# ./root.sh WARNING: directory ‘/oracle/product/10.2′ is not owned by root
WARNING: directory ‘/oracle/product’ is not owned by root
WARNING: directory ‘/oracle’ is not owned by root
Checking to see if Oracle CRS stack is already configured
Setting the permissions on OCR backup directory
Setting up NS directories
Failed to upgrade Oracle Cluster Registry configuration r
2008-07-01 23:51:53.642 [client(2216)]CRS-1006:The OCR location /oracle/OCR_A is inaccessible. Details i n /oracle/product/10.2/cluster/log/db1/client/ocrconfig_2216.log. 2008-07-01 23:51:53.807 [client(2216)]CRS-1001:The OCR was formatted using version 2.
Oracle Database 10g CRS Release Production Copyright 1996, 2005 Oracl e. All rights reserved. 2008-07-01 23:51:53.612: [ OCRCONF][1]ocrconfig starts… 2008-07-01 23:51:53.612: [ OCRCONF][1]Upgrading OCR data 2008-07-01 23:51:53.630: [ OCRRAW][1]propriogid:1: INVALID FORMAT 2008-07-01 23:51:53.631: [ OCRRAW][1]ibctx:1:ERROR: INVALID FORMAT 2008-07-01 23:51:53.631: [ OCRRAW][1]propri
發現在格式化OCR的盤時出錯。第一個反應是祼裝置許可權的問題,折騰幾次後發現這個並不存在問題。最終定位到問題是由於ocr和voting disk對應的祼裝置用了cylinder 0,而Solaris上祼裝置的cylinder 0是要預留給系統使用的,因此才會導致格式化OCR失敗。解決辦法便是重建OCR和VOTING DISK對應的祼裝置,跳過CYLINDER 0。
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