程式碼的動態編譯並執行是一個.NET平臺提供給我們的很強大的工具用以靈活擴充套件(當然是面對內部開發人員)複雜而無法估算的邏輯,並通過一些額外的程式碼來擴充套件我們已有 的應用程式。這在很大程度上給我們提供了另外一種擴充套件的方式(當然這並不能算是嚴格意義上的擴充套件,但至少為我們提供了一種思路)。
· 將要被編譯和執行的程式碼讀入並以字串方式儲存
· 宣告CSharpCodeProvider物件例項
· 呼叫CSharpCodeProvider例項的CompileAssemblyFromSource方法編譯
· 用反射生成被生成物件的例項(Assembly.CreateInstance)
· 呼叫其方法
以下為引用的內容: //get the code to compile string strSourceCode = this.txtSource.Text; // 1.Create a new CSharpCodePrivoder instance CSharpCodeProvider bjCSharpCodePrivoder = new CSharpCodeProvider(); // 2.Sets the runtime compiling parameters by crating a new CompilerParameters instance CompilerParameters bjCompilerParameters = new CompilerParameters(); objCompilerParameters.ReferencedAssemblies.Add("System.dll"); objCompilerParameters.ReferencedAssemblies.Add("System.Windows.Forms.dll"); objCompilerParameters.GenerateInMemory = true; // 3.CompilerResults: Complile the code snippet by calling a method from the provider CompilerResults cr = objCSharpCodePrivoder.CompileAssemblyFromSource(objCompilerParameters, strSourceCode); if (cr.Errors.HasErrors) { string strErrorMsg = cr.Errors.Count.ToString() + " Errors:"; for (int x = 0; x < cr.Errors.Count; x++) { strErrorMsg = strErrorMsg + "\r\nLine: " + cr.Errors[x].Line.ToString() + " - " + cr.Errors[x].ErrorText; } this.txtResult.Text = strErrorMsg; MessageBox.Show("There were build erros, please modify your code.", "Compiling Error"); return; } // 4. Invoke the method by using Reflection Assembly bjAssembly = cr.CompiledAssembly; object bjClass = objAssembly.CreateInstance("Dynamicly.HelloWorld"); if (objClass == null) { this.txtResult.Text = "Error: " + "Couldn't load class."; return; } object[] bjCodeParms = new object[1]; objCodeParms[0] = "Allan."; string strResult = (string)objClass.GetType().InvokeMember( "GetTime", BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, objClass, objCodeParms); this.txtResult.Text = strResult; |
以下為引用的內容: using System; namespace Dynamicly { public class HelloWorld { public string GetTime(string strName) { return "Welcome " + strName + ", Check in at " + System.DateTime.Now.ToString(); } } } |
要解決這個問題我們需要來了解一下應用程式域。.NET Application Domain是.NET提供的執行和承載一個活動的程式(Process)的容器,它將這個程式執行所需的程式碼和資料,隔離到一個小的範圍內,稱為Application Domain。當一個應用程式執行時,Application Domains將所有的程式集/元件集載入到當前的應用程式域中,並根據需要來呼叫。而對於動態生成的程式碼/程式集,我們看起來好像並沒有辦法去管理它。其實不然,我們可以用Application Domain提供的管理程式集的辦法來動態載入和移除Assemblies來達到我們的提高效能的目的。具體怎麼做呢,在前邊的基礎上增加以下步驟:
· 建立另外一個Application Domain
· 動態建立(編譯)程式碼並儲存到磁碟
· 建立一個公共的遠端呼叫介面
· 建立遠端呼叫介面的例項。並通過這個介面來訪問其方法。
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Reflection; namespace RemoteAccess { /// /// Interface that can be run over the remote AppDomain boundary. /// public interface IRemoteInterface { object Invoke(string lcMethod,object[] Parameters); }
/// /// Factory class to create objects exposing IRemoteInterface /// public class RemoteLoaderFactory : MarshalByRefObject { private const BindingFlags bfi = BindingFlags. Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.CreateInstance;
public RemoteLoaderFactory() {}
public IRemoteInterface Create( string assemblyFile, string typeName, object[] constructArgs ) { return (IRemoteInterface) Activator.CreateInstanceFrom( assemblyFile, typeName, false, bfi, null, constructArgs, null, null, null ).Unwrap(); } } } |
· 將編譯成的DLL儲存到磁碟中。
· 建立另外的AppDomain。
· 獲得IRemoteInterface介面的引用。(將生成的DLL載入到額外的AppDomain)
· 呼叫InvokeMethod方法來遠端呼叫。
· 可以通過AppDomain.Unload()方法解除安裝程式集。
//get the code to compile string strSourceCode = this.txtSource.Text; //1. Create an addtional AppDomain AppDomainSetup bjSetup = new AppDomainSetup(); objSetup.ApplicationBase = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory; AppDomain bjAppDomain = AppDomain.CreateDomain("MyAppDomain", null, objSetup);
CSharpCodeProvider bjCSharpCodePrivoder = new CSharpCodeProvider();
// 2.Sets the runtime compiling parameters by crating a new CompilerParameters instance CompilerParameters bjCompilerParameters = new CompilerParameters(); objCompilerParameters.ReferencedAssemblies.Add("System.dll"); objCompilerParameters.ReferencedAssemblies.Add("System.Windows.Forms.dll"); // Load the remote loader interface objCompilerParameters.ReferencedAssemblies.Add("RemoteAccess.dll"); // Load the resulting assembly into memory objCompilerParameters.GenerateInMemory = false; objCompilerParameters.OutputAssembly = "DynamicalCode.dll"; // 3.CompilerResults: Complile the code snippet by calling a method from the provider CompilerResults cr = objCSharpCodePrivoder.CompileAssemblyFromSource(objCompilerParameters, strSourceCode); if (cr.Errors.HasErrors) { string strErrorMsg = cr.Errors.Count.ToString() + " Errors:"; for (int x = 0; x < cr.Errors.Count; x++) { strErrorMsg = strErrorMsg + "\r\nLine: " + cr.Errors[x].Line.ToString() + " - " + cr.Errors[x].ErrorText; } this.txtResult.Text = strErrorMsg; MessageBox.Show("There were build erros, please modify your code.", "Compiling Error");
return; } // 4. Invoke the method by using Reflection RemoteLoaderFactory factory = (RemoteLoaderFactory)objAppDomain.CreateInstance("RemoteAccess","RemoteAccess.RemoteLoaderFactory").Unwrap(); // with help of factory, create a real 'LiveClass' instance object bjObject = factory.Create("DynamicalCode.dll", "Dynamicly.HelloWorld", null);
if (objObject == null) { this.txtResult.Text = "Error: " + "Couldn't load class."; return; } // *** Cast object to remote interface, avoid loading type info IRemoteInterface bjRemote = (IRemoteInterface)objObject; object[] bjCodeParms = new object[1]; objCodeParms[0] = "Allan."; string strResult = (string)objRemote.Invoke("GetTime", objCodeParms); this.txtResult.Text = strResult; //Dispose the objects and unload the generated DLLs. objRemote = null; AppDomain.Unload(objAppDomain); System.IO.File.Delete("DynamicalCode.dll");
using System; using System.Reflection; using RemoteAccess; namespace Dynamicly { public class HelloWorld : MarshalByRefObject,IRemoteInterface { public object Invoke(string strMethod,object[] Parameters) { return this.GetType().InvokeMember(strMethod, BindingFlags. InvokeMethod,null,this,Parameters); }
public string GetTime(string strName) { return "Welcome " + strName + ", Check in at " + System.DateTime.Now.ToString(); } } } |
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/12639172/viewspace-545372/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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