xshell 使用 sftp上傳下載檔案


lrzsz 可以用
sz 下載檔案
rz 上傳檔案


sftp:/www> help
bye     finish your SFTP session
cd      change your remote working directory
clear   clear screen
exit    finish your SFTP session
explore explore your local directory
get     download a file from the server to your local machine
help    give help
lcd     change and/or print local working directory
lls     list contents of a local directory
lpwd    print your local working directory
ls      list contents of a remote directory
mkdir   create a directory on the remote server
mv      move or rename a file on the remote server
put     upload a file from your local machine to the server
pwd     print your remote working directory
quit    finish your SFTP session
rename  move or rename a file on the remote server
rm      delete a file
rmdir   remove a directory on the remote server
