SAP雲平臺部署應用時遇到的502 Updating service failed - Bad Gateway
我在SAP雲平臺的WebIDE裡建立了一個新的UI5應用,新增了一個HTML5 module:
> Service operation failed: Controller operation failed: 502 Updating service "dest_tutorial" failed: Bad Gateway:
> Error creating service "dest_tutorial" from offering "destination" and plan "lite": Service broker error: Service broker destination-service-broker failed with: Quota limit exceeded. Instance creation not allowed. To download logs of the process, use the multi-target application plug-in for the Cloud Foundry CLI command "cf dmol -i 4dd8405e-4e41-11ea-a7fb-eeee0a981a17" directly in your Cloud Foundry space.For more information see SAP Help Portal failed.
ID: tutorial
_schema-version: '2.1'
version: 0.0.1
- name: ui
type: html5
path: ui
disk-quota: 256M
memory: 256M
builder: grunt
- name: uaa_tutorial
- name: dest_tutorial
- name: uaa_tutorial
path: ./xs-security.json
service-plan: application
service: xsuaa
type: org.cloudfoundry.managed-service
- name: dest_tutorial
service-plan: lite
service: destination
type: org.cloudfoundry.managed-service
> Service broker destination-service-broker failed with: Quota limit exceeded.
在quota分配裡,增加Destination service的quota即可:
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