《原神》是米哈遊在2020年推出的一款開放世界RPG遊戲,登陸手機、PC、索尼PS平臺,未來還將登陸任天堂Switch平臺,遊戲上線僅一週,全球流水達6000萬美元,10月在海外App Store和Google Play獲得近1400萬次下載,位居榜單第一名。
Genshin Impact is an open-world RPG launched by Mihoyo in 2020, landing on cell phone, PC, Sony PS platform, and the future will also land on Nintendo Switch platform. The game has been online for only one week, with a global flow of $60 million, and received nearly 14 million downloads in October in overseas App Store and Google Play, ranking first on the list.
這款遊戲以出色的美術和音樂表現、精緻的人物建模和豐富的劇情讓國內玩家為之驚歎,榮獲Google Play年度最佳遊戲,並被提名為TGA年度手遊。
The game wowed domestic players with its outstanding art and music performance, exquisite character modeling and rich plot, winning the Google Play Game of the Year and being nominated for TGA Mobile Game of the Year.
Genshin Impact has more than 20 game characters for players to experience, different characters have different charm, the following to see how players for each female character preference. The questionnaire comes from the NGA forum, Genshin Impact section, a total of 2991 samples, male samples 2299, female samples 692.
As you can see, Keqing is the most popular role in the hearts of male players, ahead of the second place in the ranking of the most favorite role, the game accounts with this initial character were even sold to thousands of dollars. The role of the proportion of the second place ahead of only 12 percentage points, it can be seen that the degree of popularity of the carved clear. Jean, Mona, Ganyu and condensed light and other roles are also more popular roles for male players.
Female players’ preferences are more spread out compared to male players, with Klee being the most popular character (about 18%), followed by Ningguang (about 15%), and Keqing at only 7%. It is worth noting that players around the world have a high preference for the character Klee, and the game’s revenue skyrocketed during the time the character entered the Genshin Impact’s card pool.
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