This semester is coming to an end,and I have learned a lot.
First of all,formally speaking, I believe that digital multimodal writing can be in the form of a PowerPoint presentation or a video.It's a extremely new way of writing that I have never known before.It not only requires story content, but also utilizes technology and techniques to transform traditional writing forms into digital stories, allowing stories to be told to others in a new form.
Because it was a completely new experience for me, I faced many challenges.I was used to traditional writing,so transfer it into a new form is so difficult that I didn't know how to make it.It not only means writing a story, but also means that I need to add fun to the story, such as adding background music, dubbing it, finding suitable images as backgrounds, and other efforts.The most challenging part for me is to dub,which requires me to change my tone of voice to match the emotions of characters.Fortunately,my roommate helped me through it.She helped me analyze the different emotions of characters in different situations and demonstrated how to change intonation.With her help, I also tried to change my tone.
As for the impact of different modes of communication,I think traditional writing is direct and clear to understand.And digital multimodal writing is more interesting and it can attract more people especially the young to learn it.
I have experienced a lot challenges and have overcome them.For example,I have learned to dub a story on my own.Besides,I learned how to edit videos, which is very complex and time-consuming.However, the learning process of digital multimodal writing has allowed me to gain a lot of beneficial things. Besides learning how to cut videos and make PowerPoint presentations, the most fundamental thing is learning digital writing. I believe that I will use this in my future English learning process.
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