Solaris 5.8 CRON doesn't work with regular user
Cron日誌檔案/var/cron/log裡可以檢視到 bad user錯誤資訊:
>! bad user (oracle) 五 9月 8 08:20:00 2006
CMD: /usr/oracle8/backup/healthcheck/
> oracle 23716 c 五 9月 8 08:20:00 2006
CMD: /usr/oracle8/backup/healthcheck/
> oracle 23716 c 五 9月 8 08:20:00 2006
Change the password for the user, or unlock the account.
Hi all,
I just noticed the same messages in the cron-log:
! bad user (root)
After reading this topic I looked at the shadow-file.
I noticed that for the root-user there was no *LK* but the fields MAX and WARN (see manpage shadow) were filled.
Probably the password of root had expired which resulted in the errormessage of cron.
I removed the two fields and reset the password.
Now everything works fine again.
Thanks and I hope this will help you...
I just noticed the same messages in the cron-log:
! bad user (root)
After reading this topic I looked at the shadow-file.
I noticed that for the root-user there was no *LK* but the fields MAX and WARN (see manpage shadow) were filled.
Probably the password of root had expired which resulted in the errormessage of cron.
I removed the two fields and reset the password.
Now everything works fine again.
Thanks and I hope this will help you...
可以推斷,oracle使用者的密碼過期或者 oracle使用者被鎖定了。
cron dhcpagent inetinit kbd mpathd nss power sys-suspend utmpd
devfsadm fs init login nfslogd passwd su tar
oracle:/etc/default>ls -lt passwd
-r--r--r-- 1 root sys 76 Dec 25 2002 passwd
oracle:/etc/default>more passwd
#ident "@(#)passwd.dfl 1.3 92/07/14 SMI"
cron dhcpagent inetinit kbd mpathd nss power sys-suspend utmpd
devfsadm fs init login nfslogd passwd su tar
oracle:/etc/default>ls -lt passwd
-r--r--r-- 1 root sys 76 Dec 25 2002 passwd
oracle:/etc/default>more passwd
#ident "@(#)passwd.dfl 1.3 92/07/14 SMI"

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