SAP Kyma(Extension Factory on SAP Cloud Platform)的架構簡介
SAP kyma主要分三大塊組成:
(1) Application connector
simplify and securely connect external systems to Kyma and to register the events and APIs of the external system
(2) Service Catalog
unifies the way you consume internal and external services. It also lists the events and APIs from the registered system.
允許應用開發人員以統一的方式消費內外部服務。通過Service Catalog,我們可以獲得Kyma註冊的外部系統的API和可供監聽的事件。
(3) 通過knative模組提供的serveless功能塊。
serverless functionality leveraged through the Knative integration, which allows you to build lambda functions to react to events asynchronously coming from connected systems.
可以使用Lamdba函式開發來自通過Application Connector連線的外部系統丟擲的事件。
It also enables you to do quick deployments, with higher scalability and loose coupling through events.
While Knative concentrates more on providing the building blocks for running serverless workloads, Kyma focuses on integrating those blocks with external services and applications.
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