AndroidRecyclerviewGridLayoutManager列間距 - Android Recyclerview GridLayoutManager column spacing


RecyclerViews support the concept of ItemDecoration: special offsets and drawing around each element. As seen in this answer, you can use

public class SpacesItemDecoration extends RecyclerView.ItemDecoration {
  private int space;

  public SpacesItemDecoration(int space) { = space;

  public void getItemOffsets(Rect outRect, View view, 
      RecyclerView parent, RecyclerView.State state) {
    outRect.left = space;
    outRect.right = space;
    outRect.bottom = space;

    // Add top margin only for the first item to avoid double space between items
    if (parent.getChildLayoutPosition(view) == 0) { = space;
    } else { = 0;

Then add it via

mRecyclerView = (RecyclerView) rootView.findViewById(;
int spacingInPixels = getResources().getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.spacing);
mRecyclerView.addItemDecoration(new SpacesItemDecoration(spacingInPixels));

(原文:Use ' = space' and remove 'outRect.bottom' if you don't want to mess with the 'if for the first position'. ;-])


(原文:@zatziky - yep, if you already use top and bottom padding as part of your RecyclerView (and useclipToPadding="false"), then you can restructure things slightly. If you don't however, you'd just be moving the if check to be the last time (as you'd still want the bottom padding on the last item).)


(原文:I tried this and unless I added android:clipToPadding="false" and android:padding="@dimen/spacing" to the RecyclerView the outside spacing did not match the spacing between items. I have tried all the answers below and think the solution by @yqritc was the cleanest and simplest.)


(原文:@ianhanniballake, while this works when using a single span layout manager, it fails for multi-span layout manager.)


(原文:It worth to mention, that you have to modify all fields of outRect. otherwise you can get the offset of the previous view.)


Following code works well, and each column has same width:

public class GridSpacingItemDecoration extends RecyclerView.ItemDecoration {

    private int spanCount;
    private int spacing;
    private boolean includeEdge;

    public GridSpacingItemDecoration(int spanCount, int spacing, boolean includeEdge) {
        this.spanCount = spanCount;
        this.spacing = spacing;
        this.includeEdge = includeEdge;

    public void getItemOffsets(Rect outRect, View view, RecyclerView parent, RecyclerView.State state) {
        int position = parent.getChildAdapterPosition(view); // item position
        int column = position % spanCount; // item column

        if (includeEdge) {
            outRect.left = spacing - column * spacing / spanCount; // spacing - column * ((1f / spanCount) * spacing)
            outRect.right = (column + 1) * spacing / spanCount; // (column + 1) * ((1f / spanCount) * spacing)

            if (position < spanCount) { // top edge
       = spacing;
            outRect.bottom = spacing; // item bottom
        } else {
            outRect.left = column * spacing / spanCount; // column * ((1f / spanCount) * spacing)
            outRect.right = spacing - (column + 1) * spacing / spanCount; // spacing - (column + 1) * ((1f /    spanCount) * spacing)
            if (position >= spanCount) {
       = spacing; // item top

To use it:

1) no edge

enter image description here

int spanCount = 3;
int spacing = 50;
boolean includeEdge = false;
recyclerView.addItemDecoration(new GridSpacingItemDecoration(spanCount, spacing, includeEdge));

2) with edge

enter image description here

int spanCount = 3;
int spacing = 50;
boolean includeEdge = true;
recyclerView.addItemDecoration(new GridSpacingItemDecoration(spanCount, spacing, includeEdge));

(原文:thanks, It works great!)


(原文:Works unless you have items that have various spans, like headers.)


(原文:Worked like a charm!)


(原文:Seems to only work for vertical mode)


The following is the step-by-step simple solution if you want the equal spacing around items and equal item sizes.


public class ItemOffsetDecoration extends RecyclerView.ItemDecoration {

    private int mItemOffset;

    public ItemOffsetDecoration(int itemOffset) {
        mItemOffset = itemOffset;

    public ItemOffsetDecoration(@NonNull Context context, @DimenRes int itemOffsetId) {

    public void getItemOffsets(Rect outRect, View view, RecyclerView parent,
            RecyclerView.State state) {
        super.getItemOffsets(outRect, view, parent, state);
        outRect.set(mItemOffset, mItemOffset, mItemOffset, mItemOffset);


In your source code, add ItemOffsetDecoration to your recyclerview.
Item offset value should be half size of the actual value you want to add as space between items.

mRecyclerView.setLayoutManager(new GridLayoutManager(context, NUM_COLUMNS);
ItemOffsetDecoration itemDecoration = new ItemOffsetDecoration(context, R.dimen.item_offset);

Also, set item offset value as padding for its recyclerview, and specify android:clipToPadding=false.




(原文:Simple and elegant)


(原文:Best answer here - great job!)


(原文:best answer- thanks m8 :))


(原文:perfect! Works like a charm.)


(原文:Well done sir!!)


Try this. It'll take care of equal spacing all around. Works both with List, Grid, and StaggeredGrid.


The updated code should handle most of the corner cases with spans, orientation, etc. Note that if using setSpanSizeLookup() with GridLayoutManager, setting setSpanIndexCacheEnabled() is recommended for performance reasons.

Note, it seems that with StaggeredGrid, there's seems to be a bug where the index of the children gets wacky and hard to track so the code below might not work very well with StaggeredGridLayoutManager.

public class ListSpacingDecoration extends RecyclerView.ItemDecoration {

  private static final int VERTICAL = OrientationHelper.VERTICAL;

  private int orientation = -1;
  private int spanCount = -1;
  private int spacing;
  private int halfSpacing;

  public ListSpacingDecoration(Context context, @DimenRes int spacingDimen) {

    spacing = context.getResources().getDimensionPixelSize(spacingDimen);
    halfSpacing = spacing / 2;

  public ListSpacingDecoration(int spacingPx) {

    spacing = spacingPx;
    halfSpacing = spacing / 2;

  public void getItemOffsets(Rect outRect, View view, RecyclerView parent, RecyclerView.State state) {

    super.getItemOffsets(outRect, view, parent, state);

    if (orientation == -1) {
        orientation = getOrientation(parent);

    if (spanCount == -1) {
        spanCount = getTotalSpan(parent);

    int childCount = parent.getLayoutManager().getItemCount();
    int childIndex = parent.getChildAdapterPosition(view);

    int itemSpanSize = getItemSpanSize(parent, childIndex);
    int spanIndex = getItemSpanIndex(parent, childIndex);

    /* INVALID SPAN */
    if (spanCount < 1) return;

    setSpacings(outRect, parent, childCount, childIndex, itemSpanSize, spanIndex);

  protected void setSpacings(Rect outRect, RecyclerView parent, int childCount, int childIndex, int itemSpanSize, int spanIndex) { = halfSpacing;
    outRect.bottom = halfSpacing;
    outRect.left = halfSpacing;
    outRect.right = halfSpacing;

    if (isTopEdge(parent, childCount, childIndex, itemSpanSize, spanIndex)) { = spacing;

    if (isLeftEdge(parent, childCount, childIndex, itemSpanSize, spanIndex)) {
        outRect.left = spacing;

    if (isRightEdge(parent, childCount, childIndex, itemSpanSize, spanIndex)) {
        outRect.right = spacing;

    if (isBottomEdge(parent, childCount, childIndex, itemSpanSize, spanIndex)) {
        outRect.bottom = spacing;

  protected int getTotalSpan(RecyclerView parent) {

    RecyclerView.LayoutManager mgr = parent.getLayoutManager();
    if (mgr instanceof GridLayoutManager) {
        return ((GridLayoutManager) mgr).getSpanCount();
    } else if (mgr instanceof StaggeredGridLayoutManager) {
        return ((StaggeredGridLayoutManager) mgr).getSpanCount();
    } else if (mgr instanceof LinearLayoutManager) {
        return 1;

    return -1;

  protected int getItemSpanSize(RecyclerView parent, int childIndex) {

    RecyclerView.LayoutManager mgr = parent.getLayoutManager();
    if (mgr instanceof GridLayoutManager) {
        return ((GridLayoutManager) mgr).getSpanSizeLookup().getSpanSize(childIndex);
    } else if (mgr instanceof StaggeredGridLayoutManager) {
        return 1;
    } else if (mgr instanceof LinearLayoutManager) {
        return 1;

    return -1;

  protected int getItemSpanIndex(RecyclerView parent, int childIndex) {

    RecyclerView.LayoutManager mgr = parent.getLayoutManager();
    if (mgr instanceof GridLayoutManager) {
        return ((GridLayoutManager) mgr).getSpanSizeLookup().getSpanIndex(childIndex, spanCount);
    } else if (mgr instanceof StaggeredGridLayoutManager) {
        return childIndex % spanCount;
    } else if (mgr instanceof LinearLayoutManager) {
        return 0;

    return -1;

  protected int getOrientation(RecyclerView parent) {

    RecyclerView.LayoutManager mgr = parent.getLayoutManager();
    if (mgr instanceof LinearLayoutManager) {
        return ((LinearLayoutManager) mgr).getOrientation();
    } else if (mgr instanceof GridLayoutManager) {
        return ((GridLayoutManager) mgr).getOrientation();
    } else if (mgr instanceof StaggeredGridLayoutManager) {
        return ((StaggeredGridLayoutManager) mgr).getOrientation();

    return VERTICAL;

  protected boolean isLeftEdge(RecyclerView parent, int childCount, int childIndex, int itemSpanSize, int spanIndex) {

    if (orientation == VERTICAL) {

        return spanIndex == 0;

    } else {

        return (childIndex == 0) || isFirstItemEdgeValid((childIndex < spanCount), parent, childIndex);

  protected boolean isRightEdge(RecyclerView parent, int childCount, int childIndex, int itemSpanSize, int spanIndex) {

    if (orientation == VERTICAL) {

        return (spanIndex + itemSpanSize) == spanCount;

    } else {

        return isLastItemEdgeValid((childIndex >= childCount - spanCount), parent, childCount, childIndex, spanIndex);

  protected boolean isTopEdge(RecyclerView parent, int childCount, int childIndex, int itemSpanSize, int spanIndex) {

    if (orientation == VERTICAL) {

        return (childIndex == 0) || isFirstItemEdgeValid((childIndex < spanCount), parent, childIndex);

    } else {

        return spanIndex == 0;

  protected boolean isBottomEdge(RecyclerView parent, int childCount, int childIndex, int itemSpanSize, int spanIndex) {

    if (orientation == VERTICAL) {

        return isLastItemEdgeValid((childIndex >= childCount - spanCount), parent, childCount, childIndex, spanIndex);

    } else {

        return (spanIndex + itemSpanSize) == spanCount;

  protected boolean isFirstItemEdgeValid(boolean isOneOfFirstItems, RecyclerView parent, int childIndex) {

    int totalSpanArea = 0;
    if (isOneOfFirstItems) {
        for (int i = childIndex; i >= 0; i--) {
            totalSpanArea = totalSpanArea + getItemSpanSize(parent, i);

    return isOneOfFirstItems && totalSpanArea <= spanCount;

  protected boolean isLastItemEdgeValid(boolean isOneOfLastItems, RecyclerView parent, int childCount, int childIndex, int spanIndex) {

    int totalSpanRemaining = 0;
    if (isOneOfLastItems) {
        for (int i = childIndex; i < childCount; i++) {
            totalSpanRemaining = totalSpanRemaining + getItemSpanSize(parent, i);

    return isOneOfLastItems && (totalSpanRemaining <= spanCount - spanIndex);

Hope it helps.


(原文:thnx for this answer)


(原文:This should be the verified answer. Thank you.)


(原文:I've got double span just after first line of items. It happens because parent.getChildCount() returns 1 for first item, 2 for second and so on. So, I suggest add space to items of the top edge like: = childIndex < spanCount ? spacingInPixels : 0; And add bottom space for each item: outRect.bottom = spacingInPixels;)


(原文:At the time of scrolling RecyclerView, spacing changed.)


(原文:I think parent.getChildCount() should be changed to "parent.getLayoutManager().getItemCount()". Also, isBottomEdge function need to be changed to "return childIndex >= childCount - spanCount + spanIndex". After changing these, I got equal spacing. But please note that this solution does not give me equal item sizes if span count is greater than 2 since offset value is different depending on position.)


The following code will handle StaggeredGridLayoutManager, GridLayoutManager, and LinearLayoutManager.

public class SpacesItemDecoration extends RecyclerView.ItemDecoration {

    private int halfSpace;

    public SpacesItemDecoration(int space) {
        this.halfSpace = space / 2;

    public void getItemOffsets(Rect outRect, View view, RecyclerView parent, RecyclerView.State state) {

        if (parent.getPaddingLeft() != halfSpace) {
            parent.setPadding(halfSpace, halfSpace, halfSpace, halfSpace);
        } = halfSpace;
        outRect.bottom = halfSpace;
        outRect.left = halfSpace;
        outRect.right = halfSpace;

Then use it

mRecyclerView.addItemDecoration(new SpacesItemDecoration(mMargin));

(原文:This is the most simple one. One important thing is you also got to add the padding to the parent in the xml. In my case, it work that way. Thanks.)


(原文:The SpaceItemDecoration actually adds the padding to the parent (the recycler view).)


(原文:only halfSpace padding appeared(to the right side) when I had not set the padding to the parent in xml)


(原文:It was only missing on the right side? It may be that you have half space set as the leftPadding on the left side already in the xml and this code only checks if the left padding is set on the RecyclerView or not.)


(原文:this is the most concise solution!)


Answers above have clarified ways to set margin handling GridLayoutManager and LinearLayoutManager.

But for StaggeredGridLayoutManager, Pirdad Sakhizada's answer say it "might not work very well with StaggeredGridLayoutManager." It should be the problem about indexOfSpan.

You can get it by this way:

private static class MyItemDecoration extends RecyclerView.ItemDecoration {
    public void getItemOffsets(Rect outRect, View view, RecyclerView parent, RecyclerView.State state) {
        super.getItemOffsets(outRect, view, parent, state);
        int index = ((StaggeredGridLayoutManager.LayoutParams) view.getLayoutParams()).getSpanIndex();
