


PostgreSQL , 優化器 , 增強 , 11


PostgreSQL 11 優化器增強。

E. Optimizer

  • Improve the selection of the optimizer statistics` most-common-values (Jeff Janes, Dean Rasheed)


    postgres=# d pg_stats  
                         View "pg_catalog.pg_stats"  
             Column         |   Type   | Collation | Nullable | Default   
     schemaname             | name     |           |          |   
     tablename              | name     |           |          |   
     attname                | name     |           |          |   
     inherited              | boolean  |           |          |   
     null_frac              | real     |           |          |   
     avg_width              | integer  |           |          |   
     n_distinct             | real     |           |          |   
     most_common_vals       | anyarray |           |          |   
     most_common_freqs      | real[]   |           |          |   
     histogram_bounds       | anyarray |           |          |   
     correlation            | real     |           |          |   
     most_common_elems      | anyarray |           |          |   
     most_common_elem_freqs | real[]   |           |          |   
     elem_count_histogram   | real[]   |           |          |   

    Previously most-common-values (MCV) were chosen based on their significance compared to all column values. Now, MCV are chosen based on their significance compared to the non-MCV values. This improves the statistics for uniform (fewer) and non-uniform (more) distributions.

  • Improve selectivity estimates for >= and <= when the constants are not common values (Tom Lane)

    Previously such cases used the same selectivity as > and <, respectively. This change is particularly useful for BETWEEN with small ranges.


  • Optimize var = var to var IS NOT NULL where equivalent (Tom Lane)

    重寫var=var這樣的表示式,改成var is not null,從而提高選擇性評估的準確性。

    This leads to better selectivity estimates.

    PostgreSQL 11:

    postgres=# explain select * from aaa where id=id and info=`abc`;  
                            QUERY PLAN                           
     Seq Scan on aaa  (cost=0.00..379776.80 rows=16 width=368)  
       Filter: ((id IS NOT NULL) AND (info = `abc`::text))  
    (2 rows)  

    PostgreSQL 10:

    postgres=# explain select * from aaa where id=id and info=`abc`;  
                                   QUERY PLAN                                  
     Seq Scan on aaa  (cost=10000000000.00..10000990476.50 rows=1 width=368)  
       Filter: ((id = id) AND (info = `abc`::text))  
    (2 rows)  
  • Improve row count optimizer estimates for EXISTS and NOT EXISTS queries (Tom Lane)

    增強exists, not exists的行數評估。

  • Add optimizer selectivity costs for HAVING clauses (Tom Lane)

