使用ABAP程式碼生成二維碼(QR Code)
Previously we have discussed how to generate QRcode with SAP standard functionality:
(1) Generate QRcode with ABAP Webdynpro (2) Generate QRcode with ABAP Code plus Adobe form template
Both solutions will generate QRCode within a PDF file.
If your requirement is to generate the QRCode in a picture file, you can use the solution described in this blog.
There are lots of websites which provide free QRCode generation service. Just google it:
I prefer to use this one qrstuff.com : just choose “Plain Text” and we can input some characters in Text field. There is a AJAX call which will generate QRCode immediately after some characters are typed.
te (二維碼自動識別)
Now question is how we automate the character input via ABAP.
I use Chrome to explore what has happened when we input some char in webpage. Click F12 to launch Chrome developer tool, input some char and observe the information displayed in the “Network” tab:
test (二維碼自動識別)
The request URL is found: qrstuff.com/generate.ge nerate The request method is GET. Also it is necessary to identify http form fields and they are also listed in Chrome:
We need to copy all of those form fields into our ABAP code except preview=1, since we don’t need the preview functionality, we just need the generated png file.
here below is the simple report to generate QRCode from hard coded string “testforQRCode”. ( The bold text are just copied from Chrome developer tool ) The source code of zcl_http_tool could be found from attachment.
DATA:ls_form type zcl_http_tool=>ty_name_pair,
lt_form type zcl_http_tool=>tt_name_pair,
lv_code type xstring.ls_form = value #( name = 'type' value = 'TEXT' ).APPEND ls_form TO lt_form.ls_form = value #( name = 'foreground_color' value = '000000' ).APPEND ls_form TO lt_form.ls_form = value #( name = 'ecc_level' value = 'L' ).APPEND ls_form TO lt_form.ls_form = value #( name = 'width_pixels' value = '200' ).APPEND ls_form TO lt_form.ls_form = value #( name = 'dpi' value = '72' ).APPEND ls_form TO lt_form.ls_form = value #( name = 'file_type' value = 'png' ).APPEND ls_form TO lt_form.ls_form = value #( name = 'text' value = 'testforQRCode' ).APPEND ls_form TO lt_form.zcl_http_tool=>send_request( EXPORTING iv_url = 'http:///generate.generate'
iv_req_type = if_http_request=>co_request_method_get
it_form = lt_formIMPORTING ev_response = lv_code ).
And this is QRCode scanned from my mobile phone:
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/24475491/viewspace-2717328/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
- 用ABAP 生成二維碼 QR Code
- 使用ABAP建立QR Code(二維碼)
- QR Code二維碼
- 使用 Python 生成二維條形碼 QR CodesPython
- Python 生成條形碼、二維碼 (Code 128、EAN-13、QR code等)Python
- react使用qrcode.react生成二維碼React
- 【轉載】 SAP 列印二維碼 QR Code or 2D Bar Code in SAP
- Amazing QR!一款 Python 二維碼生成器!Python
- 二維碼生成工具 Simple QrCode
- qrcodejs js生成二維碼JS
- 線上生成二維碼程式碼例項
- Tp生成小程式二維碼
- 使用 ABAP 程式碼製作手機能夠掃描的二維碼(QRCode)試讀版
- 小巧實用的二維碼製作生成工具:QR Creator PRO Mac版Mac
- 使用 Python 生成二維碼Python
- IOS 二維碼條形碼生成(原生程式碼)iOS
- 二維碼管理平臺 生成二維碼
- QRCode-二維碼識別與生成
- 如何使用 Python 生成二維碼?Python
- Flutter - 生成二維碼與識別二維碼Flutter
- jquery生成二維碼jQuery
- 二維碼線上生成
- 直播系統搭建,java二維碼 生成二維碼Java
- iOS 花式二維碼生成和二維碼識別iOS
- Android 二維碼掃描和生成二維碼Android
- Java使用QRGen類庫生成二維碼Java
- 微信小程式中生成二維碼工具:weapp.qrcode.js微信小程式APPJS
- 幾行程式碼搞定java生成解析二維碼功能行程Java
- iOS 生成二維碼/條形碼iOS
- Tp框架 生成二維碼框架
- ios--二維碼生成iOS
- 二維碼生成工具類
- 二維碼生成-PythonPython
- c++生成二維碼C++
- JS線上生成二維碼JS
- 二維碼線上生成工具
- 簡單易用的二維碼掃描工具:QR Capture for MacAPTMac
- phpqrcode生成動態二維碼簡單例項PHP單例