Eclipse裡如果看不到Attach Source按鈕應該怎麼辦
When I am creating unit test for one of my Java project A, I try to have a look at the source code of this annotation:
Once I press Ctrl and click, I see this message below. The “Attach Source” button is not there.
However I tried another project B in my laptop, it works:
This is strange. Then I compare the build path of two projects and find the reason. For project A, it uses Eclipse embedded JUnit:
While for project B, the JUnit managed by Maven is used.
So the easiest approach for project A is to also switch to the external JUnit instead of Eclipse embedded one, so that developers have full control on both binary code and source code.
In Eclipse installation folder there is a folder plugin, within it there is an about.html,
the binary file and source code could be downloaded from url mentioned.
After that, go to project A,
replace with:
Now the source code for JUnit is also available for project A:
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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