Accessibility 輔助功能
iOS offers extensive accessibility features for users with vision loss, hearing loss, and other disabilities. Most UIKit-based apps can be made accessible with very little effort, allowing more people to use your app while providing an equally engaging experience for all.
Reduce Transparency 降低透明度
VoiceOver 語音播報
Button Shapes 按鈕形狀
Play 開始
Provide alternative text labels for images, icons, and interface elements.Alternative text labels aren’t visible onscreen, but they let VoiceOver audibly describe what's onscreen, making navigation easier for people with visual impairments.
Respond to accessibility preferences.If your app uses UIKit to implement its user interface, text and interface elements automatically adapt to certain accessibility preferences, such as bold and larger text. Your app should also check and respond to accessibility preferences when appropriate, such as when the option to reduce motion is enabled. Apps implementing custom fonts should attempt to match the accessibility behavior of the system fonts.
響應可訪問設定,如果你的應用使用UIKit框架實現使用者介面,文字和介面元素自動的採用特定的輔助功能,例如更大字型和粗體文字。你的應用應該會適時的檢查和響應輔助功能設定,如減弱動態效果的選項已啟用, 應用實現定製字型應該嘗試匹配系統字型的可訪問設定。
Test your app with accessibility features.In addition to text and motion changes, accessibility options can change contrast, invert colors, reduce transparency, and more. Enable these settings and observe how your app will look and behave for people who enable these features.
Include closed captions and audio descriptions.Closed captions allow the deaf and hard-of-hearing to perceive spoken dialogue and other audible content in videos. Audio descriptions provide spoken narration of important video content for the visually impaired.
For more information, seeiOS AccessibilityandAccessibility Programming Guide for iOS.
更多資訊參閱 iOS Accessibility 和 Accessibility Programming Guide for iOS 文章。
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