ORA-00843,ORA-00849 When Trying To Change SGA_TARGET With MEMORY_MAX_TARGET=0
ORA-00843, ORA-00849 When Trying To Change SGA_TARGET With MEMORY_MAX_TARGET=0 Being Active (文件 ID 1397761.1)
Information in this document applies to any platform.
***Checked for relevance on 25-Sep-2013***
Applies to:
Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition - Version and laterInformation in this document applies to any platform.
***Checked for relevance on 25-Sep-2013***
When trying to set SGA_TARGET using an ALTER SYSTEM command, the following errors are raised:
ORA-00843: Parameter not taking MEMORY_MAX_TARGET into account
ORA-00849: SGA_TARGET 10737418240 cannot be set to more than MEMORY_MAX_TARGET 0.
ORA-00849: SGA_TARGET 10737418240 cannot be set to more than MEMORY_MAX_TARGET 0.
MEMORY_MAX_TARGET was set to 0.
The problem is caused by the MEMORY_MAX_TARGET parameter explicitly being set to 0. In case AMM should not be used, MEMORY_MAX_TARGET should not be set at all.
The solutions to the problem are:
create a PFILE from the SPFILE being used and remove the MEMORY_MAX_TARGET=0 and MEMORY_TARGET=0 lines.
After that, use the modified PFILE to create a new SPFILE and start the instance with this new setup.
should the instance be running, then use the following commands to
remove the explicit setting of MEMORY_TARGET=0 and MEMORY_MAX_TARGET=0:
alter system reset memory_target;
alter system reset memory_max_target;
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/2317695/viewspace-2155811/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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