好書妙評之《精通Android 4》
3.0 out of 5 stars
So Close! But left out some crucial components
February 25, 2012
So I ordered this having been impressed with the Pro series before. They cover in depth a lot of different subjects, from fragments, to visualizations, to background asynctasks, etc. However, they say explicitly that they don't deal with Loaders or really cursors. Now, cursors I can understand, but to not include Loaders in this book is a gross oversight. There are other things that this book leaves out, but the biggest component which is something, with today's data centric world, is really necessary. I would recommend waiting for a different book if you are looking for help in this area. However, this book does do well with a lot of other components so it is still worth while. That is why I gave it a 3 out of 5. It is good, but could be great.
Apress的Pro系列一直給我留下了很深的印象,於是我買了這本書。這本書的很多主題都具有深度,從fragment到visualizations,從background 到asynctasks等等,但是書中很明確的說了並沒有在loaders和真正的cursors上花太多篇幅。現在我能理解書中為什麼在cursors方面省略了,但是我認為缺少loaders方面的內容是一個嚴重的疏忽。書中還遺漏了一些其他的內容,在今天這個大資料的時代,是不可缺少的。我的建議是如果你想獲得有關於這方面(大資料——譯者注)的幫助,那就請等等別的相關書籍。除此之外這本書的確在其它主題上寫得很好,所以這本書是值得你擁有的。這就是為什麼我在滿分是5星的情況下我只給了3星的原因——這本書不錯,但是可以寫得更好。
4.0 out of 5 stars
a very nice comprehensive book (too comprehensive?)
July 20, 2012
I have this and a previous edition (Pro Android 3) of the book. That one is an excellent book with excellent reviews. This one (4th edition) is a necessary and nice upgrade since the animation API has changed so much, and this version covers that well. Also, the contacts API has changed. There are other changes to the API that this edition covers. Also, they've added a whole new chapter on the important asynctask related APIs. This edition offers a full comprehensive coverage on fragments and action bar.
Overall, this book series seems to be getting better as the authors research the new APIs and make update. Yes, there is an error where back cover states it contains OpenGL coverage. But the publisher and authors have since then posted that chapter online. Actually a very good book. But I personally like shorter books (can't read so much). So dinged one start for the sheer bulk - 1000+ page! :-) I wish the authors would come up with a condensed version as well.
我讀過這本書的前一版(精通Android 3)。那是一本非常棒的書,並且書的評價也很高。這本書(第4版)對已經變化很大的動畫API做了必要並且很好更新。通訊錄的API也有變化。這個版本還涵蓋了其他變化了的API。同時這本書為asynctask這樣重要的API新增了一個全新的章節。這個版本(精通Android 4——譯者注)為fragment和action bar提供了非常全面的覆蓋。
總的來說,這個系列的書將會隨著作者對新API的研究並把成果寫入其中而變得更好。雖然這本書有一個錯誤——書的背面說書裡包含了OpenGL(紙質書中沒有),但是作者馬上就把這一章節放到了網上。 這的確是一本非常好的書,但是我個人喜歡篇幅更短的書(因為我不願意讀太多,這是本又厚(1000多頁)又黑的書)。我希望作者也推出本書的精簡版。
5.0 out of 5 stars
A very good book with lots of examples ......,
July 22, 2012
I found this book when I was searching for a good reference for processes and thread interaction with Android components. This was one of the very few books that explained this concept well. Being new to Android, the numerous stand alone examples covered in each chapter were very helpful. The simple and easy to follow descriptions laid the fundamentals very nicely and stepped me through the APIs that were used in the examples. The numerous references at the end of each chapter added to the breadth and the depth of the coverage.I would recommend this book as a comprehensive book for the coverage of Android SDK components.
我在尋找有關於程式和執行緒與Android元件互動的好資料時發現了這本書。這本書是為數不多能把這個概念解釋清楚的書中的一本。我是一個Android的菜鳥,每個章節裡很多精彩的例子對我很有幫助。簡單易懂的描述很好的講解了基礎知識,並且讓我明白了例子裡所用API的意義。每章節末尾的參考資料增加了書中內容的深度與廣度。我會向其他人推薦這樣一本全面講解Android SDK 元件的書。
4.0 out of 5 stars
Good Detail Oriented Book,
October 8, 2012
This book teaches very well to work with Java, Android SDK, Eclipse and so on and to use Android's built-in features to create user-friendly UIs for Android Applications. I have been looking for a book that has good and detailed coverage on animation. The chapter on animation in this book is excellent and thorough and really helped me a lot. Thank you!"
這本書在使用Java、Android SDK、Eclipse和使用Android自帶的功能去建立使用者友好介面的應用這幾個方面講的很好。之前我一直在尋找一本在動畫方面描述的深入並且詳細的書,這本書裡關於動畫的章節寫的很透徹,很棒,幫我解決了很多問題。謝謝你。
5.0 out of 5 stars
A very good book on Android,
August 15, 2012
If you really want to understand the Android SDK step by step, this book will definitely help. Each chapter has stand alone working samples. All the samples are availiable on their website for download. There is coverage on the basics like resources, intents, menus,dialogs, controls, processes, threads, handlers, and async tasks. I especially liked the coverage on async tasks and long running processes. The advanced coverage on debugging, device rotation, animation, and list widgets is helping me on my real world applications. The book is good.
如果你真的希望循序漸進的學習Android SDK,那麼這本書肯定會成為幫助你。每個章節都有精彩並且可以執行的例程。所有的例程都在隨書的網站上可以下載到(http://www.androidbook.com/ ——譯者注) 書中包括了像resources,intents,menus,dialogs, controls, processes, threads, handlers,以及asynctasks這樣基本的主題,我特別喜歡書中asynctasks和long running processes的部分。書中包含的高階主題——除錯程式,重力感應,動畫和列表部件在我寫實際寫應用的過程中提供了幫助。這是本好書。
5.0 out of 5 stars
Like it!,
August 9, 2012
I feel books are a great resource to learn Android. I tend to own multiple books when I want to learn something new. Because I believe each other brings a different perspective. Each other might place emphasis on different topics. The other day I went and bought most Android books that are on the shelf. :). I have especially developed affinity to Pro Android 4 from Apress. I liked the fact that the books covers over 30 topics across 900 pages. All the basics are covered in about 10 chapters. Then there over 15 chapters of advanced material. Each topic is covered in lot of depth. All the chapters are updated for the 4.0 API. In addition the web site for the book comes with 5 free chapters from the previous editions (opengl, titanium, text to speech, search api, live folders). I also like the fact that these authors have been working on this series for the past 4 years. And I see the maturity in this book. In fact I see now that the authors have been doing actively research on OpenGL ES 2.0 on their companion website. I like the detail of this book. I also like the summary of questions at the end of each chapter to see what you are expected to know and whether you know it or not. For beginners the website for the book also has a study guide to show how best to learn and profit from the book. I really like this book!
我認為這本書是學習Android很好的資料。我在學習新東西通常會買好幾本書,因為我認為不同的書會帶來不一樣的觀點。有的書也許會在不同的主題上有所加強,但是有一天我買了書架上幾乎所有的Android的書,其中來自Apress出版社的《精通Android 4》對我產生了極大的吸引力,因為這本書在900多頁中包含了超過30個主題,所有的基礎內容大概佔了10個章節,然後高階內容大概佔了15個章節,所有內容都很有深度。所有的章節都為4.0版本的API做了更新。這本書的網站上還有來自前一版本(《精通Android 3》)的5個免費章節(opengl, titanium, text to speech, search api, live folders)。我喜歡本書的另外一個原因是本書作者們在過去4年專注於這個系列書著作(《精通Android 4》、《精通Android 3》、《精通Android 2》、《精通Android》——譯者注),我看的出這本書是經過多次改進之後逐漸完善的。事實上我看到現在本書的作者們正在對OpenGL ES 2.0進行積極的研究,並且把成果釋出他們的成果釋出到了隨書的網站上。我不僅喜歡這本書的細節之處,我還喜歡這本書結尾的問題摘要——用來檢測你到底想學習什麼?你是否真正的學到了?對於新手來說,本書的網站有一個學習指導告訴你如何最好的利用這本書並從中受益,我真的喜歡這本書。
5.0 out of 5 stars
I liked it...,
August 11, 2012
I like this book as it has even a companion website androidbook.com where their research is visible and all the working notes on most of the current and future chapters is available. No book can cover all the topics on Android. This book covers as many topics as any other book. The book is fairly well written. The books has more than sufficient information to write your first well behaved app. However I must warn you that not all chapters are just touch and go but gives you tools and information to dig deep behind the APIs.
由於最近學校裡舉辦移動開發大賽,而蘋果的終端又太貴,所以我選擇了Android作為開發平臺,自然我也購買了《精通Android 3》作為學習資料。讀著讀著《精通Android 3》,我覺得Android SDK還是蠻好用的。
隨著對書評的翻譯,我覺得我越來越期待去讀這本神作的第四版,期待圖靈的《精通Android 4》。 也期待能有機會得到《精通Android 4》的樣書,窮學生買打7折的書,傷不起啊。。。
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