





1 introduction


1.1 Aims and Objectives

  1. The problems and project objectives should be stated comprehensively.
  2. The motivationsof the project should be presented. 應該提出專案的動機 ,專案的動機我個人理解為專案的意義。因為我的論文是改進一個任務的解決方案,所以“動機”的話,我會讀第一個提出這個“任務”的那個論文,在其中尋找這個“任務”的意義 , 然後再閱讀其他解決這個“任務”的論文,找出他們解決方案的缺點,然後引出自己方法的貢獻點。因此這個部分,我會引用一些文獻。(這裡引用的文獻並不多,因為我的方法並不能解決其他所有方法的缺點,所以只說明專門針對的那個論文,更多的文獻引用會在1.2章節)
  3. The techniques and approaches used to deal withthe problem should be stated with justifications, and the contributions and main resultsachieved should be stated clearly. 處理該問題的技術和方法應說明,並且說出理由,並應明確說明實驗的貢獻和主要結果。這裡我會引用一些關於技術的文獻,然後介紹這些技術,以及為什麼用這個技術去解決這個“任務”。 然後再介紹實驗的貢獻和結果

1.2 Background and Literature Survey

  1. It gives an overall picture about the work with a clear review of the relevant literature.The background of the project should be given. 先說有關工作的總體情況(目前關於“任務”,總體的解決方案的情況),並清晰地回顧了相關文獻,明確說明為解決該問題其他學者所做的工作,還應說明各種現有演算法和方法的優缺點。(這裡我會多引用一些相關解決方案)。

  2. Differences between your proposed method andthe existing ones should be briefly described.簡要介紹您建議的方法與現有方法之間的差異。在上述的介紹其他相關文獻的時候,要說明自己的工作和他們之間的區別

  3. It is important to make sure that thediscussion is structured and coherent; the key issues are summarised; key and relevantreferences are used critically analysed and the literature is covered comprehensively.對關鍵和相關參考文獻進行嚴格分析,並對文獻進行全面介紹。對於專門針對的一些論文、一些對你幫助大的論文,一定要用一定篇幅對該論文做一個全面的介紹並且結合個人實驗結果進行一些分析。

  4. The structure of the report can be described brieflyat the end .在結尾主要介紹文章結構

2 Background Theories

  1. The background theories supporting the work should be given in this section. Provide references when someone's work is recalled.支援該工作的背景理論應在本節中給出。當某人的工作被召回時提供參考。(這裡我理解是當某人的工作需要被複現的時候,這一章節提供實驗所需要的背景知識)

3 Methodology and Implementation

It presents and justifies the methodology used to deal with the problem and describes in detail the implementation procedures. The background theory presented in the previous chapter can be recalled to support the proposed implementation. The originality, novelty and contribution are to be demonstrated with the discussion of the strengths and limitations.

它提出並證明了用於解決該問題的方法,並詳細描述了實施程式。 可以回顧上一章中介紹的背景理論以支援所提出的實現。然後提出方法的新穎性和貢獻將,通過對優點和侷限性的討論加以證明。

4 Results, Analysis and Evaluation

It summarises the results obtained from the proposed design and methodology. The way to obtain the results should be described in detail. Analysis and evaluation have to be performed. Comparisons should be made. It should justifies if the project aims, objectives, requirements and specifications have been achieved.

它總結了從建議的設計和方法中獲得的結果。獲得結果的方式應詳細說明 。必須進行分析和評估 。應該進行比較 。它應該證明該專案的目的,目標,要求,(規格)是否已經實現。

5 Conclusion

It is a chapter to sum up the main points and findings of the work; how you achieve the project aims and address the research questions; the contributions and results you have achieved. Future plan and development can be mentioned in this section as well. It is normally in one or two pages.

本章總結了本論文的主要觀點和發現。您如何實現專案目標並解決研究問題您的貢獻和成果 。在本節中也可以提及未來的計劃和發展 。通常在一頁或兩頁中。
