Save and Edit a Report Specification locally
Task1 Register the lfa.ddl file
1.In Command Line, use the following command
cd C:\Program Files\cognos\c8\bin
regsvr32 LFA.dll
2. Click ok and close the command line
Task2 Set the internet security and Report Studio options
1. Set internet Security
Location: Internet Explorer>Tools>Internet Options>Security Tab
2. Ensure the Local Internet is selected, and then click custom level
3.Enable Initialize and script. ActiveX controls not marked as safe
4.Set Report Studio Options to allow local file access
Location: Report Studio>Tool Menu>Options>Advanced Tab
1.In Command Line, use the following command
cd C:\Program Files\cognos\c8\bin
regsvr32 LFA.dll
2. Click ok and close the command line
Task2 Set the internet security and Report Studio options
1. Set internet Security
Location: Internet Explorer>Tools>Internet Options>Security Tab
2. Ensure the Local Internet is selected, and then click custom level
3.Enable Initialize and script. ActiveX controls not marked as safe
4.Set Report Studio Options to allow local file access
Location: Report Studio>Tool Menu>Options>Advanced Tab
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