1 #include <StdAfx.h>
2 #include <string>
4 using namespace std;
6 #pragma once
8 #define MAXTABLELEN 1024 // 預設雜湊索引表大小
9 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
10 // 雜湊索引表定義
11 typedef struct _HASHTABLE
12 {
13 long nHashA;
14 long nHashB;
15 bool bExists;
18 class StringHash
19 {
20 public:
21 StringHash(const long nTableLength = MAXTABLELEN);
22 ~StringHash(void);
23 private:
24 unsigned long cryptTable[0x500];
25 unsigned long m_tablelength; // 雜湊索引表長度
26 HASHTABLE *m_HashIndexTable;
27 private:
28 void InitCryptTable(); // 對雜湊索引表預處理
29 unsigned long HashString(const string &lpszString, unsigned long dwHashType); // 求取雜湊值
30 public:
31 bool Hash(string url);
32 unsigned long Hashed(string url); // 檢測url是否被hash過
33 };
#include "StdAfx.h"
#include "StringHash.h"
StringHash::StringHash(const long nTableLength /*= MAXTABLELEN*/)
m_tablelength = nTableLength;
m_HashIndexTable = new HASHTABLE[nTableLength];
for ( int i = 0; i < nTableLength; i++ )
m_HashIndexTable[i].nHashA = -1;
m_HashIndexTable[i].nHashB = -1;
m_HashIndexTable[i].bExists = false;
if ( NULL != m_HashIndexTable )
delete []m_HashIndexTable;
m_HashIndexTable = NULL;
m_tablelength = 0;
/*功 能:對雜湊索引表預處理
void StringHash::InitCryptTable()
unsigned long seed = 0x00100001, index1 = 0, index2 = 0, i;
for( index1 = 0; index1 < 0x100; index1++ )
for( index2 = index1, i = 0; i < 5; i++, index2 += 0x100 )
unsigned long temp1, temp2;
seed = (seed * 125 + 3) % 0x2AAAAB;
temp1 = (seed & 0xFFFF) << 0x10;
seed = (seed * 125 + 3) % 0x2AAAAB;
temp2 = (seed & 0xFFFF);
cryptTable[index2] = ( temp1 | temp2 );
/*功 能:求取雜湊值
unsigned long StringHash::HashString(const string& lpszString, unsigned long dwHashType)
unsigned char *key = (unsigned char *)(const_cast<char*>(lpszString.c_str()));
unsigned long seed1 = 0x7FED7FED, seed2 = 0xEEEEEEEE;
int ch;
while(*key != 0)
ch = toupper(*key++);
seed1 = cryptTable[(dwHashType << 8) + ch] ^ (seed1 + seed2);
seed2 = ch + seed1 + seed2 + (seed2 << 5) + 3;
return seed1;
/*功 能:檢測一個字串是否被hash過
unsigned long StringHash::Hashed(string lpszString)
const unsigned long HASH_OFFSET = 0, HASH_A = 1, HASH_B = 2;
unsigned long nHash = HashString(lpszString, HASH_OFFSET);
unsigned long nHashA = HashString(lpszString, HASH_A);
unsigned long nHashB = HashString(lpszString, HASH_B);
unsigned long nHashStart = nHash % m_tablelength,
nHashPos = nHashStart;
while ( m_HashIndexTable[nHashPos].bExists)
if (m_HashIndexTable[nHashPos].nHashA == nHashA && m_HashIndexTable[nHashPos].nHashB == nHashB)
return nHashPos;
nHashPos = (nHashPos + 1) % m_tablelength;
if (nHashPos == nHashStart)
return -1; //沒有找到
/*功 能:hash一個字串
bool StringHash::Hash(string lpszString)
const unsigned long HASH_OFFSET = 0, HASH_A = 1, HASH_B = 2;
unsigned long nHash = HashString(lpszString, HASH_OFFSET);
unsigned long nHashA = HashString(lpszString, HASH_A);
unsigned long nHashB = HashString(lpszString, HASH_B);
unsigned long nHashStart = nHash % m_tablelength,
nHashPos = nHashStart;
while ( m_HashIndexTable[nHashPos].bExists)
nHashPos = (nHashPos + 1) % m_tablelength;
if (nHashPos == nHashStart) //一個輪迴
return false;
m_HashIndexTable[nHashPos].bExists = true;
m_HashIndexTable[nHashPos].nHashA = nHashA;
m_HashIndexTable[nHashPos].nHashB = nHashB;
return true;
關於其中的實現原理,我覺得沒有比 inside MPQ說得清楚的了,於是用我蹩腳的E文,將該文的第二節翻譯了一遍(將原文和譯文都貼出來,請高手指正):
Most of the advancements throughout the history of computers have been because of particular problems which required solving. In this chapter, we'll take a look at some of these problems and their solutions as they pertain to the MPQ format.
貫穿計算機發展歷史,大多數進步都是源於某些問題的解決,在這一節中,我們來看一看與MPQ 格式相關問題及解決方案;
Problem: You have a very large array of strings. You have another string and need to know if it is already in the list. You would probably begin by comparing each string in the list with the string other, but when put into application, you would find that this method is far too slow for practical use. Something else must be done. But how can you know if the string exists without comparing it to all the other strings?
Solution: Hashes. Hashes are smaller data types (i.e. numbers) that represent other, larger, data types (usually strings). In this scenario, you could store hashes in the array with the strings. Then you could compute the hash of the other string and compare it to the stored hashes. If a hash in the array matches the new hash, the strings can be compared to verify the match. This method, called indexing, could speed things up by about 100 times, depending on the size of the array and the average length of the strings.
unsigned long HashString(char *lpszString)
unsigned long ulHash = 0xf1e2d3c4;
while (*lpszString != 0)
ulHash <<= 1;
ulHash += *lpszString++;
return ulHash;
The previous code function demonstrates a very simple hashing algorithm. The function sums the characters in the string, shifting the hash value left one bit before each character is added in. Using this algorithm, the string "arr\units.dat" would hash to 0x5A858026, and "unit\neutral\acritter.grp" would hash to 0x694CD020. Now, this is, admittedly, a very simple algorithm, and it isn't very useful, because it would generate a relatively predictable output, and a lot of collisions in the lower range of numbers. Collisions are what happen when more than one string hash to the same value.
上面程式碼中的函式演示了一種非常簡單的雜湊演算法。這個函式在遍歷字串過程中,將雜湊值左移一位,然後加上字元值;通過這個演算法,字串"arr\units.dat" 的雜湊值是0x5A858026,字串"unit\neutral\acritter.grp" 的雜湊值是0x694CD020;現在,眾所周知的,這是一個基本沒有什麼實用價值的簡單演算法,因為它會在較低的資料範圍內產生相對可預測的輸出,從而可能會產生大量衝突(不同的字串產生相同的雜湊值)。
The MPQ format, on the other hand, uses a very complicated hash algorithm (shown below) to generate totally unpredictable hash values. In fact, the hashing algorithm is so effective that it is called a one-way hash. A one-way hash is a an algorithm that is constructed in such a way that deriving the original string (set of strings, actually) is virtually impossible. Using this particular algorithm, the filename "arr\units.dat" would hash to 0xF4E6C69D, and "unit\neutral\acritter.grp" would hash to 0xA26067F3.
MPQ格式,使用了一種非常複雜的雜湊演算法(如下所示),產生完全不可預測的雜湊值,這個演算法十分有效,這就是所謂的單向雜湊演算法。通過單向雜湊演算法幾乎不可能通過雜湊值來唯一的確定輸入值。使用這種演算法,檔名 "arr\units.dat" 的雜湊值是0xF4E6C69D,"unit\neutral\acritter.grp" 的雜湊值是 0xA26067F3。
unsigned long HashString(char *lpszFileName, unsigned long dwHashType)
unsigned char *key = (unsigned char *)lpszFileName;
unsigned long seed1 = 0x7FED7FED, seed2 = 0xEEEEEEEE;
int ch;
while(*key != 0)
ch = toupper(*key++);
seed1 = cryptTable[(dwHashType << 8) + ch] ^ (seed1 + seed2);
seed2 = ch + seed1 + seed2 + (seed2 << 5) + 3;
return seed1;
Hash Tables
Problem: You tried using an index like in the previous sample, but your program absolutely demands break-neck speeds, and indexing just isn't fast enough. About the only thing you could do to make it faster is to not check all of the hashes in the array. Or, even better, if you could only make one comparison in order to be sure the string doesn't exist anywhere in the array. Sound too good to be true? It's not.
問題:您嘗試在前面的示例中使用相同索引,您的程式一定會有中斷現象發生,而且不夠快 。如果想讓它更快,您能做的只有讓程式不去查詢陣列中的所有雜湊值。或者 您可以只做一次對比就可以得出在列表中是否存在字串。 聽起來不錯,真的麼? 不可能的啦
Solution: A hash table. A hash table is a special type of array in which the offset of the desired string is the hash of that string. What I mean is this. Say that you make that string array use a separate array of fixed size (let's say 1024 entries, to make it an even power of 2) for the hash table. You want to see if the new string is in that table. To get the string's place in the hash table, you compute the hash of that string, then modulo (division remainder) that hash value by the size of that table. Thus, if you used the simple hash algorithm in the previous section, "arr\units.dat" would hash to 0x5A858026, making its offset 0x26 (0x5A858026 divided by 0x400 is 0x16A160, with a remainder of 0x26). The string at this location (if there was one) would then be compared to the string to add. If the string at 0x26 doesn't match or just plain doesn't exist, then the string to add doesn't exist in the array. The following code illustrates this:
解決:一個雜湊表就是以字串的雜湊值作為下標的一類陣列。我的意思是,雜湊表使用一個固定長度的字串陣列(比如1024,2的偶次冪)進行儲存;當你要看看這個字串是否存在於雜湊表中,為了獲取這個字串在雜湊表中的位置,你首先計算字串的雜湊值,然後雜湊表的長度取模。這樣如果你像上一節那樣使用簡單的雜湊演算法,字串"arr\units.dat" 的雜湊值是0x5A858026,偏移量0x26(0x5A858026 除於0x400等於0x16A160,模0x400等於0x26)。因此,這個位置的字串將與新加入的字串進行比較。如果0X26處的字串不匹配或不存在,那麼表示新增的字串在陣列中不存在。下面是示意的程式碼:
int GetHashTablePos(char *lpszString, SOMESTRUCTURE *lpTable, int nTableSize)
int nHash = HashString(lpszString), nHashPos = nHash % nTableSize;
if (lpTable[nHashPos].bExists && !strcmp(lpTable[nHashPos].pString, lpszString))
return nHashPos;
return -1; //Error value
Now, there is one glaring flaw in that explanation. What do you think happens when a collision occurs (two different strings hash to the same value)? Obviously, they can't occupy the same entry in the hash table. Normally, this is solved by each entry in the hash table being a pointer to a linked list, and the linked list would hold all the entries that hash to that same value.
MPQs use a hash table of filenames to keep track of the files inside, but the format of this table is somewhat different from the way hash tables are normally done. First of all, instead of using a hash as an offset, and storing the actually filename for verification, MPQs do not store the filename at all, but rather use three different hashes: one for the hash table offset, two for verification. These two verification hashes are used in place of the actual filename. Of course, this leaves the possibility that two different filenames would hash to the same three hashes, but the chances of this happening are, on average, 1:18889465931478580854784, which should be safe enough for just about anyone.
MPQs使用一個存放檔名的雜湊表來跟蹤檔案內部,但是表的格式與通常方法有點不同,首先不像通常的做法使用雜湊值作為偏移量,儲存實際的檔名。MPQs 根本不儲存檔名,而是使用了三個不同的雜湊值:一個用做雜湊表偏移量,兩個用作核對。這兩個核對的雜湊值用於替代檔名。當然從理論上說存在兩個不同的檔名得到相同的三個雜湊值,但是這種情況傳送的機率是:1:18889465931478580854784,這應該足夠安全了。
The other way that an MPQ's hash table differs from the conventional implementation is that instead of using a linked list for each entry, when a collision occurs, the entry will be shifted to the next slot, and the process repeated until a free space is found. Take a look at the following illustrational code, which is basically the way a file is located for reading in an MPQ:
int GetHashTablePos(char *lpszString, MPQHASHTABLE *lpTable, int nTableSize)
const int HASH_OFFSET = 0, HASH_A = 1, HASH_B = 2;
int nHash = HashString(lpszString, HASH_OFFSET),nHashA = HashString(lpszString, HASH_A),nHashB = HashString(lpszString, HASH_B), nHashStart = nHash % nTableSize,nHashPos = nHashStart;
while (lpTable[nHashPos].bExists)
if (lpTable[nHashPos].nHashA == nHashA && lpTable[nHashPos].nHashB == nHashB)
return nHashPos;
nHashPos = (nHashPos + 1) % nTableSize;
if (nHashPos == nHashStart)
return -1; //Error value
However convoluted that code may look, the theory behind it isn't difficult. It basically follows this process when looking to read a file:
Compute the three hashes (offset hash and two check hashes) and store them in variables.
Move to the entry of the offset hash
Is the entry unused? If so, stop the search and return 'file not found'.
Do the two check hashes match the check hashes of the file we're looking for? If so, stop the search and return the current entry.
Move to the next entry in the list, wrapping around to the beginning if we were on the last entry.
Is the entry we just moved to the same as the offset hash (did we look through the whole hash table?)? If so, stop the search and return 'file not found'.
Go back to step 3.
6、Is the entry we just moved to the same as the offset hash (did we look through the whole hash table?)? If so, stop the search and return 'file not found'.
If you were paying attention, you might have noticed from my explanation and sample code is that the MPQ's hash table has to hold all the file entries in the MPQ. But what do you think happens when every hash-table entry gets filled? The answer might surprise you with its obviousness: you can't add any more files. Several people have asked me why there is a limit (called the file limit) on the number of files that can be put in an MPQ, and if there is any way around this limit. Well, you already have the answer to the first question. As for the second; no, you cannot get around the file limit. For that matter, hash tables cannot even be resized without remaking the entire MPQ from scratch. This is because the location of each entry in the hash table may well change due to the resizing, and we would not be able to derive the new position because the position is the hash of the file name, and we may not know the file name.
如果您注意的話,您可能已經從我們的解釋和示例程式碼注意到,MPQ的雜湊表已經將所有的檔案入口放入MPQ中;那麼當雜湊表的每個項都被填充的時候,會發生什麼呢?答案可能會讓你驚訝:你不能新增任何檔案。有些人可能會問我為什麼檔案數量上有這樣的限制(檔案限制),是否有辦法繞過這個限制?就此而言,如果不重新建立MPQ 的項,甚至無法調整雜湊表的大小。這是因為每個項在雜湊表中的位置會因為跳閘尺寸而改變,而我們無法得到新的位置,因為這些位置值是檔名的雜湊值,而我們根本不知道檔名是什麼。
- 用Objective-C實現雜湊表Object
- Python 雜湊表的實現——字典Python
- 雜湊表的兩種實現
- Python:說說字典和雜湊表,雜湊衝突的解決原理Python
- JAVA 實現 - 雜湊表Java
- 雜湊表的程式碼實現(Java)Java
- C#雜湊表的例項C#
- 雜湊表的原理
- SwissTable:高效能雜湊表實現
- 資料結構 - 雜湊表,三探之程式碼實現資料結構
- [PHP核心探索]PHP中的雜湊表PHP
- JavaScript資料結構——字典和雜湊表的實現JavaScript資料結構
- 雜湊表(雜湊表)原理詳解
- 雜湊技術【雜湊表】查詢演算法 PHP 版演算法PHP
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- 雜湊表的一點思考
- 【尋跡#3】 雜湊與雜湊表
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- C# 雜湊表Hashtable與字典表Dictionary<K,V>的比較。C#
- 雜湊表2
- 字串雜湊表字串
- 6.7雜湊表
- 資料結構雜湊表(c語言)資料結構C語言
- 線性表 & 雜湊表
- 十二、雜湊表(二)
- 十一、雜湊表(一)
- 雜湊表應用
- 手寫雜湊表
- js 雜湊雜湊值的模組JS
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- 由雜湊表到BitMap的概念與應用(三):面試中的海量資料處理面試