[NVIDIA英偉達] Senior Web Full Stack Engineer (Golang)工程師


我是 NVIDIA 中國招聘 Tracy, 負責 NV 深度學習/自動駕駛招聘, NVIDIA 是人工智慧晶片的世界 Leader,不斷耕耘深度學習及人工智慧領域,在追求技術革新的道路上,我們無法掩飾對人才的渴求。 目前 NV 中國組建 AI Cloud Infrastructure 團隊 (熱招 Web 後端工程師) 如果您對於我們崗位有意向,歡迎聯絡我們。

簡歷投遞: tracyw@nvidia.com

關於 NVIDIA NVIDIA (納斯達克程式碼:NVDA) 是一家計算機技術公司,公司一直在 GPU 加速計算的行業中勇當開路先鋒。NVIDIA 以滿足全球最苛刻的使用者需求為己任,為遊戲玩家、設計師以及科學家提供產品、服務以及軟體,在虛擬現實、人工智慧、專業視覺化以及自動駕駛汽車等領域中帶來出色的使用者體驗。

Web Full Stack Engineer (Golang)

關鍵詞: 後端 Golang

簡歷投遞方式: tracyw@nvidia.com 薪資:面議 工作地點: 上海市浦東新區秋月路 26 號 (靠近地鐵 2 號線廣蘭路站)


1.You will be collaborating with a diverse team of front and back-end engineers as well as machine learning, deep learning experts.

2.You will be creating human in the loop and management interfaces at the frontier of what is possible in machine learning today and getting front seat view of the action in this very hot space from a team and a company driving the progress at the cutting edge.


1.BS or MS in computer science, human-computer interaction, ECE, EE or a related field. 2.3+ years of experience in web application development. 3.5+ years of software development experience. 4.Golang, Spring Cloud, Python, Node 5.Knowledge of REST APIs 6.Web stack backend: Postgres, SQL, MongoDB, redis


Tracy Wu | Recruiter | NVIDIA Corporation | tracyw@nvidia.com

想要了解更多關於 NVIDIA 最新的職位資訊,請加入 NVIDIA “Careers at NVIDIA Group” LinkedIn 群組 https://www.linkedin.com/groups/10318684

  • [NVIDIA英偉達] Senior Web Full Stack Engineer (Golang)工程師
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