public class SvnClientUtil {
private SvnConfig config;
private ISVNClientAdapter svnClient;
private SvnClientUtil(){}
public SvnClientUtil(SvnConfig config)throws SVNClientException{
this.config = config;
* 本地路徑轉為svn路徑
* @param file 本地路徑檔案
* @return SVNUrl
public SVNUrl localPath2SVNUrl(File file) throws MalformedURLException{
String absltPath = file.getAbsolutePath();
absltPath = absltPath.replaceAll("//", "/");
String tmpPath = this.config.getRootDir().replaceAll("//", "/");
absltPath = absltPath.replaceAll(tmpPath, "");
return new SVNUrl(this.config.getRootUrl() + absltPath);
* checkout from svn server
* @param moduleName svnserver 上的URL
* @param destPath 本地目標路徑
* @param revision 版本
* @param recurse 是否遞迴
* @throws SVNClientException
public void checkOut(
SVNUrl moduleName,
File destPath,
SVNRevision revision,
boolean recurse)throws SVNClientException{
this.svnClient.checkout(moduleName, destPath, revision, recurse);
* 新增檔案到svn
* @param file 待新增的File
* @param url 新增到的SVNUrl
* @param message 備註(必須有中文)
* @throws SVNClientException
public void add(File file,SVNUrl url,String message)throws SVNClientException{
File [] paths = new File[]{file};
this.svnClient.commit(paths, message, false);
* 新增目錄
* @param dir 目錄File
* @param message 備註(中文)
* @param recurse 是否遞迴
* @throws SVNClientException
public void addDir(File dir, String message,boolean recurse)throws SVNClientException{
this.svnClient.addDirectory(dir, recurse);
File [] paths = new File[]{dir};
this.svnClient.commit(paths, message, recurse);
* 獲得某版本的內容
* @param url svnURL
* @param revision 版本號
* @return InputStream
* @throws SVNClientException
public InputStream getHistoryContent(SVNUrl url, SVNRevision revision)throws SVNClientException{
return this.svnClient.getContent(url, revision);
* 提交
* @param path 提交的檔案
* @param message 備註(必須含中文)
* @throws SVNClientException
public void commit(File path, String message)throws SVNClientException{
File [] paths = new File[]{path};
this.svnClient.commit(paths, message, false);
* 刪除
* @param url 刪除檔案的URL
* @param message 備註(必須含中文)
* @throws SVNClientException
public void delete(SVNUrl url,String message)throws SVNClientException{
SVNUrl[] urls = new SVNUrl[]{url};
this.svnClient.remove(urls, message);
* 獲取歷史紀錄
* @param url 檔案對應的svn url
* @return ISVNLogMessage[]
* @throws SVNClientException
public ISVNLogMessage[] getHistory(SVNUrl url)throws SVNClientException{
return this.svnClient.getLogMessages(url, SVNRevision.START, SVNRevision.HEAD);
* 復原為某一個版本
* @param path 路徑
* @param revision 版本號
* @param recurse 是否遞迴
* @throws SVNClientException
public void update(File path, SVNRevision revision, boolean recurse)throws SVNClientException{
this.svnClient.update(path, revision, recurse);
public SvnConfig getConfig() {
return config;
public void setup() {
try {
} catch (SVNClientException e) {
// can't register this factory
try {
} catch (SVNClientException e1) {
// can't register this factory
try {
} catch (SVNClientException e1) {
// can't register this factory
public void getClient() throws SVNClientException{
try {
String bestClientType = SVNClientAdapterFactory.getPreferredSVNClientType();
System.out.println("Using "+bestClientType+" factory");
svnClient = SVNClientAdapterFactory.createSVNClient(bestClientType);
} catch (SVNClientException e) {
throw e;
// set username and password if necessary
// add a listener if you wish
NotifyListener listener = new SvnClientUtil.NotifyListener();
SVNUrl moduleName;
File destPath = new File(this.config.getRootDir());
System.out.println("create local SVN work space!");
moduleName = new SVNUrl(this.config.getRootUrl());
System.out.println("update SVN work space from server!");
this.checkOut(moduleName, destPath, SVNRevision.HEAD, true);
}catch(Exception e){
System.out.println("update SVN work space from server fail!");
throw new SVNClientException(e);
public static class NotifyListener implements ISVNNotifyListener {
public void setCommand(int cmd) {
// the command that is being executed. See ISVNNotifyListener.Command
// ISVNNotifyListener.Command.ADD for example
public void logMessage(String message) {
public void logCommandLine(String message) {
// the command line used
public void logError(String message) {
// when an error occurs
System.out.println("error :" +message);
public void logRevision(long revision, String path) {
// when command completes against revision
System.out.println("revision :" +revision);
public void logCompleted(String message) {
// when command completed
public void onNotify(File path, SVNNodeKind nodeKind) {
// each time the status of a file or directory changes (file added, reverted ...)
// nodeKind is SVNNodeKind.FILE or SVNNodeKind.DIR
// this is the function we use in subclipse to know which files need to be refreshed
System.out.println("Status of "+path.toString()+" has changed");
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