


PostgreSQL , 分割槽表 , 增強 , 11


PostgreSQL 11 分割槽表有非常多的增強特性。

E. Partitioning

  • Allow faster partition elimination during query processing (Amit Langote, David Rowley, Dilip Kumar)

    This speeds access to partitioned tables with many partitions.


    《PostgreSQL 11 preview 分割槽過濾控制引數 – enable_partition_pruning》

  • Allow partition elimination during query execution (David Rowley, Beena Emerson)

    允許在execute階段消除不需要的分割槽訪問,以前只能在PLAN時消除不需要的分割槽訪問。(使得JOIN, prepared statement也可以在exexute階段消除不需要訪問的分割槽)

    Previously partition elimination could only happen at planning time, meaning many joins and prepared queries could not use partition elimination.

  • Allow the creation of partitions based on hashing a key (Amul Sul)


    《PostgreSQL 11 preview – 分割槽表用法及增強 – 增加HASH分割槽支援 (hash, range, list)》

  • Allow updated rows to automatically move to new partitions based on the new row contents (Amit Khandekar)


  • Allow partitioned tables to have a default partition (Jeevan Ladhe, Beena Emerson, Ashutosh Bapat, Rahila Syed, Robert Haas)


    The default partition can store rows that don`t match any of the other defined partitions, and is searched accordingly.

  • Allow UNIQUE indexes on partitioned tables if the partition key guarantees uniqueness (Álvaro Herrera, Amit Langote)


  • Allow indexes on a partitioned table to be automatically created in any child partitions (Álvaro Herrera)



    ALTER INDEX name ATTACH PARTITION index_name; (name是分割槽表上的本地索引名, index_name是分割槽表主表上的索引名.)

    The new command ALTER INDEX ATTACH PARTITION allows indexes to be attached to partitions.

    This does not behave as a global index since the contents are private to each index. WARN WHEN USING AN EXISTING INDEX?

  • Allow foreign keys on partitioned tables (Álvaro Herrera)

    分割槽表支援foreign key.

  • Allow INSERT, UPDATE, and COPY on partitioned tables to properly route rows to foreign partitions (Etsuro Fujita, Amit Langote)


    This is supported by postgres_fdw foreign tables.

  • Allow FOR EACH ROW triggers on partitioned tables (Álvaro Herrera)


    Creation of a trigger on partitioned tables automatically creates triggers on all partition tables, and on newly-created ones.

    支援deferred unique約束,在事務結束時檢查UNIQUE約束。

    This also allows deferred unique constraints on partitioned tables.

  • Allow equality joins between partitioned tables with identically partitioned child tables to join the child tables directly (Ashutosh Bapat)

    《PostgreSQL 11 preview – 分割槽表智慧並行JOIN (已類似MPP架構,效能暴增)》

    This features is disabled by default but can be enabled by changing enable_partitionwise_join.

  • Perform aggregation on each partition, and then merge the results (Jeevan Chalke, Ashutosh Bapat, Robert Haas)

    《PostgreSQL 11 preview – 分割槽表智慧並行聚合、分組計算(已類似MPP架構,效能暴增)》

    This features is disabled by default but can be enabled by changing enable_partitionwise_aggregate.

  • Allow postgres_fdw to push down aggregates to foreign tables that are partitions (Jeevan Chalke)

