將SAP UI5應用部署在Heroku雲平臺裡


If you already have a running UI5 application and uploaded it to your Github repository, it will be very easy to host that application in Heroku with only a few steps. First you should have registered an account in  Heroku.com ( a free user can create at maximum 5 application ). After registration, create a new application:

將SAP UI5應用部署在Heroku雲平臺裡

And click button “Connect to Github”,

將SAP UI5應用部署在Heroku雲平臺裡

Click button “Authorize Heroku”:

將SAP UI5應用部署在Heroku雲平臺裡

Then specify the very Github repository belonging to your github account – this repository will be bound to your Heroku application:

將SAP UI5應用部署在Heroku雲平臺裡

Enable Automatic Deploys so that every time you push your local commit to Github, the change will also be deployed to Heroku automatically.

將SAP UI5應用部署在Heroku雲平臺裡

Click button “Deploy Branch” to deploy the master branch to the Heroku application:

將SAP UI5應用部署在Heroku雲平臺裡

You can view your application log from this menu:

將SAP UI5應用部署在Heroku雲平臺裡

You can access my sample UI5 application hosted in Heroku via url: jerrylist.herokuapp.com

將SAP UI5應用部署在Heroku雲平臺裡


將SAP UI5應用部署在Heroku雲平臺裡

來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/24475491/viewspace-2724663/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
