Lisp Quote 和Backquote分析
原文地址 :
- 引用 (quote)
'(value-of-number (1+ number) something-with-string (length string)))
執行之後結果如下: Lisp> (mess-with 20 "foo") (VALUE-OF-NUMBER (1+ NUMBER) SOMETHING-WITH-STRING (LENGTH STRING))
但是我們實際的意思是想要 number的值和 String的長度組成的一個列表。上面的寫法是不能實現我們的要求的。看下面的這個定義:
(defun mess-with (number string) (list 'value-of-number (1+ number) 'something-with-string (length string)))
Lisp> (mess-with 20 "foo") (VALUE-OF-NUMBER 21 SOMETHING-WITH-STRING 3)
(defun mess-with (number string ) `(value-of-string ,(+ 1 number ) something-with-string ,(length string )) )
Lisp> (quote spiffy-symbol)
Lisp> 'spiffy-symbol ; '是quote的等價形式,和上一個表示式相同
Lisp> spiffy-symbol
Unbound variable: SPIFFY-SYMBOL [Condition of type UNBOUND-VARIABLE] Restarts: 0: [CONTINUE] Retry getting the value of SPIFFY-SYMBOL. Unbound variable: SPIFFY-SYMBOL [Condition of type UNBOUND-VARIABLE] Restarts: 0: [CONTINUE] Retry getting the value of SPIFFY-SYMBOL.
所以quote 和反引用(和逗號)和list 函式等是你創造列表的工具。 列表並不是簡單的值的序列,其實可以看做一個輕量級的資料結構(不一定是結構)。
進深閱讀:Ron Garret's
- 反引用(backquote)
反引用 (backquote) 是引用(quote) 的特別版本,它可以用來建立 Lisp 表示式的模板。反引用最常見的用途之一是用在宏定義裡。
反引用字元 “‘” 得名的原因是:它和通常的引號 “’” 相似,只不過方向相反。當單獨把反引用作為表示式前
‘(a b c) 等價於’(a b c) .
只有在反引用和逗號 “,” ,以及comma-at “,@ ” 一同出現時才變得有用。如果說反引用建立了一個模板,那
麼逗號就在反引用中建立了一個 slot。一個反引用列表等價於將其元素引用起來,呼叫一次list。也就
‘(a b c) 等價於(list ’a ’b ’c) .
在反引用的作用域裡,逗號要求 Lisp:“把引用關掉”。當逗號出現在列表元素前面時,它的效果就相當於取
消引用,讓 Lisp 把那個元素按原樣放在那裡。所以
‘(a ,b c ,d) 等價於(list ’a b ’c d) .
> (setq a 1 b 2 c 3)
‘(a ,b c)
(A 2 C)
> ‘(a (,b c))
(A (2 C))
> ‘(a b ,c (’,(+ a b c)) (+ a b) ’c ’((,a ’b)))
(A B 3 (’6) (+ A B) ’C ’((1 ’B)))
外層,或者出現在包含逗號的那個表示式的外層,那麼我們說該運算子包圍了這個逗號。例如在‘(,a ,(b
‘,c)) 中,最後一個逗號就被前一個逗號和兩個反引號所包圍。通行的規則是:一個被 n 個逗號包圍的逗
號必須被至少 n + 1 個反引號所包圍。很明顯,由此可知:逗號不能出現在反引用的表示式的外面。只要
遵守上述規則,就可以巢狀使用反引用和逗號。下面的任何一個表示式如果輸入到 toplevel 下都將造成錯
,x ‘(a ,,b c) ‘(a ,(b ,c) d) ‘(,,‘a)
- 巢狀的反引用(nested backquote)
巢狀的反引用是Lisp宏的難點,正如《On Lisp》所說的:
``(a ,,(+ 1 2) ,(+ 3 4))
`(A ,3 ,(+ 3 4))
解析:1,左邊反引用首先被展開(第一個反引用),所以(+ 1 2)被求值因為匹配逗號(第二個逗號)。
2,另一個表示式,(+ 3 4)因為沒有足夠的逗號所以未求值。
(eval ``(a ,,(+ 1 2) ,(+ 3 4)))
(A 3 7)
解析: 其實就是對第一次求值的結果繼續求值,就可以得到上面的結果。
因為一些CL的名字相當的長,比如destructuring-bind 和multiple-value-bind,所以我們可以定義宏來減少我們輸入的字元
(defmacro dbind (&rest args)
`(destructruing-bind ,@args))
(defmacro mvbind (&rest args)
`(multiple-value-bind ,@args))
消除重複呢?假設我們想要得到一個abbrev宏,它允許我們使用(abbrev mvbind mutiple-value-bind)來定義縮寫mvbind。下面是這個宏的定義:
(defmacro abbrev (short long)
`(defmacro ,short (&rest args)
`(,',long ,@args)))
(defmacro mvbind (&rest args)
`(multiple-value-bind ,@args))
(defmacro mvbind (&rest args)
(let ( (name 'multiple-value-bind ))
`(,name ,@args) ) )
`(defmacro ,short (& rest args)
(let (( name ',long ))
`(,name ,@args) ) )
最後一步,我們把name 從內層反引用中消除,得到abbrev的宏的主體:
`(defmacro ,short (&rest args)
`(,',long ,@args) ) )
下面我們來正向分析,來展開abbrev宏,例如(abbrev mvbind mutiple-value-bind)
The backquote introduces a template of a data structure to be built. For example, writing
`(cond ((numberp ,x) ,@y) (t (print ,x) ,@y))
is roughly equivalent to writing
(list 'cond
(cons (list 'numberp x) y)
(list* 't (list 'print x) y))
Where a comma occurs in the template, the expression following the comma
is to be evaluated to produce an object to be inserted at that point. Assume b has
the value 3, for example, then evaluating the form denoted by `(a b ,b ,(+ b 1) b) produces
the result (a b 3 4 b).
If a comma is immediately followed by an at-sign, then the form following the at-sign is evaluated to produce a list of objects. These objects are then ``spliced'' into place in the template. For example, if x has the value (a b c), then
`(x ,x ,@x foo ,(cadr x) bar ,(cdr x) baz ,@(cdr x))
=> (x (a b c) a b c foo b bar (b c) baz b c)
The backquote syntax can be summarized formally as follows.
* `basic is the same as 'basic, that is, (quote basic), for any expression basic that
is not a list or a general vector.* `,form is the same as form, for any form, provided that the representation of form does not begin with at-sign or dot. (A similar caveat holds for all occurrences of a form. after a comma.)
* `,@form has undefined consequences.
* `(x1 x2 x3 ... xn . atom) may be interpreted to mean
(append [ x1] [ x2] [ x3] ... [ xn] (quote atom))
where the brackets are used to indicate a transformation of an xj as follows:
-- [form] is interpreted as (list `form), which contains a backquoted form. that must then be further interpreted.-- [,form] is interpreted as (list form).
-- [,@form] is interpreted as form.
* `(x1 x2 x3 ... xn) may be interpreted to mean the same as the backquoted form `(x1 x2 x3 ... xn . nil), thereby reducing it to the previous case.
* `(x1 x2 x3 ... xn . ,form) may be interpreted to mean
(append [ x1] [ x2] [ x3] ... [ xn] form)
where the brackets indicate a transformation of an xj as described above.* `(x1 x2 x3 ... xn . ,@form) has undefined consequences.* `#(x1 x2 x3 ... xn) may be interpreted to mean (apply #'vector `(x1 x2 x3 ... xn)).
Anywhere ``,@'' may be used, the syntax ``,.'' may be used instead to indicate that it is permissible to operate destructively on the list structure produced by the form. following the ``,.'' (in effect, to use nconc instead of append).
If the backquote syntax is nested, the innermost backquoted form. should be expanded first. This means that if several commas occur in a row, the leftmost one belongs to the innermost backquote.
An implementation is free to interpret a backquoted form F1 as any form F2 that, when evaluated, will produce a result that is the same under equal as the result implied by the above definition, provided that the side-effect behavior. of the substitute form F2 is also consistent with the description given above. The constructed copy of the template might or might not share list structure with the template itself. As an example, the above definition implies that
`((,a b) ,c ,@d)
will be interpreted as if it were
(append (list (append (list a) (list 'b) 'nil)) (list c) d 'nil)
but it could also be legitimately interpreted to mean any of the following:
(append (list (append (list a) (list 'b))) (list c) d)
(append (list (append (list a) '(b))) (list c) d)
(list* (cons a '(b)) c d)
(list* (cons a (list 'b)) c d)
(append (list (cons a '(b))) (list c) d)
(list* (cons a '(b)) c (copy-list d))
Nested Backquote
This is what the Common Lisp HyperSpec says about nested backticks:
If the backquote syntax is nested, the innermost backquoted form. should be expanded first. This means that if several commas occur in a row, the leftmost one belongs to the innermost backquote.
The R5RS Scheme spec also includes these details about backticks:
Quasiquote forms may be nested. Substitutions are made only for unquoted components appearing at the same nesting level as the outermost backquote. The nesting level increases by one inside each successive quasiquotation, and decreases by one inside each unquotation.
Also keep in mind that only one backtick gets collapsed per evaluation, just like a regular quote, it's not recursive.
Rules in action
To see how these three details interact, let's expand your example a bit. This expression...
``(a ,,(+ 1 2) ,(+ 3 4))
Gets evaluated to this (in SBCL notation):
`(A ,3 ,(+ 3 4))
- The left backtick got collapsed, so it the (+ 1 2) got escaped by the matching comma (the 2nd comma, according to the HyperSpec).
- On the other hand, the (+ 3 4) didn't have enough commas to get expanded (which is what R5RS mentions).
- Only one backtick got collapsed, because backticks don't get recursively expanded.
Expanding both commas
To get rid of the other backtick, another level of evaluation is needed:
(eval ``(a ,,(+ 1 2) ,(+ 3 4)))
Both backticks are gone, and we're left with a plain list:
(A 3 7)
Nested Backquotes considered harmful
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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