How to Move a Database Using Transportable Tablespaces (文件 ID 1493809.1)
In this Document
Goal |
Fix |
How to move a database using transportable tablespaces: |
Assumptions: |
Metadata residing in the system or sysaux tablespaces: |
System-owned objects in the system or sysaux tablespaces: |
Databases using text indexes and spatial indexes |
Text: |
Spatial: |
1. Stop materialized view refresh jobs: |
2. Check endianness: |
3. Create list of tablespaces and par files |
A. Run this script to list all of the tablespaces that are available to be transported and their block sizes: |
B. Ensure you have a valid directory for datapump: |
C. Run the following script to create TTS export, and TTS import Data Pump parameter files. |
4. Check for user-created objects in the system and sysaux tablespaces: |
5. Create the 'Create user script': |
6. Check containment: |
7. Export source metadata: |
8. Check for tablespaces using a non-default block size. These tablespaces will need a db_nK_cache_size parameter at the target database to support the tablespace. |
9. Create tablespace scripts: |
A. This script creates the tts_tsro.sql script from the source database. Use this script to set all tablespaces to be transported to READ ONLY mode. |
B. Run script tts_tsro.sql to set the tablespaces to be transported to read only mode. |
C. This script creates the tts_tsrw.sql script. Use script tts_tsrw.sql later in step 13 to set all tablespaces to READ WRITE mode after the transport tablespace import process. |
D. Save script tts_tsrw.sql to be run on the destination database later in step 13. |
10. Export the tablespaces: |
11. Endianness conversion: |
12. Copy the following files to a place that is accessible to the destination database. |
13. Add the db_32k_cache_size parameter to the target database to support the BIG_DATA tablespace being transported from step 8. |
14. Create users: |
15. Import the tablespaces: |
16. Make tablespace read write: |
17. Import source metadata: |
18. Verification: |
A. At the source database: |
B. Export table t1 to destination database. |
C. Import table t1 into destination database. |
D. At destination database: |
References |
Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition - Version to [Release 10.1 to 11.2]Information in this document applies to any platform.
Explains how to move a database using Transportable Tablespaces.
How to move a database using transportable tablespaces:
Moving data using transportable tablespaces can be faster than performing either a full export/import or unload/load of the same data. This is because the datafiles containing all of the actual data are just copied to the destination location, and you use the datapump export/import utility to transfer only the metadata of the tablespace objects to the new database.
It is important to remember that you cannot import a tablespace if it already exists in the destination database. For example, if you are trying to transport the 'USERS' tablespace from the source, and if 'USERS' already exists in the destination - you will get an error upon import.
- We will also need to ensure that the users, who currently own these objects in the source database, are created in the destination database prior to the tablespaces being moved. There is a script provided to do this. An alternative would be to use the 'Remap_Schema' parameter to put the objects into a different schema.
- This examples also assumes you want to transport all user tablespaces to the new database and that there is a destination database already created. If there are tablespaces that you do not wish to transport, then it will be your responsibility to properly edit the 'par' files to exclude the unwanted tablespaces and their associated datafiles.
Metadata residing in the system or sysaux tablespaces:
Database metadata includes views, synonyms, type definitions, database links, PL/SQL packages, roles, Java classes, privileges, sequences, and other objects. Running a full database, metadata-only import creates database metadata that is not automatically created in the target database by the transport process. This will be accomplished with a separate import process.
System-owned objects in the system or sysaux tablespaces:
Some applications create tables and indexes owned by the SYSTEM user that are required for proper application functionality. To properly identify these objects requires application-specific knowledge. You must move these objects to the target database manually with Data Pump or manually re-create the objects after performing the database upgrade.
Databases using text indexes and spatial indexes
Users such as 'CTXSYS, 'ORDSYS', 'MDSYS', 'ORDPLUGINS', 'LBACSYS', 'XDB', 'SI_INFORMTN_SCHEMA', 'DIP', 'DMSYS', 'DBSNMP are treated as objects owned by 'SYS' and not exported.
See Document 228482.1 Schemas CTXSYS MDSYS ORDSYS Are Not Exported
Text:User-created TEXT indexes will only export/import if the target database has Text installed.
Spatial:SDO_UTIL.PREPARE_FOR_TTS will need to be run first if exporting from a source database that is 10.2 or 11.1. It is not needed for 11.2.
SDO_UTIL.INITIALIZE_INDEXES_FOR_TTS will be needed if the endianess will be changing. See following note for details:
Note 861911.1 Spatial Indexes And Transportable Tablespaces In The 11gR2 Release
1. Stop materialized view refresh jobs:
Stop all the mview refresh jobs. Once the data is imported to the new database , you should check the refresh jobs. For the mviews that don't refresh, you can drop the mview with 'Preserve Table' and then recreate the mview 'on prebuilt table' to enable the job again.
drop materialized view
Create materialized view
2. Check endianness:
Determine the endian format of both the source and destination databases with the following queries. If the endianess is different, the RMAN CONVERT DATAFILE must be used to convert the datafiles to the endian format of the destination database.
SQL> -- This list taken from Older RDBMS versions may contain fewer platforms.
SQL> -- The list will not contain the platform info for the database from which you are running the query.
SQL> col platform_name for a35
SQL> select * from v$transportable_platform order by platform_id;
----------- ----------------------------------- --------------
1 Solaris[tm] OE (32-bit) Big
2 Solaris[tm] OE (64-bit) Big
3 HP-UX (64-bit) Big
4 HP-UX IA (64-bit) Big
5 HP Tru64 UNIX Little
6 AIX-Based Systems (64-bit) Big
7 Microsoft Windows IA (32-bit) Little
8 Microsoft Windows IA (64-bit) Little
9 IBM zSeries Based Linux Big
10 Linux IA (32-bit) Little
11 Linux IA (64-bit) Little
12 Microsoft Windows x86 64-bit Little
13 Linux x86 64-bit Little
14 Linux x86 32-bit Little
15 HP Open VMS Little
16 Apple Mac OS Big
17 Solaris Operating System (x86) Little
18 IBM Power Based Linux Big
19 HP IA Open VMS Little
20 Solaris Operating System (x86-64) Little
21 Apple Mac OS (x86-64) Little
SQL> -- You can easily find the platform info for the database running the above query by using the following SQL:
SQL> SELECT tp.platform_id,substr(d.PLATFORM_NAME,1,30), ENDIAN_FORMAT
The output of the query can change with version. So please use the query above to find the current support platforms. In previous releases, the transportable tablespace feature allowed the transfer between platforms of the same architecture only.
At the source database:
3. Create list of tablespaces and par files
A. Run this script to list all of the tablespaces that are available to be transported and their block sizes:
select tablespace_name, block_size
from dba_tablespaces
where tablespace_name not in ('SYSTEM','SYSAUX')
and contents = 'PERMANENT';
NOTE: You will need to review the results of this query and verify the block size for all tablespaces that you are going to Transport. If there are any using a non-standard block size, you will need to add to the target database the init parameter, db_nK_cache_size (where 'n' is the desired block size), to support the transported tablespace. This must be done prior to the TTS import.
B. Ensure you have a valid directory for datapump:Run the following query to determine the location of DATA_PUMP_DIR:
---------- ---------------- -----------------------------------
SYS DATA_PUMP_DIR C:\app\orauser\admin\orawin\dpdump\
You can also create a directory to a different location if you like and grant rights to the directory to the user running the exports/imports using the following syntax:
Create directory DATA_PUMP_DIR as ‘/usr/apps/datafiles’;
GRANT read, write on directory DATA_PUMP_DIR TO scott;
Reference: Oracle DataPump Quick Start (Doc ID 413965.1)
C. Run the following script to create TTS export, and TTS import Data Pump parameter files.connect / as sysdba
REM Create TTS Data Pump export and import PAR files
set feedback off trimspool on
set serveroutput on size 1000000
REM Data Pump parameter file for TTS export
spool dp_ttsexp.par
tsname varchar(30);
i number := 0;
for ts in
(select tablespace_name from dba_tablespaces
where tablespace_name not in ('SYSTEM','SYSAUX')
and contents = 'PERMANENT'
order by tablespace_name)
if (i!=0) then
end if;
i := 1;
tsname := ts.tablespace_name;
end loop;
spool off
REM Data Pump parameter file for TTS import
spool dp_ttsimp.par
fname varchar(513);
i number := 0;
for df in
(select file_name from dba_tablespaces a, dba_data_files b
where a.tablespace_name = b.tablespace_name
and a.tablespace_name not in ('SYSTEM','SYSAUX')
and contents = 'PERMANENT'
order by a.tablespace_name)
if (i!=0) then
end if;
i := 1;
fname := df.file_name;
end loop;
4. Check for user-created objects in the system and sysaux tablespaces:
Since objects in the system and sysaux tablespaces are not transported, you will want to check for user-created objects that may be in these two tablespaces with this script:
select owner, segment_name, segment_type from dba_segments where tablespace_name in ('SYSTEM', 'SYSAUX') and owner not in (select name
from system.logstdby$skip_support
where action=0);
You must move the identified objects to a user tablespace prior to beginning the transport process so the objects can be transported by TTS. Alternatively, you can move the objects separately with Data Pump or you can manually re-create them after performing the database upgrade.
5. Create the 'Create user script':
Run the following commands at the source database to generate a 'create user' script to be used at the destination database to create the users prior to the TTS import. A subsequent metadata import, run after the TTS, will reset these accounts to their original passwords and default tablespaces.
connect / as sysdba
spool def_Tbs.sql
spool off
6. Check containment:
Run this script for the DBMS_TTS.TRANSPORT_SET_CHECK function to perform the self-containment check for the list of tablespaces to be transported.
connect / as sysdba
checklist varchar2(4000);
i number := 0;
for ts in
(select tablespace_name
from dba_tablespaces
where tablespace_name not in ('SYSTEM','SYSAUX') and contents = 'PERMANENT')
if (i=0) then
checklist := ts.tablespace_name;
checklist := checklist||','||ts.tablespace_name;
end if;
i := 1;
end loop;
select * from transport_set_violations;
Any violations listed must be resolved before the tablespaces are transportable. See note
Note.114915.1 Ext/Pub Using Dbms_tts.transport_set_check Results in Entry in Transport_set_violations:
7. Export source metadata:
Export metadata from the source database. After the tablespaces are transported, the metadata will be imported into the target database to create the remaining metadata that was not transported. Perform no DDL at the source database after this step. This command will create a dump file for the metadata.
-- example
$ expdp system/<password> DIRECTORY=DATA_PUMP_DIR LOGFILE=dp_fullexp_meta.log DUMPFILE=dp_full.dmp FULL=y CONTENT=METADATA_ONLY
Copy the resulting dump file; dp_full.dmp to the target database.
8. Check for tablespaces using a non-default block size. These tablespaces will need a db_nK_cache_size parameter at the target database to support the tablespace.
-- Example
------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
client_result_cache_size big integer 0
db_16k_cache_size big integer 0
db_2k_cache_size big integer 0
db_32k_cache_size big integer 1024M
db_4k_cache_size big integer 0
db_8k_cache_size big integer 0
db_cache_size big integer 16G
db_keep_cache_size big integer 16G
db_recycle_cache_size big integer 0
select tablespace_name, block_size from dba_tablespaces;
------------------------------ ----------
TEMP 8192
USERS 8192
BIG_DATA 32768
If the tablespace (in this case BIG_DATA )with a 32k block size is being transported, you will need to create a 32k cache in the target database. We will do this in Step 13.
9. Create tablespace scripts:
A. This script creates the tts_tsro.sql script from the source database. Use this script to set all tablespaces to be transported to READ ONLY mode.connect / as sysdba
set heading off
feedback off
trimspool on
linesize 500
spool tts_tsro.sql
prompt /* =================================== */
prompt /* Make all user tablespaces READ ONLY */
prompt /* =================================== */
select 'ALTER TABLESPACE ' || tablespace_name || ' READ ONLY;' from dba_tablespaces
where tablespace_name not in ('SYSTEM','SYSAUX')
and contents = 'PERMANENT';
spool off
SQL> @tts_tsro.sql;
connect / as sysdba
set heading off
feedback off
trimspool on
linesize 500
spool tts_tsrw.sql
prompt /* ==================================== */
prompt /* Make all user tablespaces READ WRITE */
prompt /* ==================================== */
select 'ALTER TABLESPACE ' || tablespace_name || ' READ WRITE;' from dba_tablespaces
where tablespace_name not in ('SYSTEM','SYSAUX')
and contents = 'PERMANENT';
spool off
10. Export the tablespaces:
Invoke the Data Pump export utility on the host system and specify which tablespaces are in the transportable set.
$ EXPDP system/<password> parfile=dp_ttsexp.par
11. Endianness conversion:
If the tablespaces are being transported to a different platform, and the endianness of the platforms is different, then convert the datafiles composing the tablespaces.
You can find the list of tablespaces in the parfile that was created. For a simple example, we used the 'sales_1 and sales_2 tablespaces below:
From SQL*Plus, return to the host system:
Start RMAN and connect to the source database:
Use the RMAN CONVERT TABLESPACE command to convert the datafiles into a temporary location on the source platform. In this example, assume that the temporary location, directory /tmp, has already been created. The converted datafiles are assigned names by the system. If you have a large amount of tablespaces to convert, you can issue multiple 'CONVERT TABLESPACE' commands.
2> TO PLATFORM 'Microsoft Windows IA (32-bit)'
3> FORMAT '/tmp/%U';
RMAN> exit
Recovery Manager complete.
See Also:
Oracle Database Backup and Recovery Reference for a description of the RMAN CONVERT command
12. Copy the following files to a place that is accessible to the destination database.
dp_ttsimp.par import parameter file
def_Tbs.sql create user script
dp_full.dmp metadata dump file
tts_tsrw.sql script to make tablespaces read write
If your datafiles are on ASM, you will need to use Dbms_file_transfer to move them to the destination database as seen in note:
How to Create Transportable Tablespaces Where the Source and Destination are ASM-Based (Doc ID 394798.1)
Copy the datafiles of the tablespaces to a place that is accessible to the destination database. To accomplish this, do one of the following:
If no endianness conversion of the tablespace set is needed, or if you already converted the tablespace set:
Copy the dump file to the directory pointed to by the DATA_PUMP_DIR directory object, or to any other directory object of your choosing. Run the following query to determine the location of DATA_PUMP_DIR:
---------- ---------------- -----------------------------------
SYS DATA_PUMP_DIR C:\app\orauser\admin\orawin\dpdump\
On the UNIX and Linux platforms, the datafile location is typically /u01/app/oracle/oradata/SID/ or +DISKGROUP/SID/datafile/.
If you converted the datafiles, obtain the new names and locations of the datafiles from the CONVERT TABLESPACE command output.
See Also:
DBMS_FILE_TRANSFER Feature in Oracle 10g (Doc ID 283991.1)
AT the Destination database:
13. Add the db_32k_cache_size parameter to the target database to support the BIG_DATA tablespace being transported from step 8.
14. Create users:
Create the users on the destination database for the objects being imported.
SQL>@def_Tbs.sql (previously created in step 5)
15. Import the tablespaces:
Run Data Pump on the target system to import the tablespaces. Keep in mind that you will get an error on the import if any tablespaces already exist in the destination database. Import the tablespaces using the Data Pump Import utility, impdp:
SQL> host
IMPDP system/<password> parfile=dp_ttsimp.par
16. Make tablespace read write:
Run the tts_tsrw.sql script created in step 7C to make the new tablespaces read write.
SQL> @tts_tsrw.sql;
17. Import source metadata:
Import Source Database Metadata into Target Database
18. Verification:
A. At the source database:We assume TEMP and UNDO are the names used for your temp and undo tablespaces, if they are different you will need to edit the script.
col owner for a15
col tablespace_name for A30
col segment_name for a30
col segment_type for a16
Create table t1 as
select tablespace_name, owner, segment_name, segment_type, (bytes/1048576) Size_Mbytes from dba_segments where tablespace_name not in ('SYSTEM','SYSAUX','UNDO','TEMP') and owner not in ('SYS','SYSTEM','DBSNMP','SYSMAN','OUTLN','MDSYS','ORDSYS','EXFSYS','DMSYS','WMSYS','CTXSYS','ANONYMOUS','XDB','ORDPLUGINS','OLAPSYS','PUBLIC') order by tablespace_name, owner, segment_name, segment_type;
impdp system/<password> directory=data_pump_dir logfile=dp_imp_t1.log dumpfile=dp_t1.dmp tables=T1;
col owner for a15
col tablespace_name for A30
col segment_name for a30
col segment_type for a16
Create table t2 as
select tablespace_name, owner, segment_name, segment_type, (bytes/1048576) Size_Mbytes from dba_segments where tablespace_name not in ('SYSTEM','SYSAUX','UNDO','TEMP') and owner not in ('SYS','SYSTEM','DBSNMP','SYSMAN','OUTLN','MDSYS','ORDSYS','EXFSYS','DMSYS','WMSYS','CTXSYS','ANONYMOUS','XDB','ORDPLUGINS','OLAPSYS','PUBLIC') order by tablespace_name, owner, segment_name, segment_type;
select * from t1 where (segment_name) NOT IN ( select segment_name from t2);
Document 1454872.1 Transportable Tablespace (TTS) Restrictions and Limitations: Details, Reference, and Version Where Applicable
Master Note for Transportable Tablespaces (TTS) -- Common Questions and Issues (Doc ID 1166564.1)
Note.114915.1 Ext/Pub Using Dbms_tts.transport_set_check Results in Entry in Transport_set_violations
Note 228482.1 Schemas CTXSYS MDSYS ORDSYS Are Not Exported
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