Oracle 11g RAC 常用命令


[grid@rac1 ~]$ crsctl check cluster
CRS-4537: Cluster Ready Services is online
CRS-4529: Cluster Synchronization Services is online
CRS-4533: Event Manager is online


[grid@rac1 ~]$ srvctl status database -d orcl
Instance orcl1 is running on node rac1
Instance orcl2 is running on node rac2


[grid@rac1 ~]$ srvctl status nodeapps
VIP rac1-vip is enabled
VIP rac1-vip is running on node: rac1
VIP rac2-vip is enabled
VIP rac2-vip is running on node: rac2
Network is enabled
Network is running on node: rac1
Network is running on node: rac2
GSD is disabled
GSD is not running on node: rac1
GSD is not running on node: rac2
ONS is enabled
ONS daemon is running on node: rac1
ONS daemon is running on node: rac2


[grid@rac1 ~]$ srvctl config database -d orcl -a
Database unique name: orcl
Database name: orcl
Oracle home: /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1
Oracle user: oracle
Spfile: +DATADG/orcl/spfileorcl.ora
Start options: open
Stop options: immediate
Database role: PRIMARY
Management policy: AUTOMATIC
Server pools: orcl
Database instances: orcl1,orcl2
Mount point paths:
Type: RAC
Database is enabled
Database is administrator managed


[grid@rac1 ~]$ srvctl status asm
ASM is running on rac2,rac1

[grid@rac1 ~]$ srvctl config asm -a
ASM home: /u01/app/11.2.0/grid
ASM listener: LISTENER
ASM is enabled.


[grid@rac1 ~]$ srvctl status listener
Listener LISTENER is enabled
Listener LISTENER is running on node(s): rac2,rac1

[grid@rac1 ~]$ srvctl config listener -a
Network: 1, Owner: grid
Home: <CRS home>
  /u01/app/11.2.0/grid on node(s) rac1,rac2
End points: TCP:1521


[grid@rac1 ~]$ srvctl status scan
SCAN VIP scan1 is enabled
SCAN VIP scan1 is running on node rac1

[grid@rac1 ~]$ srvctl config scan
SCAN name: rac-cluster-scan, Network: 1/
SCAN VIP name: scan1, IP: /rac-cluster-scan/


[grid@rac1 ~]$ srvctl status vip -n rac1
VIP rac1-vip is enabled
VIP rac1-vip is running on node: rac1
[grid@rac1 ~]$ srvctl status vip -n rac2
VIP rac2-vip is enabled
VIP rac2-vip is running on node: rac2
[grid@rac1 ~]$ srvctl config vip -n rac1
VIP exists: /rac1-vip/, hosting node rac1
[grid@rac1 ~]$ srvctl config vip -n rac2
VIP exists: /rac2-vip/, hosting node rac2


[grid@rac1 ~]$ cluvfy comp clocksync -verbose

Verifying Clock Synchronization across the cluster nodes

Checking if Clusterware is installed on all nodes...
Check of Clusterware install passed

Checking if CTSS Resource is running on all nodes...
Check: CTSS Resource running on all nodes
  Node Name                             Status
  ------------------------------------  ------------------------
  rac1                                  passed
Result: CTSS resource check passed

Querying CTSS for time offset on all nodes...
Result: Query of CTSS for time offset passed

Check CTSS state started...
Check: CTSS state
  Node Name                             State
  ------------------------------------  ------------------------
  rac1                                  Active
CTSS is in Active state. Proceeding with check of clock time offsets on all nodes...
Reference Time Offset Limit: 1000.0 msecs
Check: Reference Time Offset
  Node Name     Time Offset               Status
  ------------  ------------------------  ------------------------
  rac1          0.0                       passed

Time offset is within the specified limits on the following set of nodes:
Result: Check of clock time offsets passed

Oracle Cluster Time Synchronization Services check passed

Verification of Clock Synchronization across the cluster nodes was successful.

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