PostgreSQL 原始碼解讀(22)- 查詢語句#7(PlannedStmt結構詳解-日誌分析)





 /* ----------------
  *      PlannedStmt node
  * The output of the planner is a Plan tree headed by a PlannedStmt node.
  * PlannedStmt holds the "one time" information needed by the executor.
  * For simplicity in APIs, we also wrap utility statements in PlannedStmt
  * nodes; in such cases, commandType == CMD_UTILITY, the statement itself
  * is in the utilityStmt field, and the rest of the struct is mostly dummy.
  * (We do use canSetTag, stmt_location, stmt_len, and possibly queryId.)
  * ----------------
typedef struct PlannedStmt
    NodeTag     type;//這是節點的識別符號Tag
    CmdType     commandType;    /* select|insert|update|delete|utility */
    uint64      queryId;        /* query identifier (copied from Query) */
    bool        hasReturning;   /* is it insert|update|delete RETURNING? */
    //CTE= Common Table Expressions(With語句)
    bool        hasModifyingCTE;    /* has insert|update|delete in WITH? */
    bool        canSetTag;      /* do I set the command result tag? */
    bool        transientPlan;  /* redo plan when TransactionXmin changes? */
    bool        dependsOnRole;  /* is plan specific to current role? */
    bool        parallelModeNeeded; /* parallel mode required to execute? */
    int         jitFlags;       /* which forms of JIT should be performed */
    struct Plan *planTree;      /* tree of Plan nodes */
    List       *rtable;         /* list of RangeTblEntry nodes */
    /* rtable indexes of target relations for INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE */
    List       *resultRelations;    /* integer list of RT indexes, or NIL */
     * rtable indexes of non-leaf target relations for UPDATE/DELETE on all
     * the partitioned tables mentioned in the query.
    List       *nonleafResultRelations;
     * rtable indexes of root target relations for UPDATE/DELETE; this list
     * maintains a subset of the RT indexes in nonleafResultRelations,
     * indicating the roots of the respective partition hierarchies.
    List       *rootResultRelations;
    List       *subplans;       /* Plan trees for SubPlan expressions; note
                                 * that some could be NULL */
    Bitmapset  *rewindPlanIDs;  /* indices of subplans that require REWIND */
    List       *rowMarks;       /* a list of PlanRowMark's */
    //Plan相關的關係OIDs(Relation OIDs),通過pg_class可以查詢
    List       *relationOids;   /* OIDs of relations the plan depends on */
    List       *invalItems;     /* other dependencies, as PlanInvalItems */
    List       *paramExecTypes; /* type OIDs for PARAM_EXEC Params */
    //工具類語句(如CREATE TABLE等)節點
    Node       *utilityStmt;    /* non-null if this is utility stmt */
    /* statement location in source string (copied from Query) */
    int         stmt_location;  /* start location, or -1 if unknown */
    int         stmt_len;       /* length in bytes; 0 means "rest of string" */
} PlannedStmt;
 /* macro for fetching the Plan associated with a SubPlan node */
 #define exec_subplan_get_plan(plannedstmt, subplan) \
     ((Plan *) list_nth((plannedstmt)->subplans, (subplan)->plan_id - 1))



select t_dwxx.dwmc,t_grxx.grbh,t_grxx.xm,t_jfxx.ny,
from t_dwxx,t_grxx,t_jfxx
where t_dwxx.dwbh = t_grxx.dwbh 
  and t_grxx.grbh = t_jfxx.grbh
  and t_dwxx.dwbh IN ('1001','1002')
order by t_grxx.grbh
limit 8;

select * from (
select t_dwxx.dwmc,t_grxx.grbh,t_grxx.xm,t_jfxx.ny,
from t_dwxx inner join t_grxx on t_dwxx.dwbh = t_grxx.dwbh
  inner join t_jfxx on t_grxx.grbh = t_jfxx.grbh
where t_dwxx.dwbh IN ('1001')
union all
select t_dwxx.dwmc,t_grxx.grbh,t_grxx.xm,t_jfxx.ny,
from t_dwxx inner join t_grxx on t_dwxx.dwbh = t_grxx.dwbh
  inner join t_jfxx on t_grxx.grbh = t_jfxx.grbh
where t_dwxx.dwbh IN ('1002') 
) as ret
order by ret.grbh
limit 4;


PostgreSQL 原始碼解讀(22)- 查詢語句#7(PlannedStmt結構詳解-日誌分析)



PostgreSQL 原始碼解讀(22)- 查詢語句#7(PlannedStmt結構詳解-日誌分析)

如上圖所示(planTree、rtable已摺疊),commandType值為1,對應的是SELECT,queryID為0,SQL語句長度為455,relationOids的值為(o 16391 16394 16397 16391 16394 16397),分別對應t_dwxx/t_grxx/t_jfxx三張表.

testdb=# select relname from pg_class where oid in (16391,16394,16397);
(3 rows)




 typedef enum RTEKind
     RTE_RELATION,               /* ordinary relation reference */ //這是常規的Relation,即資料表
     RTE_SUBQUERY,               /* subquery in FROM */ //出現在From語句中的子查詢
     RTE_JOIN,                   /* join */ //連線
     RTE_FUNCTION,               /* function in FROM */ //FROM中的函式
     RTE_TABLEFUNC,              /* TableFunc(.., column list) */ //函式
     RTE_VALUES,                 /* VALUES (<exprlist>), (<exprlist>), ... */ //
     RTE_CTE,                    /* common table expr (WITH list element) */ //WITH語句
     RTE_NAMEDTUPLESTORE         /* tuplestore, e.g. for AFTER triggers */ //
 typedef struct RangeTblEntry
     NodeTag     type;//節點標識
     RTEKind     rtekind;        /* see above */ //RTE型別
      * XXX the fields applicable to only some rte kinds should be merged into
      * a union.  I didn't do this yet because the diffs would impact a lot of
      * code that is being actively worked on.  FIXME someday.
      * Fields valid for a plain relation RTE (else zero):
      * As a special case, RTE_NAMEDTUPLESTORE can also set relid to indicate
      * that the tuple format of the tuplestore is the same as the referenced
      * relation.  This allows plans referencing AFTER trigger transition
      * tables to be invalidated if the underlying table is altered.
     Oid         relid;          /* OID of the relation */ //關係的Oid
     char        relkind;        /* relation kind (see pg_class.relkind) */ //pg_class中的relkind,在這裡是'r'
     struct TableSampleClause *tablesample;  /* sampling info, or NULL */ //取樣語句
      * Fields valid for a subquery RTE (else NULL):
     Query      *subquery;       /* the sub-query */ //子查詢,如RTEKind=RTE_SUBQUERY時
     bool        security_barrier;   /* is from security_barrier view? */
      * Fields valid for a join RTE (else NULL/zero):
      * joinaliasvars is a list of (usually) Vars corresponding to the columns
      * of the join result.  An alias Var referencing column K of the join
      * result can be replaced by the K'th element of joinaliasvars --- but to
      * simplify the task of reverse-listing aliases correctly, we do not do
      * that until planning time.  In detail: an element of joinaliasvars can
      * be a Var of one of the join's input relations, or such a Var with an
      * implicit coercion to the join's output column type, or a COALESCE
      * expression containing the two input column Vars (possibly coerced).
      * Within a Query loaded from a stored rule, it is also possible for
      * joinaliasvars items to be null pointers, which are placeholders for
      * (necessarily unreferenced) columns dropped since the rule was made.
      * Also, once planning begins, joinaliasvars items can be almost anything,
      * as a result of subquery-flattening substitutions.
     JoinType    jointype;       /* type of join */ //連線型別
     List       *joinaliasvars;  /* list of alias-var expansions */ //
      * Fields valid for a function RTE (else NIL/zero):
      * When funcordinality is true, the eref->colnames list includes an alias
      * for the ordinality column.  The ordinality column is otherwise
      * implicit, and must be accounted for "by hand" in places such as
      * expandRTE().
     List       *functions;      /* list of RangeTblFunction nodes */ 
     bool        funcordinality; /* is this called WITH ORDINALITY? */
      * Fields valid for a TableFunc RTE (else NULL): 
     TableFunc  *tablefunc;
      * Fields valid for a values RTE (else NIL):
     List       *values_lists;   /* list of expression lists */
      * Fields valid for a CTE RTE (else NULL/zero):
     char       *ctename;        /* name of the WITH list item */
     Index       ctelevelsup;    /* number of query levels up */
     bool        self_reference; /* is this a recursive self-reference? */
      * Fields valid for table functions, values, CTE and ENR RTEs (else NIL):
      * We need these for CTE RTEs so that the types of self-referential
      * columns are well-defined.  For VALUES RTEs, storing these explicitly
      * saves having to re-determine the info by scanning the values_lists. For
      * ENRs, we store the types explicitly here (we could get the information
      * from the catalogs if 'relid' was supplied, but we'd still need these
      * for TupleDesc-based ENRs, so we might as well always store the type
      * info here).
      * For ENRs only, we have to consider the possibility of dropped columns.
      * A dropped column is included in these lists, but it will have zeroes in
      * all three lists (as well as an empty-string entry in eref).  Testing
      * for zero coltype is the standard way to detect a dropped column.
     List       *coltypes;       /* OID list of column type OIDs */
     List       *coltypmods;     /* integer list of column typmods */
     List       *colcollations;  /* OID list of column collation OIDs */
      * Fields valid for ENR RTEs (else NULL/zero):
     char       *enrname;        /* name of ephemeral named relation */
     double      enrtuples;      /* estimated or actual from caller */
      * Fields valid in all RTEs:
     Alias      *alias;          /* user-written alias clause, if any */
     Alias      *eref;           /* expanded reference names */
     bool        lateral;        /* subquery, function, or values is LATERAL? */
     bool        inh;            /* inheritance requested? */
     bool        inFromCl;       /* present in FROM clause? */
     AclMode     requiredPerms;  /* bitmask of required access permissions */
     Oid         checkAsUser;    /* if valid, check access as this role */
     Bitmapset  *selectedCols;   /* columns needing SELECT permission */
     Bitmapset  *insertedCols;   /* columns needing INSERT permission */
     Bitmapset  *updatedCols;    /* columns needing UPDATE permission */
     List       *securityQuals;  /* security barrier quals to apply, if any */
 } RangeTblEntry;


   :rtable (
      {RTE ---------->第1個RTE
         :aliasname ret //使用者自定義的別名:"ret"
         :colnames <>
         :aliasname ret //使用者自定義的別名:"ret"
         :colnames (""dwmc"" ""grbh"" ""xm"" ""ny"" ""je"") //資料列
      :rtekind 1  //RTE_SUBQUERY,子查詢(注意:列舉從0開始)
      :subquery <> 
      :security_barrier false 
      :lateral false 
      :inh true 
      :inFromCl true 
      :requiredPerms 2 
      :checkAsUser 0 
      :selectedCols (b)
      :insertedCols (b)
      :updatedCols (b)
      :securityQuals <>


{RTE ---------->第2個RTE
         :aliasname *SELECT*\ 1 //第一個子查詢
         :colnames <>
         :aliasname *SELECT*\ 1 
         :colnames (""dwmc"" ""grbh"" ""xm"" ""ny"" ""je"")
      :rtekind 1 //RTE_SUBQUERY
      :subquery <> 
      :security_barrier false 
      :lateral false 
      :inh false 
      :inFromCl false 
      :requiredPerms 0 
      :checkAsUser 0 
      :selectedCols (b)
      :insertedCols (b)
      :updatedCols (b)
      :securityQuals <>


類第2個RTE,不同的地方是aliasname為 *SELECT*\ 2


{RTE ---------->第4個RTE
      :alias <> 
         :aliasname t_dwxx //單位資訊表
         :colnames (""dwmc"" ""dwbh"" ""dwdz"") //資料列有dwmc/dwbh/dwdz
      :rtekind 0 //RTE_RELATION,關係/資料表
      :relid 16391 //這是t_dwxx的Oid
      :relkind r //pg_class中的relkind
      :tablesample <> 
      :lateral false 
      :inh false 
      :inFromCl true 
      :requiredPerms 2 
      :checkAsUser 0 
      :selectedCols (b 9 10) //
      :insertedCols (b)
      :updatedCols (b)
      :securityQuals <>




{RTE ---------->第6個RTE
      :alias <> 
         :aliasname unnamed_join //未命名的join(連線)
         :colnames (""dwmc"" ""dwbh"" ""dwdz"" ""dwbh"" ""grbh"" ""xm"" ""nl"") //單位&個人資訊表的資料列
      :rtekind 2 //RTE_JOIN,連線
      :jointype 0 //JOIN_INNER,內連線
      :joinaliasvars <> 
      :lateral false 
      :inh false 
      :inFromCl true //是否在From語句中,true=是
      :requiredPerms 0 
      :checkAsUser 0 
      :selectedCols (b)
      :insertedCols (b)
      :updatedCols (b)
      :securityQuals <>




     {RTE ---------->第8個RTE
      :alias <> 
         :aliasname unnamed_join //未命名的join
         :colnames (""dwmc"" ""dwbh"" ""dwdz"" ""dwbh"" ""grbh"" ""xm"" ""nl"" ""grbh"" ""ny"" "" 
      :rtekind 2 //RTE_JOIN
      :jointype 0 //JOIN_INNER
      :joinaliasvars <> 
      :lateral false 
      :inh false 
      :inFromCl true //在From子句中
      :requiredPerms 0 
      :checkAsUser 0 
      :selectedCols (b)
      :insertedCols (b)
      :updatedCols (b)
      :securityQuals <>





 /* ----------------
  *      Plan node
  * All plan nodes "derive" from the Plan structure by having the
  * Plan structure as the first field.  This ensures that everything works
  * when nodes are cast to Plan's.  (node pointers are frequently cast to Plan*
  * when passed around generically in the executor)
  * We never actually instantiate any Plan nodes; this is just the common
  * abstract superclass for all Plan-type nodes.
  * ----------------
 typedef struct Plan
     NodeTag     type;//節點標識
      * 計劃的估算成本,estimated execution costs for plan (see costsize.c for more info)
     Cost        startup_cost;   /* 啟動成本,cost expended before fetching any tuples */
     Cost        total_cost;     /*總成本, total cost (assuming all tuples fetched) */
      * planner's estimate of result size of this plan step
    //plan_rows * plan_width可以大體算出該plan涉及的資料量大小
     double      plan_rows;      /* 該計劃涉及的行數,number of rows plan is expected to emit */
     int         plan_width;     /* 該計劃涉及的行的平均寬度(大小)average row width in bytes */
      * 並行查詢所需要的資訊,information needed for parallel query
     bool        parallel_aware; /* engage parallel-aware logic? */
     bool        parallel_safe;  /* OK to use as part of parallel plan? */
      * Plan型別的常規資訊,Common structural data for all Plan types.
     int         plan_node_id;   /* 計劃節點id,unique across entire final plan tree */
     List       *targetlist;     /* 投影列,target list to be computed at this node */
     List       *qual;           /* 條件表示式,implicitly-ANDed qual conditions */
     struct Plan *lefttree;      /* 作為該計劃輸入的Plan(執行完某個Plan後才到這個Plan,比如先執行Sort才到Limit),input plan tree(s) */
     struct Plan *righttree;//右邊樹
     List       *initPlan;       /* 用於初始化的Plan,Init Plan nodes (un-correlated expr
                                  * subselects) */
      * //引數變化驅動(比如繫結變數?)的再次查詢資訊,Information for management of parameter-change-driven rescanning
      * extParam includes the paramIDs of all external PARAM_EXEC params
      * affecting this plan node or its children.  setParam params from the
      * node's initPlans are not included, but their extParams are.
      * allParam includes all the extParam paramIDs, plus the IDs of local
      * params that affect the node (i.e., the setParams of its initplans).
      * These are _all_ the PARAM_EXEC params that affect this node.
     Bitmapset  *extParam;
     Bitmapset  *allParam;
 } Plan;


PostgreSQL 原始碼解讀(22)- 查詢語句#7(PlannedStmt結構詳解-日誌分析)

planTree指標指向的Plan是T_LIMIT的Node,其中startup_cost為96.80,total_cost為96.81,該計劃涉及的行數為4行(plan_rows),平均行寬度(大小)為360Bytes(plan_width),計劃節點id為0(plan_node_id),返回的列有5個(投影列),lefttree不為空,說明進入該Plan前還存在其他的Plan,右樹/初始化Plan為空,limitCount為4(對應SQL語句中的limit 4).limitCount的詳細解析如下:

         {CONST //CONST型別
         :consttype 20 //Oid=20,pg_type中oid=20的條目,即typename=int8,即bigint(64Bytes)
         :consttypmod -1 
         :constcollid 0 //pg_collation中Oid=0的條碼
         :constlen 8 //8Bytes
         :constbyval true //是否通過值傳遞,是,則constvalue即為該Const的值,否則constvalue為指向實際值的指標
         :constisnull false //是否為null?
         :location -1 
         :constvalue 8 [ 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ]//常量值為0x4


PostgreSQL 原始碼解讀(22)- 查詢語句#7(PlannedStmt結構詳解-日誌分析)


PostgreSQL 原始碼解讀(22)- 查詢語句#7(PlannedStmt結構詳解-日誌分析)

SORT的左樹為型別T_APPEND的Node,T_APPEND節點用於UNION等集合操作.該步驟涉及的行數為14(plan_rows),執行節點id為2,targetlist與Limit類似為投影列,lefttree和righttree為空,但appendplans(List型別)不為空,APPEND的結果由子Plan的結果"級聯"而成(Generate the concatenation of the results of sub-plans).


PostgreSQL 原始碼解讀(22)- 查詢語句#7(PlannedStmt結構詳解-日誌分析)



                  {SEQSCAN /T_SEQSCAN型別的Node,順序掃描
                  :startup_cost 0.00 
                  :total_cost 12.00 
                  :plan_rows 1 //涉及的行數
                  :plan_width 256 //平均行寬
                  :parallel_aware false 
                  :parallel_safe true 
                  :plan_node_id 5 //Plan id
                  :targetlist (...) //省略
                  :qual (
                     :opno 98  //PG_OPERATOR OID of the operator,texteq字串相等
                     :opfuncid 67 //PG_PROC OID of underlying function,texteq字串相等
                     :opresulttype 16 //PG_TYPE OID of result value,bool值
                     :opretset false 
                     :opcollid 0 //pg_collation
                     :inputcollid 100 //輸入的collation(default)
                     :args (//引數,連結串列型別
                        {RELABELTYPE //第1個引數為RelabelType型別
                        :arg //指向Expr的指標,實際型別為VAR
                           {VAR //第
                           :varno 4 //在rtable中處於第4個位置的RTE
                           :varattno 2 //屬性編號
                           :vartype 1043 //型別,pg_type OID,varchar
                           :vartypmod 14 
                           :varcollid 100 
                           :varlevelsup 0 
                           :varnoold 4 //原始的varno
                           :varoattno 2 //原始的varattno
                           :location 110//token位置(在SQL語句中)
                        :resulttype 25 
                        :resulttypmod -1 
                        :resultcollid 100 
                        :relabelformat 2 
                        :location -1
                        {CONST //第2個引數為Const型別
                        :consttype 25 //pg_type OID
                        :consttypmod -1 //
                        :constcollid 100 //
                        :constlen -1 
                        :constbyval false //傳值?如為false,則constvalue中的前4個位元組為value的說明,在這個案例中,為32(即2的4次方),從第5個位元組開始,長度為4的字串
                        :constisnull false 
                        :location 205 //token所在位置
                        :constvalue 8 [ 32 0 0 0 49 48 48 49 ]//即字串"1001"
                     :location -1
                  :lefttree <> //左樹為空
                  :righttree <> //右樹為空
                  :initPlan <> //無初始化Plan
                  :extParam (b)
                  :allParam (b)
                  :scanrelid 4 //掃描第4號RTE


                  {HASHJOIN //NestLoop右樹節點型別是HashJoin(t_grxx join t_jfxx)
                  :startup_cost 16.15 
                  :total_cost 36.12 
                  :plan_rows 7 //涉及的行數
                  :plan_width 180 //平均行大小
                  :parallel_aware false 
                  :parallel_safe true 
                  :plan_node_id 6 //計劃節點id
                  :targetlist (...) //投影列,省略
                  :qual <> //表示式
                  :lefttree //左樹,暫時摺疊
                  :righttree //右樹,暫時摺疊
                  :initPlan <> //初始化Plan
                  :extParam (b)
                  :allParam (b)
                  :jointype 0 //INNER_JOIN
                  :inner_unique false //非唯一inner join
                  :joinqual <> 
                  :hashclauses (//hash資訊,型別為OpExpr
                     :opno 98 //pg_operator Oid,"=",texteq
                     :opfuncid 67 //pg_proc Oid,texteq
                     :opresulttype 16 
                     :opretset false 
                     :opcollid 0 //default collation
                     :inputcollid 100 
                     :args (//引數連結串列
                        {RELABELTYPE//第1個元素 RelabelType
                           {VAR //VAR型別
                           :varno 65001 //TODO
                           :varattno 1 //第1列
                           :vartype 1043 //字串,varchar
                           :vartypmod 14 
                           :varcollid 100 
                           :varlevelsup 0 
                           :varnoold 7 //原varno,7號RTE,即t_jfxx
                           :varoattno 1 //原屬性no
                           :location 171//SQL語句中的token位置
                        :resulttype 25 
                        :resulttypmod -1 
                        :resultcollid 100 
                        :relabelformat 2 
                        :location -1
                        {RELABELTYPE //第1個元素 RelabelType
                           {VAR //VAR型別
                           :varno 65000 
                           :varattno 1 
                           :vartype 1043 
                           :vartypmod 14 
                           :varcollid 100 
                           :varlevelsup 0 
                           :varnoold 5 //5號RTE,即t_grxx
                           :varoattno 2 //2號屬性
                           :location 157
                        :resulttype 25 
                        :resulttypmod -1 
                        :resultcollid 100 
                        :relabelformat 2 
                        :location -1
                     :location -1
               :initPlan <> //無初始化Plan
               :extParam (b)
               :allParam (b)
               :jointype 0 //INNER_JOIN
               :inner_unique false 
               :joinqual <> 
               :nestParams <>


                     {SEQSCAN //順序掃描
                     :startup_cost 0.00 
                     :total_cost 17.20 
                     :plan_rows 720 
                     :plan_width 84 
                     :parallel_aware false 
                     :parallel_safe true 
                     :plan_node_id 7 //計劃id
                     :targetlist (...)
                     :qual <> 
                     :lefttree <> 
                     :righttree <> 
                     :initPlan <> 
                     :extParam (b)
                     :allParam (b)
                     :scanrelid 7//編號為7的RTE即t_jfxx


                     {HASH //Hash操作(建立Hash表)
                     :startup_cost 16.12 
                     :total_cost 16.12 
                     :plan_rows 2 //涉及2行
                     :plan_width 134 
                     :parallel_aware false 
                     :parallel_safe true 
                     :plan_node_id 8 
                     :targetlist (...)
                     :qual <> 
                     :lefttree //左樹也是一個Plan
                        {SEQSCAN //左樹為順序掃描
                        :startup_cost 0.00 
                        :total_cost 16.12 
                        :plan_rows 2 
                        :plan_width 134 
                        :parallel_aware false 
                        :parallel_safe true 
                        :plan_node_id 9 
                        :targetlist (...)
                        :qual (
                           {OPEXPR //OpExpr型別
                           :opno 98 
                           :opfuncid 67 
                           :opresulttype 16 
                           :opretset false 
                           :opcollid 0 
                           :inputcollid 100 
                           :args (
                                 :varno 5 //5號RTE,即t_grxx
                                 :varattno 1 //第1個列,即dwbh
                                 :vartype 1043 
                                 :vartypmod 14 
                                 :varcollid 100 
                                 :varlevelsup 0 
                                 :varnoold 5 
                                 :varoattno 1 
                                 :location 124
                              :resulttype 25 
                              :resulttypmod -1 
                              :resultcollid 100 
                              :relabelformat 2 
                              :location -1
                              :consttype 25 
                              :consttypmod -1 
                              :constcollid 100 
                              :constlen -1 
                              :constbyval false //非引數傳遞
                              :constisnull false 
                              :location 205 
                              :constvalue 8 [ 32 0 0 0 49 48 48 49 ]//字串"1001"
                           :location -1
                        :lefttree <> //子左樹的左樹為空
                        :righttree <> //子左樹的右樹為空
                        :initPlan <> 
                        :extParam (b)
                        :allParam (b)
                        :scanrelid 5//掃描的RTE,5號即t_grxx
                     :righttree <> //右樹為空
                     :initPlan <> 
                     :extParam (b)
                     :allParam (b)
                     :skewTable 16397 //HashJoin的表Oid
                     :skewColumn 1 //列序號
                     :skewInherit false 
                     :rows_total 0







log_destination = 'csvlog'
log_directory = 'pg_log' #與postgresql.conf檔案在同一級目錄
log_filename = 'postgresql-%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S.log'
log_rotation_age = 2d
log_rotation_size = 100MB
debug_print_parse = on  #列印parse樹
debug_print_rewritten = on #列印parse rewrite樹
debug_print_plan = on #列印plan樹
debug_pretty_print = on #以pretty方式顯示

來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
