SAP C4C工作流(Workflow)接收方自動決定的一個例子


When you create workflow rules for Account BO with Email as Rule type,

SAP C4C工作流(Workflow)接收方自動決定的一個例子

you can choose a set of standard determination logic from this drop down list.

SAP C4C工作流(Workflow)接收方自動決定的一個例子

In case this standard list does not fulfill your requirement, you can create your own entries. Here below are steps in detail:

(1) In Work center Business Configuration, open Activity List:

SAP C4C工作流(Workflow)接收方自動決定的一個例子

Open Party Role Definition:

SAP C4C工作流(Workflow)接收方自動決定的一個例子

Add a new entry here:

SAP C4C工作流(Workflow)接收方自動決定的一個例子

(2) Now this entry could be selected as recipient determination in Rule edit UI:

SAP C4C工作流(Workflow)接收方自動決定的一個例子

Define a place holder bound to Account BO field “Name” and use it in email title and body:

SAP C4C工作流(Workflow)接收方自動決定的一個例子

Email template with following source code is uploaded:

SAP C4C工作流(Workflow)接收方自動決定的一個例子

(3) Specify Jerry Wang as one member of Account Team with Party role code created in step 1:

SAP C4C工作流(Workflow)接收方自動決定的一個例子

Once account is saved, Jerry received one mail with actual account named merged into mail template:

SAP C4C工作流(Workflow)接收方自動決定的一個例子


SAP C4C工作流(Workflow)接收方自動決定的一個例子

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