


insert overwrite table test.ysj_lianxu_not 
  select 'a',        't1'
  union all
  select 'a',        't2'
  union all
  select 'a',        't3'
  union all 
  select 'b',         't3'
  union all
  select 'a',        't4'
  union all
  select 'a',        't5'
  union all
  select 'a',        't6'
  union all
  select 'a',        't7'


SELECT diff,count(DISTINCT user_id ) d_ct
from (
SELECT user_id,click_time,date_sub(click_time,rk) as diff 
from (
SELECT user_id,click_time,row_number() over(PARTITION BY user_id ORDER BY click_time ) as rk 
from test.ysj_lianxu_not
) aa
) temp 
GROUP BY diff 
having count(DISTINCT user_id ) >=4


  • 第一種方式
select  user_id,diff,count(*)
(select user_id,rk_1-rk_2 diff
(select user_id
,row_number() over(order by click_time asc ) rk_1
,row_number() over(partition by user_id order by click_time asc ) rk_2
from test.ysj_lianxu_not
) b
) c
group by user_id,diff
having count(*)=4


-- 	user_id	click_time	rk_1	rk_2
-- 	a	     t1	         1	     1
-- 	a	     t2	         2	     2
-- 	b	     t3	         3	     1
-- 	a	     t3	         4	     3 比如t3這一天,a排在b的後邊,則會造成這一天資料和之後的日期連續,計算出來的a的連續登陸天數就會多一天
-- 	a	     t4	         5	     4
-- 	a	     t5	         6	     5
-- 	a	     t6	         7	     6
-- 	a	     t7	         8	     7

  • 第二種方式:
WITH temp as (
SELECt click_time
from (
SELECT click_time,count(distinct user_id) as ct 
from test.ysj_lianxu_not
GROUP BY click_time
) aa
where ct = 1 
select  diff,user_id,count(*)
from (
select user_id,cast(replace(click_time,'t','') as int) - rk as diff 
from (
        SELECT  t2.user_id,t1.click_time,row_number() over(PARTITION BY t2.user_id ORDER BY t1.click_time ASC) as rk 
        from temp t1
        left join test.ysj_lianxu_not t2
        on t1.click_time = t2.click_time
        ) aa 
) bb 
GROUP BY diff,user_id


with temp as (
select 111 as uid,'2023-01-01' as dt 
union all
select 111 as uid,'2023-01-03' as dt 
union all
select 111 as uid,'2023-01-05' as dt 
union all
select 111 as uid,'2023-01-06' as dt 
union all
select 111 as uid,'2023-01-09' as dt 
union all
select 111 as uid,'2023-01-10' as dt 
union all
select 111 as uid,'2023-01-11' as dt 
union all
select 111 as uid,'2023-01-13' as dt 
union all
select 111 as uid,'2023-01-17' as dt 
union all
select 111 as uid,'2023-01-19' as dt 
union all
select 111 as uid,'2023-01-20' as dt 
union all
select 222 as uid,'2023-01-01' as dt 
union all
select 222 as uid,'2023-01-02' as dt 
union all
select 222 as uid,'2023-01-05' as dt 
union all
select 222 as uid,'2023-01-07' as dt 
union all
select 222 as uid,'2023-01-08' as dt 
temp2 as (
        select *,date_add(tt.dt,sp.pos) as last_dt
        from temp  tt
        lateral view posexplode(split(space(2),'')) sp 
) ,
temp3 as (
        select uid,last_dt
        from temp2
        group by last_dt,uid
select uid,diff,count(*) as ct 
from (
        select uid,date_sub(last_dt,rk) as diff
        from (
                select uid,last_dt,row_number() over(partition by uid order by last_dt ) as rk
                from temp3
        ) result 
) ed
group by uid,diff 
