# This file contains the auditctl rules that are loaded
# whenever the audit daemon is started via the initscripts.
# The rules are simply the parameters that would be passed
# to auditctl.
# First rule - delete all
# Increase the buffers to survive stress events.
# Make this bigger for busy systems
-b 320
# Feel free to add below this line. See auditctl man page
# Enable auditing
-e 1
## login configuration and information
-w /etc/login.defs -p wa -k CFG_login.defs
-w /etc/securetty -p wa -k CFG_securetty
-w /var/log/faillog -p wa -k LOG_faillog
-w /var/log/lastlog -p wa -k LOG_lastlog
-w /var/log/tallylog -p wa -k LOG_tallylog
## directory operations
#-a entry,always -S mkdir -S mkdirat -S rmdir
-a entry,always -F arch=b64 -S mkdir -S rmdir
## cron configuration & scheduled jobs
-w /etc/cron.allow -p wa -k CFG_cron.allow
-w /etc/cron.deny -p wa -k CFG_cron.deny
#-w /etc/cron.d/ -p wa -k CFG_cron.d -w /etc/cron.daily/ -p wa -k CFG_cron.daily
-w /etc/cron.hourly/ -p wa -k CFG_cron.hourly
-w /etc/cron.monthly/ -p wa -k CFG_cron.monthly
-w /etc/cron.weekly/ -p wa -k CFG_cron.weekly
-w /etc/crontab -p wa -k CFG_crontab
-w /var/spool/cron/root -k CFG_crontab_root
## user, group, password databases
-w /etc/group -p wa -k CFG_group
-w /etc/passwd -p wa -k CFG_passwd
-w /etc/gshadow -k CFG_gshadow
-w /etc/shadow -k CFG_shadow
-w /etc/security/opasswd -k CFG_opasswd
# ----- File System audit rules -----
# Add a watch on "passwd" with the arbitrary filterkey "fk_passwd" that
# generates records for "reads, writes, executes, and appends" on "passwd"
-w /etc/passwd -k fk_passwd -p rwxa
# Add a watch "shadow" with a NULL filterkey that has permissions
# filtering turned off
-w /etc/shadow
# whenever the audit daemon is started via the initscripts.
# The rules are simply the parameters that would be passed
# to auditctl.
# First rule - delete all
# Increase the buffers to survive stress events.
# Make this bigger for busy systems
-b 320
# Feel free to add below this line. See auditctl man page
# Enable auditing
-e 1
## login configuration and information
-w /etc/login.defs -p wa -k CFG_login.defs
-w /etc/securetty -p wa -k CFG_securetty
-w /var/log/faillog -p wa -k LOG_faillog
-w /var/log/lastlog -p wa -k LOG_lastlog
-w /var/log/tallylog -p wa -k LOG_tallylog
## directory operations
#-a entry,always -S mkdir -S mkdirat -S rmdir
-a entry,always -F arch=b64 -S mkdir -S rmdir
## cron configuration & scheduled jobs
-w /etc/cron.allow -p wa -k CFG_cron.allow
-w /etc/cron.deny -p wa -k CFG_cron.deny
#-w /etc/cron.d/ -p wa -k CFG_cron.d -w /etc/cron.daily/ -p wa -k CFG_cron.daily
-w /etc/cron.hourly/ -p wa -k CFG_cron.hourly
-w /etc/cron.monthly/ -p wa -k CFG_cron.monthly
-w /etc/cron.weekly/ -p wa -k CFG_cron.weekly
-w /etc/crontab -p wa -k CFG_crontab
-w /var/spool/cron/root -k CFG_crontab_root
## user, group, password databases
-w /etc/group -p wa -k CFG_group
-w /etc/passwd -p wa -k CFG_passwd
-w /etc/gshadow -k CFG_gshadow
-w /etc/shadow -k CFG_shadow
-w /etc/security/opasswd -k CFG_opasswd
# ----- File System audit rules -----
# Add a watch on "passwd" with the arbitrary filterkey "fk_passwd" that
# generates records for "reads, writes, executes, and appends" on "passwd"
-w /etc/passwd -k fk_passwd -p rwxa
# Add a watch "shadow" with a NULL filterkey that has permissions
# filtering turned off
-w /etc/shadow
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/22661144/viewspace-1413417/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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