NoSQL Databases - Origin and Fundamentals

[i=s] 本帖最後由 jieforest 於 2012-5-24 15:53 編輯

With the growing data volumes NoSQL solutions have become popular in last few years. This session will explore the evolution of NoSQL databases from regular relational database based architectures.

Fundamentals of NoSQL systems will be discussed taking examples from the current implementations of theNoSQL implementations like Redis/Cassandra/neo4j.

NoSQL system diverge from the relational model by making certain assumptions or relaxing ACID requirements or make use of sophisticated algorithms to solve aparticular problem.

NoSQL gives you a scalable option for your specific problem.

This session will look at:

1)Application scaling: How databases become the bottleneck.

2)Limiting factors for database scaling on a single machine

· Disk IO , random reads


4)Introduction to NoSQL databases

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