建檔日期: 2019/12/04
更新日期: None
Win 10 | Python 3.7.2 |
主題: 002.06 Klondike Solitaire - PsSimleGUI 的應用
上回寫了一個在螢幕上量測點的應用, 這回再試試用PySimpleGUI來寫個遊戲. 這是一個常見的撲克牌遊戲Klondike Solitaire. 這裡就不作設計內容說明, 有興趣的人自行看程式碼. (原則上, 程式碼可以執行, 沒有發現什麼問題, 也沒有花時間去找問題, 畢竟只是寫來玩玩的,
1. 發牌
- 這遊戲使用一副52張牌.
- 總共有4組牌位(Suit Stacks), 一開始是空的.
- 共有七列縱向牌列, 除了最上一張牌開啟外其餘面朝下. 發牌方式由左至右:第一縱向牌列有1張牌, 第二縱向牌列有2張牌, 第三縱向牌列有3張牌, 以此類推到最右邊的縱向牌列有7張牌.
- 剩下的牌面朝下留在左上角的發牌組.
- 左上角的發牌組會發出一張開啟的牌, 並停留在發牌組右方.
- 右上角四組牌位為黑桃♠(Spades), 紅心♥(Hearts), 梅花♣(Club), 及方塊♦(Diamonds).
2. 堆牌在四組牌位上
- 這四組牌位必須從Ace開始依序增加(比如, 紅心的A, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, J, Q, K), 從下到上.
- 七列縱向牌列必須紅黑間隔, 並且從高到低. 您可以放置一張4♥或4♦在一張5♠上, 但不能放一張4♠或4♣.
- 遊戲牌自發牌組取出並開啟, (按下發牌組的首張牌來開啟). 遊戲牌會逐漸減少因為您必須將其最上一張牌置於一個縱向牌列或右上角的四組牌位(按左鍵並拉動到想要的位置).
- 藉由移動縱向牌列上的牌來開啟面朝下的牌, 以用來置於右上角四組牌位.
3. 移動牌及縱向牌列
- 任何開啟的牌都可以用來玩.
- 要從縱向牌列上移動一張牌, 整個或部份牌到另一個縱向牌列, 只須按最上面那張牌並移動到目的地.
- 只有King牌或以King開頭的牌組可以移動到一個空的縱向牌列.
- 移動遊戲牌組第一張牌只須按下並移動.
- 移動遊戲牌組或縱向牌列的第一張牌到右上角的四組牌位只須按下並移動–或按鍵一次即可自動放上.
- 要開啟縱向牌列中面朝下的牌, 您必須先移動已開啟的牌到另一個牌組或空位.
- 當您無法移動任何最上一張牌或牌組, 單擊發牌組將新牌放入位於其右的遊戲組.
4. 遊戲目標
- 依照遊戲規則將牌移到右上角的四組牌位.
5. 按鈕
- New Game - 新遊戲
- Game Over - 遊戲結束
- Flush All - 自動上牌到右上角的四組牌位.
6. 不建功能
- 悔牌, 提示, 自動偵測上牌, 必有解牌, 不自畫撲克牌
7. 遊戲畫面:
8. 遊戲程式碼
import PySimpleGUI as sg
import random
from time import sleep
import ctypes
cards = 52 # Total 52 cards
rows = 2 # Two rows
columns = 7 # 7 colums
cells = rows * columns # Cells - total positions for cards
all = cells + cards # Total cards and blan cards
card_width = 153 # Width of card in pixels
card_height = 200 # height of card in pixels
pad_x = 36 # Gap between cells on horizontal
pad_y = 36 # Gap between celss on vertical
card_pad = 25 # The distance between cards in stack
font = 'simsun 16 bold' # font used in buttons
path = 'PNG 153x200\\' # Sub-directory for card PNG files
width = (card_width + pad_x) * columns + pad_x # Graphic width
height = (card_height + pad_y) * rows + pad_y + 9*card_pad # Graphic Height
# Coordinates for each cell
ref_x = [(pad_x + card_width) * int(i%7) + pad_x for i in range(cells)]
ref_y = [height - card_height * int(i/7) - pad_y * int(i/7 + 1)
for i in range(cells)]
# Rack position for each cards
stack = [i for i in range(cells)] + [0 for i in range(24)]+[
6+i for i in range(8) for j in range(i)]
show_card = [38, 40, 43, 47, 52, 58, 65] # Cards shown when beginning
start_x = int((width-card_width)/2) # Position for flash card show
start_y = card_height+pad_y
# Image filenames of cards with top-side and bottom-side
file = [['']+[path+'0.png' for i in range(52)],
[path+'n.png']+[path+str(i+1)+'.png' for i in range(52)]]
# Area of rack in cells, 0 ~ 13 for all cells
top = [3, 4, 5, 6]
bottom = [7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13]
button_down = False # Flag for mouse left button down
drag = False # Flag for mouse in drag mode
start = True # Flag for initial position of mouse
New_Start = True # Flag for new game
ctypes.windll.user32.SetProcessDPIAware() # Set unit of GUI to pixels
class poker():
Definition of eack poker card:
card - Sequence number of cards, 0 ~ 65.
kind - Kind of cards, 'Blank Card' or 'Card'
card - Sequence number of cards, 0 ~ 65
ids - Id of graphic element
up - Card value of upper card, None for no upper card
down - Card value of lower card, None for no lower card
x,y - Variable coordinate of card used when drag mode
x0, y0 - Coordinate of card whne in cell/rack
kind - Suit of cards, spades♠/hearts♥/clubs♣/diamonds♦ (1~4)
no - Number of card (1~13)
rack - Which card located (0~13, not in 2)
fix - Blank card if defined as fixed position
side - State of cards, back side of front side (0/1)
def __init__(self, card=None, kind='Card'):
# Initialize values for each card
self.card = card
self.ids = None
if kind=='Blank Card':
self.x0 = self.x = ref_x[card]
self.y0 = self.y = ref_y[card]
self.up = None
self.down = None
self.kind = 0
self.no = 0
self.rack = card
self.fix = True
self.side = 0 if card==2 else 1
self.up = None
self.kind = int(card_list[card-cells]/13)+1
self.no = card_list[card-cells] % 13 + 1
self.side = 0
self.fix = False
self.rack = stack[card]
def cards(self):
# Return numbers of cards in rack of caller
return p[self.rack].up_cards()
def click_rack0(self):
# Event handler for click on Rack 0 (foundation)
if self.fix and (p[1].cards()>0):
while True:
pp = p[p[1].find_top()]
if not pp.move_rack(0): return
# 0 card/Rack 0
elif not self.fix:
# If three cards in Rack 0
if p[1].cards()==3: p[1].move_rack_bottom()
def click_rack1(self):
# Click on Rack 1 to move card to Rack 3 ~ 6 (top)
if self.fix or (self.up_cards()>1):
def click_rack3(self):
# Click on Rack 7 ~ 13 (Bottom) to move card to Rack 3 ~ 6 (top)
# If No card or number of cards moret than 1
if self.fix or (not self.side) or (self.up_cards()>1):
def find_top(self):
# Find top card in caller's Rack
card = self.rack
while True:
if p[card].up == None:
return card
card = p[card].up
def flash(self):
# Show cards from bottom-center to cells when game start
for i in range(all):
index = (p[i].kind-1)*13+p[i].no if p[i].kind!=0 else 0
filename = file[p[i].side][index]
# Load image file and show on bottom-center
if filename != '':
p[i].ids = draw.DrawImage(
filename=filename, location=(start_x, start_y))
# Calculation step and steps to move image
x, y, x0, y0 = p[i].x0, p[i].y0, start_x, start_y
dx, dy, step = start_x-x, start_y-y, 5
if abs(dx) > abs(dy):
step_x = step if dx<0 else -step
count = int(abs(dx)/abs(step_x))
step_y = -dy/count
step_y = step
count = int(abs(dy)/step_y)
step_x = -dx/count
num = 0
# Loop to show trace of card
while True:
num += 1
x0 += step_x
y0 += step_y
draw.RelocateFigure(p[i].ids, x0, y0)
if num == count:
# Move image to final position on cells
draw.RelocateFigure(p[i].ids, x, y)
def move_back(self):
# Move card back to original position after drag
pp = self
while True:
pp.x, pp.y = pp.x0, pp.y0
draw.RelocateFigure(pp.ids, pp.x, pp.y)
if pp.up==None:
pp = p[pp.up]
def move_from_rack1_to_rack2(self, rack):
# Drag card from Rack 1 to Top (Rack 3 ~ 6)
# If no card or not only one card
if (self.up_cards()!=1) or self.fix or (not self.side):
pp = p[p[rack].find_top()]
# Move card with no 1 to Top when no card in Top
if pp.fix and (self.no==1):
# Move card with same suit and one higher no. to Top
elif not pp.fix:
if (self.kind == pp.kind) and (self.no==pp.no+1):
def move_from_rack1_to_rack3(self, rack):
# Drag card from Rack 1 to Bottom (Rack 7 ~ 13)
# If not only one card
if (self.up_cards()!=1) or self.fix or (not self.side):
pp = p[p[rack].find_top()]
# Move card 'King' on Rack 1 to blank rank in Bottom
if pp.fix and (self.no==13):
# Move card from Rack 1 to Bottom if different suit and less one
elif ((not pp.fix) and
(self.kind%2 != pp.kind%2) and (self.no==pp.no-1)):
def move_from_rack2_to_rack3(self, rack):
# Move card from Top to Bottom
# If blank card
if (self.up_cards()!=1) or self.fix or (not self.side):
pp = p[p[rack].find_top()]
# If 'King' card to blank rack
if pp.fix and (self.no==13):
# if card with different suit and less one
elif ((not pp.fix) and
(self.kind%2 != pp.kind%2) and (self.no==pp.no-1)):
def move_from_rack3_to_rack2(self, rack):
# Move card from Bottom to Top
# If no card
if self.fix or (not self.side):
pp = p[p[rack].find_top()]
# If card 'Ace' moved to blank rack on Top
if (pp.fix and (self.up_cards()==1) and (self.no==1)):
# If one front-side card moved to non-blank rack on TOP
elif ((not pp.fix) and (self.up_cards()==1) and
(self.kind==p[card2].kind) and (self.no==p[card2].no+1)):
# If lower card not shown, then turn over
def move_from_rack3_to_rack3(self, rack):
# Move cards from Bottom to Bottom
# If no card
if self.fix or (not self.side):
# If bottom card is 'King' and moved to blank rank
pp = p[p[rack].find_top()]
if (pp.fix and (self.no==13)):
# If cards with differet suit and <1, moved to non-blank rack on Bottom
elif ((not pp.fix) and (self.kind%2!=pp.kind%2) and (self.no==pp.no-1)):
def move_offset(self, dx, dy):
# move Image with offset
if self.fix or (not self.side):
pp = self
while True: # Bring cards to front
if pp.up == None: break
pp = p[pp.up]
pp = self
while True: # Move cards
pp.x, pp.y = pp.x + dx, pp.y + dy
draw.RelocateFigure(pp.ids, pp.x, pp.y)
if pp.up == None: break
pp = p[pp.up]
def move_rack(self, rack):
# move top cards of caller to up side of card2
if self.fix: return False
if rack in [0,1]: self.turn_over()
card_d = self.down # keep down card and cut the link
p[card_d].up = None
card_now = self.card # start from caller card
if card_now == None: return False
ok = False
while True:
if card_now == None: break # Not card left for moving
pp = p[card_now]
top_card = p[rack].find_top()
pp.rack = rack # Update new info for card
pp.x0, pp.y0 = pp.x, pp.y = p[top_card].offset(rack)
p[top_card].up = card_now # build link
pp.down = top_card
pp.update(same=True, front=True)
card_now = pp.up # next card
pp.up = None
ok = True
if (ok and (p[card_d].rack in bottom) and (not p[card_d].fix) and
(not p[card_d].side)):
p[card_d].turn_over() # down card to turn over
return True
def move_rack_bottom(self):
# Move lowest card of Rack 1 to Bottom of Rack 0 which with 3 cards
card1 = p[1].up # Remove card1 from Rack 0
if card1 == None: return
p[1].up = p[card1].up
if p[1].up!= None: p[p[1].up].down = 1
card0 = p[0].up # Insert card1 to Rack bottom
p[0].up = card1
p[card1].up = card0
p[card1].down = 0
p[card0].down = card1
p[card1].x0 = p[card1].x = p[0].x0 # new position, rack on Rack 0
p[card1].y0 = p[card1].y = p[0].y0
p[card1].rack = 0
card = p[1].up # new position for cards on Rack 1
p[card].x0 = p[card].x = p[1].x0
card_up = p[card].up
p[card_up].x0 = p[card_up].x = p[1].x0 + card_pad
def move_to_any_rack2(self):
# Move one card to rack on Top
for rack in top:
top_card = p[rack].find_top()
pp = p[top_card]
if pp.fix and (self.no==1): # If 'ACE' card to blank rack
return True
elif ((self.kind==pp.kind) and (self.no==pp.no+1)):
self.move_rack(rack) # If card with same suit and >1
return True
return False
def new_card(self, card):
# Initialize a new card for (x, y), (x0, y0) and up
dy = 0 if card ==0 else card_pad
count = p[card].cards()
self.x = self.x0 = p[card].x0
self.y = self.y0 = p[card].y0 - dy*count
card = p[card].find_top()
p[card].up = self.card
self.down = card
def offset(self, rack):
# Calculation coordinate for offset on different rack
# Rack 1: (card_pad, 0), Bottom: (0, card_pad)
# If blank rack, (0, 0)
dx = dy = 0
if rack == 1:
dx, dy = card_pad, 0
elif rack in bottom:
dx, dy = 0, card_pad
pp = p[p[rack].find_top()]
if pp.fix:
dx = dy = 0
return pp.x0 + dx, pp.y0 - dy
def turn_over(self):
# Turn over card and update image
self.side = 1 - self.side
def up_cards(self):
# count cards up and include caller card
count = 0 if self.fix else 1
card = self.up
while True:
if card == None:
return count
count += 1
card = p[card].up
def update(self, same=True, front=False):
# Update image position, or image if not same
if front:
if same:
draw.RelocateFigure(self.ids, self.x, self.y)
index = (self.kind-1)*13+self.no if self.kind!=0 else 0
f = file[self.side][index]
self.ids = draw.DrawImage(filename=f, location=(self.x, self.y))
def id_to_card(ids):
# find card for image id
for card in range(all):
if p[card].ids == ids:
return card
return None
def get_card(x, y, down=True):
# get card by position (x,y), button down for 1st one, button up for 2nd one
x, y = draw._convert_canvas_xy_to_xy(x, y)
ids = draw.TKCanvas.find_overlapping(x,y,x,y)
if down+len(ids)<2: return None
return id_to_card(ids[down-2])
def condition():
# Check all the conditions of cards selected when button down and up
result = set()
if drag: result.add('D' )
if card1!=None: result.add('C1' )
if card2!=None: result.add('C2' )
if card1!=None and p[card1].rack==0: result.add('R10')
if card1!=None and p[card1].rack==1: result.add('R11')
if card1!=None and p[card1].rack in top: result.add('R12')
if card1!=None and p[card1].rack in bottom: result.add('R13')
if card2!=None and p[card2].rack==0: result.add('R20')
if card2!=None and p[card2].rack==1: result.add('R21')
if card2!=None and p[card2].rack in top: result.add('R22')
if card2!=None and p[card2].rack in bottom: result.add('R23')
if card1!=None and p[card1].fix==False: result.add('F1' )
if card2!=None and p[card2].fix==False: result.add('F2' )
if card1!=None and p[card1].side==1: result.add('S1' )
if card2!=None and p[card2].side==1: result.add('S2' )
return result
# Three buttons on top side - 'New Game', 'Game Over' and 'Flush All'
# One Graphic area on bottom side
layout= [[sg.Button('New Game', pad=(pad_x, (pad_y,0)), font=font),
sg.Button('Game Over', pad=(pad_x, (pad_y,0)), font=font),
sg.Button('Flush All', pad=(pad_x, (pad_y,0)), font=font)],
[sg.Graph(background_color='green', canvas_size=(width, height),
graph_bottom_left=(0,0), key='Graph', pad=(0,0), enable_events=True,
graph_top_right=(width, height), drag_submits=True)]]
# Create window
window = sg.Window('Klondike Solitaire', layout=layout,
background_color='green', finalize=True).Finalize()
# Easy name for graphic element
draw = window['Graph']
# Loop Start for event detect
while True:
# Initial poker cards, flash only when game start
if New_Start:
card_list = random.sample(range(cards), cards)
p = [0 for i in range(all)]
for i in range(cells+cards): # Initial cards
kind = 'Blank Card' if i < cells else 'Card'
p[i] = poker(card=i, kind=kind)
p[0].flash() # Flash cards
for card in show_card: p[card].turn_over()
New_Start = False
event, values = window.read(timeout=100) # read window event
if event==None or event=='Game Over': # Window close of Game over clicked
# No event
elif event == sg.TIMEOUT_KEY:
elif event == 'New Game': # New Game button event
for i in range(all):
if p[i].ids != None: draw.DeleteFigure(p[i].ids)
New_Start = True
elif event == 'Flush All': # Auto move cards to top
while True:
result = False
for i in [1]+bottom: # Check all cards
card = p[i].find_top()
if p[card].fix: continue
ok = p[card].move_to_any_rack2()
result = result or ok
if not result: break
if event == 'Graph': # Button down event
x1, y1 = values['Graph']
if not start: # Keep position
x0, y0 = old_position
dx, dy = x1-x0, y1-y0
old_position = (x1, y1)
if button_down: # Check first mouse button down
if (x1,y1)!=(x0,y0):
drag = True
if (card1 != None) and (p1.side==1): # Check if movable
if (((p1.rack in [1]+top) and p1.up_cards()==1) or
(p1.rack in bottom)):
p1.move_offset(dx, dy)
if start: # save initial position
old_position = values['Graph']
start = False
button_down = True # 1st mouse down event
card1 = get_card(x1, y1) # Mouse down generate two time events
if card1 != None:
p1 = p[card1]
elif event == 'Graph+UP': # Button down event
x2, y2 = values['Graph']
card2 = get_card(x2, y2, down=False)
if card2!= None:
result = condition()
Check condition for what to do
D for Drag, C for card, S for card shown, F for card not fixed
R1m for button down/area m, R2n for button up/area
if {'D','C1','R10','S1','F1'}.issubset(result) and 'C2' not in result:
elif {'D','C1','R11','S1','F1','C2','R22'}.issubset(result):
elif {'D','C1','R11','S1','F1','C2','R23'}.issubset(result):
elif {'D','C1','R12','S1','F1','C2','R23'}.issubset(result):
elif {'D','C1','R13','S1','F1','C2','R22'}.issubset(result):
elif {'D','C1','R13','S1','F1','C2','R23'}.issubset(result):
elif {'D','C1','S1','F1'}.issubset(result) and (
('R11' in result) or ('R12' in result) or ('R13' in result)):
elif {'C1','R10'}.issubset(result):
elif {'C1','R11'}.issubset(result):
elif {'C1','R13'}.issubset(result):
button_down = False
drag = False
start = True
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