什麼是SAP GUI的client



什麼是SAP GUI的client



SAP Client is the highest hierarchical organizational unit within an SAP system that contains master records and tables. The transactions processed at SAP client level is valid and applicable for all company code data and enterprise structures.Client is a three digits numerical key and from a business point of view, client represents as a corporate group. User is required to enter client key while logging on to the SAP system.

SAP client是SAP系統裡包含了主資料和業務資料的層級結構最高的組織單元識別符號,業務上來說代表一個企業,技術型別是一個三位的正整數。

Important Client Characteristics

  • Every SAP user’s access and authorizations must assigned to the SAP client on which client users are working.
  • It is used to differentiate between development, quality and product system within the same or different server
  • The data entered at client level is valid for all organizational units.
  • Each client can have one or more company codes, plants and locations but there will be not have connection between clients.


什麼是SAP GUI的client
什麼是SAP GUI的client


什麼是SAP GUI的client

來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/24475491/viewspace-2620921/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
