Oracle 12.2 How to Generate AWRs in Active Data Guard Standby Databases
從Oralce 12.2開始, 可以對Active Data Guard(ADG) standby database捕獲AWR資料。這個功能可以對ADG備庫的效能問題執行分析。在下面的例子中主庫與備庫都是兩節點的RAC(db_name=cs)。主庫(db_unique_name=cs),備庫(db_unique_name=cs_dg)分別執行在cs1,cs2與jytest1,jytest2節點上。
1對備庫確認資料庫的open mode與database role
SQL> select inst_id, open_mode, database_role from gv$database order by 1; INST_ID OPEN_MODE DATABASE_ROLE ---------- -------------------- ---------------- 1 READ ONLY WITH APPLY PHYSICAL STANDBY 2 READ ONLY WITH APPLY PHYSICAL STANDBY
SQL> alter user sys$umf account unlock identified by xxzx7817600; User altered.
SQL> create database link cs_to_cs_dg connect to sys$umf identified by xxzx7817600 using 'cs_dg'; Database link created. SQL> create database link cs_dg_to_cs connect to sys$umf identified by xxzx7817600 using 'cs'; Database link created.
SQL> exec dbms_umf.configure_node ('cs'); PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
SQL> exec dbms_umf.configure_node ('cs_dg','CS_DG_TO_CS'); PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
SQL> exec dbms_umf.create_topology ('topology_1'); PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
SQL> set line 132 SQL> col topology_name format a15 SQL> col node_name format a15 SQL> select * from dba_umf_topology; TOPOLOGY_NAME TARGET_ID TOPOLOGY_VERSION TOPOLOGY --------------- ---------- ---------------- -------- topology_1 1789571709 1 ACTIVE SQL> select * from dba_umf_registration; TOPOLOGY_NAME NODE_NAME NODE_ID NODE_TYPE AS_SO AS_CA STATE --------------- --------------- ---------- ---------- ----- ----- -------------------- topology_1 cs 1789571709 0 FALSE FALSE OK
SQL> exec dbms_umf.register_node ('topology_1', 'cs_dg', 'CS_TO_CS_DG', 'CS_DG_TO_CS', 'FALSE', 'FALSE'); PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
9.在主庫上執行下面的操作把拓撲的ADG庫cs_dg的AWR service開啟:
SQL> exec dbms_workload_repository.register_remote_database(node_name=>'cs_dg'); PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
如果遇到“ORA-15766: already registered in an RMF topology" 那麼要先執行DBMS_UMF.unregister_node清除註冊的節點然而再次執行DBMS_UMF.register_node來註冊節點
如果遇到"ORA-13519: Database id (1730117407) exists in the workload repository"那麼要先執行DBMS_WORKLOAD_REPOSITORY.unregister_remote_database清除遠端資料庫然後再次執行
SQL> set line 132 SQL> col topology_name format a15 SQL> col node_name format a15 SQL> select * from dba_umf_topology; TOPOLOGY_NAME TARGET_ID TOPOLOGY_VERSION TOPOLOGY --------------- ---------- ---------------- -------- topology_1 1789571709 4 ACTIVE SQL> select * from dba_umf_registration; TOPOLOGY_NAME NODE_NAME NODE_ID NODE_TYPE AS_SO AS_CA STATE --------------- --------------- ---------- ---------- ----- ----- -------------------- topology_1 cs 1789571709 0 FALSE FALSE OK topology_1 cs_dg 2145432700 0 FALSE FALSE OK SQL> select * from dba_umf_link; TOPOLOGY_NAME FROM_NODE_ID TO_NODE_ID LINK_NAME --------------- ------------ ---------- ---------------------------------------- topology_1 2145432700 1789571709 CS_DG_TO_CS topology_1 1789571709 2145432700 CS_TO_CS_DG SQL> select * from dba_umf_service; TOPOLOGY_NAME NODE_ID SERVICE --------------- ---------- ------- topology_1 2145432700 AWR
11.這時候每當預設生成AWR snapshot時,主庫與ADG庫會同時生成。如果要手工生成ADG的AWR快照,可以在主庫中執行下面的命令(引數值為ADG庫的node_id或node_name)
SQL> exec dbms_workload_repository.create_remote_snapshot(2145432700); PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. SQL> exec dbms_workload_repository.create_remote_snapshot('cs_dg'); PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
至少要執行兩次命令來得到快照的begin_snap和end_snap。如果遇到 "ORA-13516: AWR Operation failed:Remote source not registered for AWR" 那麼需要對主庫執行alter system switch logfile命令
12.如果要生成ADG庫的AWR report,可以執行下面的操作:
SQL> @$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/awrrpti.sql Specify the Report Type ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ AWR reports can be generated in the following formats. Please enter the name of the format at the prompt. Default value is 'html'. 'html' HTML format (default) 'text' Text format 'active-html' Includes Performance Hub active report Enter value for report_type: html Type Specified: html Instances in this Workload Repository schema ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DB Id Inst Num DB Name Instance Host ------------ ---------- --------- ---------- ------ 1386528187 1 CS cs1 1386528187 2 CS cs2 2145432700 1 CS cs1 jytest1.jydb 2145432700 2 CS cs2 jytest2.jydb Enter value for dbid: 2145432700 這裡需要指定備庫的dbid Using 2145432700 for database Id Enter value for inst_num: 2 這裡指定備庫的例項ID Using 2 for instance number Specify the number of days of snapshots to choose from ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Entering the number of days (n) will result in the most recent (n) days of snapshots being listed. Pressing without specifying a number lists all completed snapshots. Enter value for num_days: 1 Listing the last day's Completed Snapshots Instance DB Name Snap Id Snap Started Snap Level ------------ ------------ ---------- ------------------ ---------- cs2 CS 1 24 Jan 2019 23:50 1 2 24 Jan 2019 23:51 1 Specify the Begin and End Snapshot Ids ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enter value for begin_snap: 1 Begin Snapshot Id specified: 1 Enter value for end_snap: 2 End Snapshot Id specified: 2 Specify the Report Name ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The default report file name is awrrpt_2_1_2.html. To use this name, press to continue, otherwise enter an alternative. Enter value for report_name: /home/oracle/cs_dg_1_2.html Using the report name /home/oracle/cs_dg_1_2.html
下面是一個ADG庫的AWR report的例子,可以看到資料庫的Role為PHYSICAL STANDBY。
Oracle 12.2在Active Dataguard上引入AWR功能,可以讓Active dataguard的資料庫效能診斷更加容易。
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