RAC中的腦裂(Split Brain)是根據什麼原則進行節點驅逐(Node Eviction)的 ? 1546004.1
Oracle Grid Infrastructure: Understanding Split-Brain Node Eviction ( Doc ID 1546004.1 )
How does the clusterware resolve a "split brain" situation?
Oracle Clusterware handles the split-brain by terminating all the nodes in the SMALLER cohort.
If both of the cohorts are the same size, the cohort with the lowest numbered node in it survives.
The clusterware identifies the LARGEST cohort, and aborts all the nodes which do NOT belong to that cohort.
1). 擁有最多節點數目的子叢集(Sub-cluster with largest number of Nodes)會存活下來。
2). 若子叢集內數目相等則為擁有最低節點號的子叢集(Sub-cluster with lowest node number),舉例來說在一個2節點的RAC環境中總是1號節點會獲勝。
從文章後段的實驗中可以看到Oracle CSS中Brain Split Check時會盡可能地保證最大的一個子叢集存活下來以保證RAC系統具有最高的可用性,而並不會透過節點對投票磁碟的搶佔來保證哪個節點存活下來。
How does the clusterware resolve a "split brain" situation?
Oracle Clusterware handles the split-brain by terminating all the nodes in the SMALLER cohort.
If both of the cohorts are the same size, the cohort with the lowest numbered node in it survives.
The clusterware identifies the LARGEST cohort, and aborts all the nodes which do NOT belong to that cohort.
1). 擁有最多節點數目的子叢集(Sub-cluster with largest number of Nodes)會存活下來。
2). 若子叢集內數目相等則為擁有最低節點號的子叢集(Sub-cluster with lowest node number),舉例來說在一個2節點的RAC環境中總是1號節點會獲勝。
從文章後段的實驗中可以看到Oracle CSS中Brain Split Check時會盡可能地保證最大的一個子叢集存活下來以保證RAC系統具有最高的可用性,而並不會透過節點對投票磁碟的搶佔來保證哪個節點存活下來。
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