The database owner SID recorded in the master database differs from the database owner SID recorded in database 'DB_NAME'. You should correct this situation by resetting the owner of database 'DB_NAME' using the ALTER AUTHORIZATION statement.
主資料庫中記錄的資料庫所有者SID與資料庫'DB_NAME'中記錄的資料庫所有者SID不同。 您應該透過使用ALTER AUTHORIZATION語句重新設定資料庫“DB_NAME”的所有者來糾正這種情況。

DECLARE @Command VARCHAR(MAX) = 'ALTER AUTHORIZATION ON DATABASE::<<DatabaseName>> TO [<<LoginName>>]' SELECT @Command = REPLACE(REPLACE(@Command , '<<DatabaseName>>', DB_NAME()) , '<<LoginName>>', FROM sys.databases db JOIN sys.server_principals sp ON sp.sid = db.owner_sid WHERE = 'master' EXEC(@Command) GO