Amazon Simple Storage Service -Console User Guide 讀書筆記


Amazon Simple Storage Service -Console User Guide 讀書筆記

1.working with Buckets
Creating a Bucket
Browsing the Objects in Your Bucket
Managing Bucket Logging
Managing Bucket Website Configuration
Editing Bucket Permissions
Enable RRS Lost Object Notification
Deleting a Bucket
2.Working with Objects
Uplaoding Objects into Amazon S3
Editing Object Permissions
Editing the Metadata of an Object
Opeing an Object
Downloading an Ojbect
Copying an Object
Deleting an Object
3.Working with Folders
Creating a Folder
Deleting a Folder

SNS Amazon Simple Notification Service
RRS Reduced Redundancy Storage
Simple Queue Service

propagate 傳播,傳導
stale 陳舊的,過時的
commitment 委託 交付
adjacent 臨近的,毗連的
accrue 產生 生成
access 徵收費用
canonical 典型的,標準的
compensation 補償,補助;修正
tighten 收緊 加緊
bicoastal 美俚〉(活躍在)大西洋和太平洋東西海岸的
magnified 放大的
vacuum 真空 空白 空間
implication 含義 言外之意
vague 含糊的 模糊的 不準確的
hood 面罩 防護罩
theorizing 標示解釋

You can configure buckets so that they are created in a specific Region.

eventual consistency
read-after-write consistency

Amazon S3 does not keep copies or move it to any other region.

Two ways of controlling access to buckets and objects :
access control list (ACLs)
bucket prolicies
Policies are a collect of statements that define a user's permissions to access amazon S3 resouces .


The following features are currently unavailable in the AWS Management Console:
Requester pays

PART ONE::::::::::Working with Buckets

the storage class of the objects in the buckets

Note:You are not charged for creating a bucket,you are only charged for storing
objects in the bucket and or transfering objects in and out of the bucket.

Bucket names requirements:
Can contain lowercase letters,numbers,periods(.),underscores(_),and dashes(-)
Must start with a number or letter
Must be between 3 and 255 characters long
Must not be formatted as an IP address (e.g.,

request access log:
request type
the resources specified in the request worked
the time and date the request was processed
However,by default,S3 does not collect server access logs

A check box enable you to configure your bucket as a website.
If you clear the Enabled check box,Amazon S3 removes any existing website configuration
from the bucket,and the bucket is not accesiable via the website endpoints.

PART TWO::::::::::::Working with Objects
Objects can be any file type:image_backup,data,movies,etc

There are two types of metadata:system and user.
S3 never process user metadata. User metadata is stored with the object and
returned with it.The maximum size for user metadata is 2KB,and both the keys and their
values must conform to US-ASCII standards.


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