GoldenGat在win 7平臺出錯

在源端的error log中一直出現

error 13 (Permission denied) opening redo log C:\ORACLE\ORADATA\ORCL\REDO03.LOG for sequence 36.

在Oracle的論壇中找到了解決辦法。因win7的redo log的預設許可權被改變了,所以一直會碰到這個錯誤。推薦解決方案是將MGR安裝為windows的service.

On windows 2008 or Windows 7, the default permission for Oracle online redo log is changed. Therefore, the other users cannot read them.

1. install GG service (e.g., "install ADDSERVICE"). 
The installation will require administrator privilege. After the installation, starting the manager by service (not from ggsci command line). Then, the extract may be started and able to read redo logs. This is the preferred way.

2. Start manager/extract processes as administrator.
Right click 'cmd' program (DOS), select 'run as administrator'. Then starting manager and extract will give the extract the permission to read redo logs. 

3. Change online redo log files permission
Add read permission on all the redo logfiles to the user who will start up the manager and extract. 
right click the file ->property->security->Edit->add
This may have side effects on database security, and is not recommended in production environment.

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