vue pdf下載
<el-table-column label="保單號" show-overflow-tooltip min-width="220">
<template slot-scope="scope">
<span>{{ scope.row.policyNoCI }}</span>
<span v-if="scope.row.policyNoCI" :key="scope.row.policyNoCI" class="link-type" @click="download(scope.row.policyNoCI)">下載</span>
import { ePolicyFileDownloadMixin } from '@/views/tool/policy-download/mixin/e-policy-file-download-mixin'
export default {
name: 'HistoryProposal',
mixins: [ ePolicyFileDownloadMixin],
methods: {
download(VISACODE) {
const params = {
KEY: 'getEpolicyFile',
CALL_SYSTEM: 'xsqt',
TYPE: 'E',
this.getEPolicyFile(params, `${params.VISACODE}.pdf`, 'application/pdf')
import { base64String2FileAndSave } from '@/utils'
// 電子保單下載
getEPolicyFile(params, fileName, fileType) {
this.downloading = true
const _params = { data: { root: { EDI: { ...params } } } }
.then(data => {
const base64String = data['return.pdf']
try {
const content = window.atob(base64String)
} catch (e) {
base64String2FileAndSave(base64String, fileName, fileType)
this.downloading = false
.catch(e => {
this.downloading = false
import { saveAs } from 'file-saver'//外掛
* base64轉檔案並儲存
* @param str
* @param fileName
* @param fileType
export function base64String2FileAndSave(str, fileName, fileType) {
const s = window.atob(str)
const buf = new ArrayBuffer(s.length)
const view = new Uint8Array(buf)
for (let i = 0; i !== s.length; ++i) {
view[i] = s.charCodeAt(i) & 0xFF
saveAs(new Blob([buf], { type: fileType }), fileName)
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