tags自定義寫關注點的文件,定製寫關注點可以提供資料中心的概念。
{ getLastErrorModes: { <name of write concern> : { <tag1>: <number>, .... }, ... } }
<number>是指滿足寫關注所需的不同標籤值的數量。 例如,以下settings.getLastErrorModes定義了一個名為datacenter的寫關注點,該寫關注點要求該寫傳播到dc tag不同的兩個成員:
{ getLastErrorModes: { datacenter: { "dc": 2 } } }
{ w: "datacenter" }
db.collection.insert( { id: "xyz", status: "A" }, { writeConcern: { w: "datacenter" } } )
- getLastErrorDefaults
指定副本集寫關注點的文件。 僅當寫入操作或getLastError沒有指定其他寫入時,副本集才會使用此寫關注。 如果未設定settings.getLastErrorDefaults,則副本集的預設寫關注點僅需要主資料庫的確認。{"w" : 1},如: db..insert( { item: "envelopes", qty : 100, type: "Clasp" }, { writeConcern: { w: 4 , wtimeout: 5000 } } ) 如果數量不足4個,則會報錯:Not enough data-bearing nodes
- replicaSetId
① local.

> db.startup_log.find().pretty() { "_id" : "test4-1614219412340", "hostname" : "test4", "startTime" : ISODate("2021-02-25T02:16:52Z"), "startTimeLocal" : "Thu Feb 25 02:16:52.340", "cmdLine" : { "config" : "/usr/local/mongodb_2/mongo.conf", "net" : { "bindIp" : "", "maxIncomingConnections" : 65536, "port" : 27018, "unixDomainSocket" : { "enabled" : true, "filePermissions" : 448, "pathPrefix" : "/tmp" }, "wireObjectCheck" : true }, "operationProfiling" : { "mode" : "slowOp", "slowOpSampleRate" : 1, "slowOpThresholdMs" : 100 }, "processManagement" : { "fork" : true, "pidFilePath" : "/usr/local/mongodb_2/mongodb.pid" }, "replication" : { "enableMajorityReadConcern" : false, "oplogSizeMB" : 100, "replSetName" : "shard1" }, "security" : { "authorization" : "enabled", "keyFile" : "/usr/local/mongodb_2/xx_keyfile" }, "sharding" : { "archiveMovedChunks" : false, "clusterRole" : "shardsvr" }, "storage" : { "dbPath" : "/usr/local/mongodb_2/data", "directoryPerDB" : true, "engine" : "wiredTiger", "journal" : { "commitIntervalMs" : 500, "enabled" : true }, "syncPeriodSecs" : 60, "wiredTiger" : { "collectionConfig" : { "blockCompressor" : "snappy" }, "engineConfig" : { "cacheSizeGB" : 1, "directoryForIndexes" : false, "journalCompressor" : "snappy", "maxCacheOverflowFileSizeGB" : 0 }, "indexConfig" : { "prefixCompression" : true } } }, "systemLog" : { "destination" : "file", "logAppend" : true, "logRotate" : "rename", "path" : "/usr/local/mongodb_2/logs/mongodb.log", "quiet" : false, "timeStampFormat" : "iso8601-local", "traceAllExceptions" : false, "verbosity" : 0 } }, "pid" : NumberLong(70856), "buildinfo" : { "version" : "4.2.8", "gitVersion" : "43d25964249164d76d5e04dd6cf38f6111e21f5f", "modules" : [ ], "allocator" : "tcmalloc", "javascriptEngine" : "mozjs", "sysInfo" : "deprecated", "versionArray" : [ 4, 2, 8, 0 ], "openssl" : { "running" : "OpenSSL 1.1.1 11 Sep 2018", "compiled" : "OpenSSL 1.1.1 11 Sep 2018" }, "buildEnvironment" : { "distmod" : "ubuntu1804", "distarch" : "x86_64", "cc" : "/opt/mongodbtoolchain/v3/bin/gcc: gcc (GCC) 8.2.0", "ccflags" : "-fno-omit-frame-pointer -fno-strict-aliasing -ggdb -pthread -Wall -Wsign-compare -Wno-unknown-pragmas -Winvalid-pch -Werror -O2 -Wno-unused-local-typedefs -Wno-unused-function -Wno-deprecated-declarations -Wno-unused-const-variable -Wno-unused-but-set-variable -Wno-missing-braces -fstack-protector-strong -fno-builtin-memcmp", "cxx" : "/opt/mongodbtoolchain/v3/bin/g++: g++ (GCC) 8.2.0", "cxxflags" : "-Woverloaded-virtual -Wno-maybe-uninitialized -fsized-deallocation -std=c++17", "linkflags" : "-pthread -Wl,-z,now -rdynamic -Wl,--fatal-warnings -fstack-protector-strong -fuse-ld=gold -Wl,--build-id -Wl,--hash-style=gnu -Wl,-z,noexecstack -Wl,--warn-execstack -Wl,-z,relro", "target_arch" : "x86_64", "target_os" : "linux" }, "bits" : 64, "debug" : false, "maxBsonObjectSize" : 16777216, "storageEngines" : [ "biggie", "devnull", "ephemeralForTest", "wiredTiger" ] } }
② local.system.
③ local.oplog.
④ local.replset.
關於標籤集(tags set)的讀寫方式可以看官網例子
1. 讀
① 讀首選項:Read Preference :控制客戶端 Driver API 從複製集的哪個節點讀取資料,方便的實現讀寫分離、就近讀取等策略。預設讀主節點。策略有:
只從 primary 節點讀資料(預設設定),和使用tag或maxStalenessSeconds的模式不相容。primaryPreferred:
優先從 primary 讀取,primary 不可服務,從 secondary 讀:secondary:
只從 scondary 節點讀資料。secondaryPreferred:
優先從 secondary 讀取,沒有 secondary 成員時,從 primary 讀取。nearest:
注意:讀取操作多文件事務必須使用primary模式,給定事務中的所有操作都必須路由到同一成員。除primary外,其他模式可以包含 maxStalenessSeconds 和 tag sets :
- 當包含maxStalenessSeconds值時,會對比主和從的延遲是否大於該值,小於則直接從節點讀取,該值需要大於90秒。
- 當包含 tag sets 時,會在匹配標籤的從上進行讀取。可以在副本整合員的屬性中修改tag。具體的使用可以看文件說明。
- 當包含maxStalenessSeconds和 tag set 時,先根據資料的延遲maxStalenessSeconds過濾,再根據tag set讀取。
如果副本集的成員在地理位置上分散,則可以基於副本集標記來反映例項的位置,然後將應用程式配置為查詢附近的成員。如,如果“東部”和“西部”資料中心中的成員被標記為{'dc':'east'}和{'dc':'west'},則東部資料中心中的應用程式伺服器可以從附近的成員中讀取 具有以下讀取首選項: > db.collection.find().readPref('nearest', [ { 'dc': 'east' } ])
除primary模式外,其他模式都可能返回陳舊資料,因為輔助資料庫在非同步過程中從主資料庫複製操作。雖然可以通過maxStalenessSeconds來控制延遲。但可以配合 read concern 使用來解決延遲導的問題。
② 讀關注:Read Concern:通過寫入關注點和讀取關注點,控制從副本集和副本集分片讀取的資料的一致性和隔離性。決定到某個讀取資料時,能讀到什麼樣的資料。
"majority":該查詢返回大多數副本整合員已確認的資料。即使發生故障也很不影響。副本集必須使用WiredTiger儲存引擎。對於具有三名成員的主從仲裁器(PSA)架構的部署,可以禁用“讀取關注”的“多數”功能。對於多文件事務中的操作,僅當事務以write Concern “多數”提交時,Read Concern “多數”才提供其保證。否則,“多數”讀取問題不能保證事務中讀取的資料。
和 readConcern
readConcern 解決什麼問題
的初衷在於解決『髒讀』的問題,比如使用者從 MongoDB 的 primary 上讀取了某一條資料,但這條資料並沒有同步到大多數節點,然後 primary 就故障了,重新恢復後 這個primary 節點會將未同步到大多數節點的資料回滾掉,導致使用者讀到了『髒資料』。
當指定 readConcern 級別為 majority 時,能保證使用者讀到的資料『已經寫入到大多數節點』,而這樣的資料肯定不會發生回滾,避免了髒讀的問題。
指定為 majority 時,客戶端會從大多數的節點讀取資料,然後返回最新的資料。
實際上並不是這樣,無論何種級別的 readConcern
,客戶端都只會從『某一個確定的節點』(具體是哪個節點由 readPreference 決定)讀取資料,該節點根據自己看到的同步狀態檢視,只會返回已經同步到大多數節點的資料。
readConcern 實現原理:
MongoDB 要支援 majority 的 readConcern 級別,必須設定replication.enableMajorityReadConcern
引數,加上這個引數後,MongoDB 會起一個單獨的snapshot 執行緒,會週期性的對當前的資料集進行 snapshot,並記錄 snapshot 時最新 oplog的時間戳,得到一個對映表。
最新 oplog 時間戳 | snapshot | 狀態 |
t0 | snapshot0 | committed |
t1 | snapshot1 | uncommitted |
t2 | snapshot2 | uncommitted |
t3 | snapshot3 | uncommitted |
只有確保 oplog 已經同步到大多數節點時,對應的 snapshot 才會標記為 commmited,使用者讀取時,從最新的 commited 狀態的 snapshot 讀取資料,就能保證讀到的資料一定已經同步到的大多數節點。
關鍵的問題就是如何確定『oplog 已經同步到大多數節點』?
primary 節點
secondary 節點在自身oplog發生變化時,會通過 replSetUpdatePosition 命令來將 oplog 進度立即通知給 primary,另外心跳的訊息裡也會包含最新 oplog 的資訊;通過上述方式,primary 節點能很快知道 oplog 同步情況,知道『最新一條已經同步到大多數節點的 oplog』,並更新 snapshot 的狀態。比如當t2已經寫入到大多資料節點時,snapshot1、snapshot2都可以更新為 commited 狀態。(不必要的 snapshot也會定期被清理掉)
secondary 節點
secondary 節點拉取 oplog 時,primary 節點會將『最新一條已經同步到大多數節點的 oplog』的資訊返回給 secondary 節點,secondary 節點通過這個oplog時間戳來更新自身的 snapshot 狀態。
- 目前
主要用於 mongos 與 config server 的互動上 - 使用
選項 - 只有支援 readCommited 隔離級別的儲存引擎才能支援
,比如 wiredtiger 引擎。
2. 寫
寫關注:Write Concern :MongoDB請求對獨立mongod或副本集或分片叢集的寫操作的確認級別。 在分片叢集中,mongos例項會將寫關注事項傳遞給分片。
{ w: <value>, j: <boolean>, wtimeout: <number> }
- w:請求確認寫入操作已傳播到指定數量的mongod例項或具有指定標籤的mongod例項,如果例項不足,則寫入報錯。
- j:請求確認已將寫操作寫入磁碟日誌中。
- wtimeout:指定一個時間限制,以防止無限期地阻止寫操作。
value | 含義 |
num |
1:是MongoDB的預設寫關注點,寫自身Primary節點。可回滾; 0:不要求確認寫入操作。但可能會將有關套接字異常和網路錯誤的資訊返回給應用程式。可回滾。 >1:需要>1個節點確認,比如3,則需要1Primary和2Secondary確認。 注意:Hidden, delayed, and priority 0的節點可以確認 副本集的任何帶有資料的投票成員都可以對“多數”寫操作進行寫確認。 |
majority |
請求確認寫入操作已傳播到所計算的大多數帶有資料的投票成員(具有投票屬性)。 比如P-S-S架構,需要寫入P和一個S |
自定義寫關注名 | 請求確認寫操作已傳播到滿足settings.getLastErrorModes中定義的自定義寫關注點的標記成員。 |
value | 含義 |
true | true: 請求確認已將w:<value>中指定的mongod例項寫入磁碟日誌中。僅在請求數量的成員(包括主要成員)寫入日誌後才返回,副本集中表現為需要將操作寫入磁碟日誌 |
false | false:不需要確認寫入。副本集中表現為需要將操作寫入記憶體 |
指定寫關注的時間限制(以毫秒為單位)。 wtimeout僅適用於大於1的w值。如果寫操作超過指定時間之後則返回錯誤,即使最終成功完成了必需的寫操作。 當這些寫操作返回時,MongoDB不會撤消在寫關注超出wtimeout時間限制之前執行的成功資料修改。如果未指定wtimeout選項(0),並且無法達到寫關注級別,則寫操作將無限期阻塞。 例:

-- 在P-S-S架構中,摸一個S當機,需要寫入3個節點 XYZ:PRIMARY> db.xx.insert({"aaa":3},{writeConcern:{w:3 ,j:true , wtimeout:5000 }}) WriteResult({ "nInserted" : 1, "writeConcernError" : { "code" : 64, "codeName" : "WriteConcernFailed", "errmsg" : "waiting for replication timed out", "errInfo" : { "wtimeout" : true } } }) -- 需要寫入2個節點 XYZ:PRIMARY> db.xx.insert({"aaa":3},{writeConcern:{w:2 ,j:true , wtimeout:5000 }}) WriteResult({ "nInserted" : 1 })
-- 副本集包含3個有投票權的成員(P-S-S): 所有投票成員中大多數為2。 所有有資料投票的成員人數為3。 多數為2,最小值為2和3。寫入必須傳播到主和一個從,以向客戶端確認寫入關注“多數”。 -- 副本集包含3個投票成員,主要-次要仲裁員(P-S-A) 所有投票成員中大多數為2。 所有有資料投票的成員人數為2。 計算得出的多數為2,最小值為2和2。由於該寫操作只能應用於資料承載成員,因此該寫操作必須傳播到主和從,以向客戶端確認寫關注點“多數”。
避免對(P-S-A)或其他拓撲使用 majority write concern 問題,以為一個從節點失效之後,寫入就失敗了。使用 majority write concern方式來保證永續性的應改用不要求所有具有資料投票權的成員都可用的拓撲(例如P-S-S)。
① 檢視引數:getParameter
db.adminCommand( { getParameter : 1, <parameter> : <value> } )
> db.adminCommand( { getParameter : 1, "saslHostName" : 1 } ) { "saslHostName" : "test4", "ok" : 1 }
db.adminCommand( { getParameter : '*' } )
② 修改引數:setParameter
db.adminCommand( { setParameter: 1, <parameter> : <value> } )
setParameter: <parameter1>: <value1>
mongod --setParameter <parameter>=<value> mongos --setParameter <parameter>=<value>
> db.adminCommand( { setParameter: 1, logLevel: 2 } )