XML Query, 語義Web今年運勢

Don Box 在他的Blog上預測了今年XML Query、語義Web及Web Services的形勢。

XML Query, the Semantic Web, and WS-* will continue to hold promise.
This is the polite way of saying that none of the above will have an explosive burst of adoption in 2005.  XML Query will be lucky to be in CR by the end of 2005 (it has a huge surface area). The semantic web and RDF still require way too much deep geekery to grok. The WS-* stack will stabilize in 2005, but without platform-level support (which won't really emerge until 2006), its scope is limited to early adopters.

語義Web老師一直在說,可我現在還不太知道它是幹什麼的。但像Don Box說的,這個東西還是很難grok。現在RDF都還沒搞懂,以後的道路佈滿荊棘~~~

