10 questions to DEK for iTuring community

  1. Do you think there is a boundary between scientific research and engineering? If so, what is it? And how about that between divine providence and scientific research?
  2. Which are the essential mathematical knowledge/skill sets you recommend that every player in software production shall master? TAOCP and Concrete Maths seem to work for only advanced players.
  3. Will there be updated version(s) for Vol. 1 to 3 of TAOCP in the future? Have you changed the plan for getting all 7 volumes ready? If or if not, why are you (not) changing the plan?
  4. Do you think opening a programming course for small children, as nowadays people do with foreign languages and simple arithmetic, is a good idea?
  5. Your book, Surreal Numbers, will be published in Simplified Chinese translation next month. The literal meaning of its Chinese title is 研究之美(The Beauty of Research). Why aesthetics consideration counts so much for every work of yours, and what are the principles you suggest to keep things in a balance between aesthetics and correctness?
  6. Many readers feed us back that they have difficulties in reading TAOCP. Are there any keys that helps people who care to ease the progress?
  7. What do you think are three most important progresses in computer science area after 2000?
  8. Moving forward, do you think quantum algorithms will count for a lot base on the future development of computer architecture? Will TAOCP say anything about it? Or do you think computer architecture does not matter at all for computer algorithms? Why or why not?
  9. How many hours do you usually spend on reading, and how many on writing? Which reading speed (measured in KB/s) and I/O ratio works the best for you?
  10. What else do you want to say to TAOCP and Surreal Numbers readers in China, especially for those who are active in iTuring Community?
