A warehouse number is divided up into a number of storage types. A storage type is defined on the basis of its spatial or organizational features (for example, high rack storage area, bulk storage area, goods receipt area).
A storage type has the following features:一個儲存型別有下面的特徵
A warehouse number is divided up into a number of storage types. A storage type is defined on the basis of its spatial or organizational features (for example, high rack storage area, bulk storage area, goods receipt area).
A storage type has the following features:一個儲存型別有下面的特徵
A storage type does not have an address, but a short description. 儲存型別沒有地址,但是有短描述
It is possible to store storage-type-specific material data. 可以存特別儲存的物料資料
Within a storage type, inventory is executed for each storage bin.在儲存型別,存貨是在每個儲存倉位的。
Standard settings
It is possible to store storage-type-specific material data. 可以存特別儲存的物料資料
Within a storage type, inventory is executed for each storage bin.在儲存型別,存貨是在每個儲存倉位的。
Standard settings
In the SAP standard version, different examples of storage types are preset in warehouse number 001.
These interim storage types (900-999) are required for various postings (for example, GR and GI postings, differences) in WM. When you define your warehouse numbers, copy the interim storage types from warehouse number 001.
1. Create your storage types with the respective descriptions. 建立自己的儲存型別帶有獨立的描述
2. Copy the interim storage types from warehouse number 001. 從倉庫編號001複製零時儲存型別
Further notes
2. Copy the interim storage types from warehouse number 001. 從倉庫編號001複製零時儲存型別
Further notes
Further parameters are maintained in the chapters " Strategies" and
" Transactions". 進一步的引數是維護在“策略”和“事務”章節
" Transactions". 進一步的引數是維護在“策略”和“事務”章節
If you are implementing storage unit management, maintain the parameters that are described in the chapter " Storage type control".
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