Console Client(only valid for Neo)
SAP Cloud Platform console client for the Neo environment enables development, deployment and configuration of an application outside the Eclipse IDE as well as continuous integration and automation tasks. The tool is part of the SAP Cloud Platform SDK for Neo environment. You can find it in the tools folder of your SDK location.
Supported Java API
- help – still for Neo
When you develop applications that run on SAP Cloud Platform, you can rely on certain Java EE standard APIs. These APIs are provided with the runtime of the platform. They are based on standards and are backward compatible as defined in the Java EE specifications.
Cloud Foundry is an engaging open-source platform-as-a-service creating a buzz in the tech world
要在 SCP 上展示 Fiori 應用程式,需要啟用 Portal 服務,是指 Cloud 版本的 Fiori Launchpad的介面,用於在雲端一站式顯示各種 Fiori 或者 SAP UI5 型別的 APP。這和以前推出的 SAP Enterprise Portal 完全不是同一個事物。
SAP HANA Enterprise Cloud: It`s a private managed cloud solution, so in some ways, it`s similar to hosting.
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