PostgreSQL 原始碼解讀(86)- 查詢語句#71(PortalRun->PortalR...





 * We have several execution strategies for Portals, depending on what
 * query or queries are to be executed.  (Note: in all cases, a Portal
 * executes just a single source-SQL query, and thus produces just a
 * single result from the user's viewpoint.  However, the rule rewriter
 * may expand the single source query to zero or many actual queries.)
 * 對於Portals(客戶端請求),有幾種執行策略,具體取決於要執行什麼查詢。
 * (注意:無論什麼情況下,一個Portal只執行一個source-SQL查詢,因此從使用者的角度來看只產生一個結果。
 * 但是,規則重寫器可以將單個源查詢擴充套件為零或多個實際查詢。
 * PORTAL_ONE_SELECT: the portal contains one single SELECT query.  We run
 * the Executor incrementally as results are demanded.  This strategy also
 * supports holdable cursors (the Executor results can be dumped into a
 * tuplestore for access after transaction completion).
 *                    按需要的結果重複(遞增)地執行執行器。
 *                    該策略還支援可持有遊標(執行器結果可以在事務完成後轉儲到tuplestore中進行訪問)。
 * PORTAL_ONE_RETURNING: the portal contains a single INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE
 * query with a RETURNING clause (plus possibly auxiliary queries added by
 * rule rewriting).  On first execution, we run the portal to completion
 * and dump the primary query's results into the portal tuplestore; the
 * results are then returned to the client as demanded.  (We can't support
 * suspension of the query partway through, because the AFTER TRIGGER code
 * can't cope, and also because we don't want to risk failing to execute
 * all the auxiliary queries.)
 *                       在第一次執行時,執行Portal來完成並將主查詢的結果轉儲到Portal的tuplestore中;
 *                       然後根據需要將結果返回給客戶端。
 *                       (我們不能支援半途中斷的查詢,因為AFTER觸發器程式碼無法處理,
 *                       也因為不想冒執行所有輔助查詢失敗的風險)。
 * PORTAL_ONE_MOD_WITH: the portal contains one single SELECT query, but
 * it has data-modifying CTEs.  This is currently treated the same as the
 * PORTAL_ONE_RETURNING case because of the possibility of needing to fire
 * triggers.  It may act more like PORTAL_ONE_SELECT in future.
 * PORTAL_ONE_MOD_WITH: 只包含一個SELECT查詢,但它具有資料修改的CTEs。
 *                      這與PORTAL_ONE_RETURNING的情況相同,因為可能需要觸發觸發器。將來它的行為可能更像PORTAL_ONE_SELECT。
 * PORTAL_UTIL_SELECT: the portal contains a utility statement that returns
 * a SELECT-like result (for example, EXPLAIN or SHOW).  On first execution,
 * we run the statement and dump its results into the portal tuplestore;
 * the results are then returned to the client as demanded.
 * PORTAL_UTIL_SELECT: 包含一個實用程式語句,該語句返回一個類似SELECT的結果(例如,EXPLAIN或SHOW)。
 *                     在第一次執行時,執行語句並將其結果轉儲到portal tuplestore;然後根據需要將結果返回給客戶端。
 * PORTAL_MULTI_QUERY: all other cases.  Here, we do not support partial
 * execution: the portal's queries will be run to completion on first call.
 * PORTAL_MULTI_QUERY: 除上述情況外的其他情況。
 *                     在這裡,不支援部分執行:Portal的查詢語句將在第一次呼叫時執行到完成。
typedef enum PortalStrategy
} PortalStrategy;

 * A portal is always in one of these states.  It is possible to transit
 * from ACTIVE back to READY if the query is not run to completion;
 * otherwise we never back up in status.
 * Portal總是處於這些狀態中的之一。
 * 如果查詢沒有執行到完成,則可以從活動狀態轉回準備狀態;否則永遠不會後退。
typedef enum PortalStatus
    PORTAL_NEW,                 /* 剛建立;freshly created */
    PORTAL_DEFINED,             /* PortalDefineQuery完成;PortalDefineQuery done */
    PORTAL_READY,               /* PortalStart完成;PortalStart complete, can run it */
    PORTAL_ACTIVE,              /* Portal正在執行;portal is running (can't delete it) */
    PORTAL_DONE,                /* Portal已經完成;portal is finished (don't re-run it) */
    PORTAL_FAILED               /* Portal出現錯誤;portal got error (can't re-run it) */
} PortalStatus;

typedef struct PortalData *Portal;//結構體指標

typedef struct PortalData
    /* Bookkeeping data */
    const char *name;           /* portal的名稱;portal's name */
    const char *prepStmtName;   /* 已完成準備的源語句;source prepared statement (NULL if none) */
    MemoryContext portalContext;    /* 記憶體上下文;subsidiary memory for portal */
    ResourceOwner resowner;     /* 資源的owner;resources owned by portal */
    void        (*cleanup) (Portal portal); /* cleanup鉤子函式;cleanup hook */

     * State data for remembering which subtransaction(s) the portal was
     * created or used in.  If the portal is held over from a previous
     * transaction, both subxids are InvalidSubTransactionId.  Otherwise,
     * createSubid is the creating subxact and activeSubid is the last subxact
     * in which we ran the portal.
     * 狀態資料,用於記住在哪個子事務中建立或使用Portal。
     * 如果Portal是從以前的事務中持有的,那麼兩個subxids都應該是InvalidSubTransactionId。
     * 否則,createSubid是正在建立的subxact,而activeSubid是執行Portal的最後一個subxact。
    SubTransactionId createSubid;   /* 正在建立的subxact;the creating subxact */
    SubTransactionId activeSubid;   /* 活動的最後一個subxact;the last subxact with activity */

    /* The query or queries the portal will execute */
    const char *sourceText;     /* 查詢的源文字;text of query (as of 8.4, never NULL) */
    const char *commandTag;     /* 源查詢的命令tag;command tag for original query */
    List       *stmts;          /* PlannedStmt連結串列;list of PlannedStmts */
    CachedPlan *cplan;          /* 快取的PlannedStmts;CachedPlan, if stmts are from one */

    ParamListInfo portalParams; /* 傳遞給查詢的引數;params to pass to query */
    QueryEnvironment *queryEnv; /* 查詢的執行環境;environment for query */

    /* Features/options */
    PortalStrategy strategy;    /* 場景;see above */
    int         cursorOptions;  /* DECLARE CURSOR選項位;DECLARE CURSOR option bits */
    bool        run_once;       /* 是否只執行一次;portal will only be run once */

    /* Status data */
    PortalStatus status;        /* Portal的狀態;see above */
    bool        portalPinned;   /* 是否不能被清除;a pinned portal can't be dropped */
    bool        autoHeld;       /* 是否自動從pinned到held;was automatically converted from pinned to
                                 * held (see HoldPinnedPortals()) */

    /* If not NULL, Executor is active; call ExecutorEnd eventually: */
    QueryDesc  *queryDesc;      /* 執行器需要使用的資訊;info needed for executor invocation */

    /* If portal returns tuples, this is their tupdesc: */
    TupleDesc   tupDesc;        /* 結果元組的描述;descriptor for result tuples */
    /* and these are the format codes to use for the columns: */
    int16      *formats;        /* 每一列的格式碼;a format code for each column */

     * Where we store tuples for a held cursor or a PORTAL_ONE_RETURNING or
     * PORTAL_UTIL_SELECT query.  (A cursor held past the end of its
     * transaction no longer has any active executor state.)
     * (在事務結束後持有的遊標不再具有任何活動執行器狀態。)
    Tuplestorestate *holdStore; /* 儲存持有的遊標資訊;store for holdable cursors */
    MemoryContext holdContext;  /* 持有holdStore的記憶體上下文;memory containing holdStore */

     * Snapshot under which tuples in the holdStore were read.  We must keep a
     * reference to this snapshot if there is any possibility that the tuples
     * contain TOAST references, because releasing the snapshot could allow
     * recently-dead rows to be vacuumed away, along with any toast data
     * belonging to them.  In the case of a held cursor, we avoid needing to
     * keep such a snapshot by forcibly detoasting the data.
     * 讀取holdStore中元組的Snapshot。
     * 如果元組包含TOAST引用的可能性存在,那麼必須保持對該快照的引用,
     * 因為釋放快照可能會使最近廢棄的行與屬於它們的TOAST資料一起被清除。
     * 對於持有的遊標,透過強制解壓資料來避免需要保留這樣的快照。
    Snapshot    holdSnapshot;   /* 已註冊的快照資訊,如無則為NULL;registered snapshot, or NULL if none */

     * atStart, atEnd and portalPos indicate the current cursor position.
     * portalPos is zero before the first row, N after fetching N'th row of
     * query.  After we run off the end, portalPos = # of rows in query, and
     * atEnd is true.  Note that atStart implies portalPos == 0, but not the
     * reverse: we might have backed up only as far as the first row, not to
     * the start.  Also note that various code inspects atStart and atEnd, but
     * only the portal movement routines should touch portalPos.
     * atStart、atEnd和portalPos表示當前游標的位置。
     * portalPos在第一行之前為0,在獲取第N行查詢後為N。
     * 在執行結束後,portalPos = #查詢中的行號,atEnd為T。
     * 注意,atStart表示portalPos == 0,但不是相反:我們可能只回到到第一行,而不是開始。
     * 還要注意,各種程式碼在開始和結束時都要檢查,但是隻有Portal移動例程應該訪問portalPos。
    bool        atStart;//處於開始位置?
    bool        atEnd;//處於結束位置?
    uint64      portalPos;//實際行號

    /* Presentation data, primarily used by the pg_cursors system view */
    TimestampTz creation_time;  /* portal定義的時間;time at which this portal was defined */
    bool        visible;        /* 是否在pg_cursors中可見? include this portal in pg_cursors? */
}           PortalData;

 * PortalIsValid
 *      True iff portal is valid.
 *      判斷Portal是否有效
#define PortalIsValid(p) PointerIsValid(p)


/* ----------------
 *      query descriptor:
 *  a QueryDesc encapsulates everything that the executor
 *  needs to execute the query.
 *  QueryDesc封裝了執行器執行查詢所需的所有內容。
 *  For the convenience of SQL-language functions, we also support QueryDescs
 *  containing utility statements; these must not be passed to the executor
 *  however.
 *  為了使用SQL函式,還需要支援包含實用語句的QueryDescs;
 *  但是,這些內容不能傳遞給執行程式。
 * ---------------------
typedef struct QueryDesc
    /* These fields are provided by CreateQueryDesc */
    CmdType     operation;      /* 操作型別,如CMD_SELECT等;CMD_SELECT, CMD_UPDATE, etc. */
    PlannedStmt *plannedstmt;   /* 已規劃的語句,規劃器的輸出;planner's output (could be utility, too) */
    const char *sourceText;     /* 源SQL文字;source text of the query */
    Snapshot    snapshot;       /* 查詢使用的快照;snapshot to use for query */
    Snapshot    crosscheck_snapshot;    /* RI 更新/刪除交叉檢查快照;crosscheck for RI update/delete */
    DestReceiver *dest;         /* 元組輸出的接收器;the destination for tuple output */
    ParamListInfo params;       /* 需傳入的引數值;param values being passed in */
    QueryEnvironment *queryEnv; /* 查詢環境變數;query environment passed in */
    int         instrument_options; /* InstrumentOption選項;OR of InstrumentOption flags */

    /* These fields are set by ExecutorStart */
    TupleDesc   tupDesc;        /* 結果元組tuples描述;descriptor for result tuples */
    EState     *estate;         /* 執行器狀態;executor's query-wide state */
    PlanState  *planstate;      /* per-plan-node狀態樹;tree of per-plan-node state */

    /* This field is set by ExecutorRun */
    bool        already_executed;   /* 先前已執行,則為T;true if previously executed */

    /* This is always set NULL by the core system, but plugins can change it */
    struct Instrumentation *totaltime;  /* ExecutorRun函式所花費的時間;total time spent in ExecutorRun */
} QueryDesc;



 * PortalRunSelect
 *      Execute a portal's query in PORTAL_ONE_SELECT mode, and also
 *      when fetching from a completed holdStore in PORTAL_ONE_RETURNING,
 *      PORTAL_ONE_MOD_WITH/PORTAL_UTIL_SELECT這幾種模式下完成holdStore後的資料提取
 * This handles simple N-rows-forward-or-backward cases.  For more complex
 * nonsequential access to a portal, see PortalRunFetch.
 * 這將處理簡單的n行前向或後向情況。
 * 有關對門戶的更復雜的非順序訪問,請參閱PortalRunFetch。
 * count <= 0 is interpreted as a no-op: the destination gets started up
 * and shut down, but nothing else happens.  Also, count == FETCH_ALL is
 * interpreted as "all rows".  (cf FetchStmt.howMany)
 * count <= 0被解釋為一個no-op:目標啟動並關閉,但是沒有發生其他事情。
 * 另外,count == FETCH_ALL被解釋為“所有行”。(cf FetchStmt.howMany)
 * Caller must already have validated the Portal and done appropriate
 * setup (cf. PortalRun).
 * 呼叫者必須完成Portal的校驗以及相關的配置.
 * Returns number of rows processed (suitable for use in result tag)
 * 返回已處理的行數.
static uint64
PortalRunSelect(Portal portal,
                bool forward,
                long count,
                DestReceiver *dest)
    QueryDesc  *queryDesc;
    ScanDirection direction;
    uint64      nprocessed;

     * NB: queryDesc will be NULL if we are fetching from a held cursor or a
     * completed utility query; can't use it in that path.
     * 注意:從已持有的遊標或者已完成的工具類查詢中返回時,queryDesc有可能是NULL.
    queryDesc = portal->queryDesc;

    /* Caller messed up if we have neither a ready query nor held data. */
    Assert(queryDesc || portal->holdStore);

     * Force the queryDesc destination to the right thing.  This supports
     * MOVE, for example, which will pass in dest = DestNone.  This is okay to
     * change as long as we do it on every fetch.  (The  must not
     * assume that dest never changes.)
     * 確保queryDesc目的地是正確的地方。
     * 例如,它支援MOVE,它將傳入dest = DestNone。
     * 只要在每次取回時都這樣做,這是可以改變的。(Executor不能假定dest永不改變。)
    if (queryDesc)
        queryDesc->dest = dest;//設定dest

     * Determine which direction to go in, and check to see if we're already
     * at the end of the available tuples in that direction.  If so, set the
     * direction to NoMovement to avoid trying to fetch any tuples.  (This
     * check exists because not all plan node types are robust about being
     * called again if they've already returned NULL once.)  Then call the
     * executor (we must not skip this, because the destination needs to see a
     * setup and shutdown even if no tuples are available).  Finally, update
     * the portal position state depending on the number of tuples that were
     * retrieved.
     * 確定要進入的方向,並檢查是否已經在該方向的可用元組的末尾。
     * 如果是這樣,則將方向設定為NoMovement,以避免試圖再次獲取任何元組。
     * (之所以存在這種檢查,是因為不是所有的計劃節點型別都能夠在已經返回NULL時再次呼叫。)
     * 然後呼叫executor(我們不能跳過這一步,因為目標需要看到設定和關閉,即使沒有元組可用)。
     * 最後,根據檢索到的元組數量更新Portal的資料位置狀態。
    if (forward)//前向
        if (portal->atEnd || count <= 0)
            direction = NoMovementScanDirection;
            count = 0;          /* don't pass negative count to executor */
            direction = ForwardScanDirection;//前向掃描

        /* In the executor, zero count processes all rows */
        if (count == FETCH_ALL)
            count = 0;

        if (portal->holdStore)
            nprocessed = RunFromStore(portal, direction, (uint64) count, dest);
            ExecutorRun(queryDesc, direction, (uint64) count,
            nprocessed = queryDesc->estate->es_processed;//結果行數

        if (!ScanDirectionIsNoMovement(direction))//掃描方向可移動
            if (nprocessed > 0)//掃描行數>0
                portal->atStart = false;    /* 可以向前移動了;OK to go backward now */
            if (count == 0 || nprocessed < (uint64) count)
                portal->atEnd = true;   /* 已完成掃描;we retrieved 'em all */
            portal->portalPos += nprocessed;//位置移動(+處理行數)
        if (portal->cursorOptions & CURSOR_OPT_NO_SCROLL)//如遊標不可移動,報錯
                     errmsg("cursor can only scan forward"),
                     errhint("Declare it with SCROLL option to enable backward scan.")));

        if (portal->atStart || count <= 0)
            direction = NoMovementScanDirection;
            count = 0;          /* don't pass negative count to executor */
            direction = BackwardScanDirection;

        /* In the executor, zero count processes all rows */
        if (count == FETCH_ALL)
            count = 0;

        if (portal->holdStore)
            nprocessed = RunFromStore(portal, direction, (uint64) count, dest);
            ExecutorRun(queryDesc, direction, (uint64) count,
            nprocessed = queryDesc->estate->es_processed;

        if (!ScanDirectionIsNoMovement(direction))
            if (nprocessed > 0 && portal->atEnd)
                portal->atEnd = false;  /* OK to go forward now */
                portal->portalPos++;    /* adjust for endpoint case */
            if (count == 0 || nprocessed < (uint64) count)
                portal->atStart = true; /* we retrieved 'em all */
                portal->portalPos = 0;
                portal->portalPos -= nprocessed;

    return nprocessed;

 * RunFromStore
 *      Fetch tuples from the portal's tuple store.
 *      從Portal的tuple store中提取元組.
 * Calling conventions are similar to ExecutorRun, except that we
 * do not depend on having a queryDesc or estate.  Therefore we return the
 * number of tuples processed as the result, not in estate->es_processed.
 * 該函式的呼叫約定類似於ExecutorRun,只是不依賴於是否擁有queryDesc或estate。
 * 因此,返回處理的元組的數量作為結果,而不是在estate->es_processed中返回。
 * One difference from ExecutorRun is that the destination receiver functions
 * are run in the caller's memory context (since we have no estate).  Watch
 * out for memory leaks.
 * 與ExecutorRun不同的是,目標接收器函式在呼叫者的記憶體上下文中執行(因為沒有estate)。
 * 需注意記憶體洩漏!!!
static uint64
RunFromStore(Portal portal, ScanDirection direction, uint64 count,
             DestReceiver *dest)
    uint64      current_tuple_count = 0;
    TupleTableSlot *slot;//元組表slot

    slot = MakeSingleTupleTableSlot(portal->tupDesc);

    dest->rStartup(dest, CMD_SELECT, portal->tupDesc);//目標啟動

    if (ScanDirectionIsNoMovement(direction))//無法移動
        /* do nothing except start/stop the destination */
        bool        forward = ScanDirectionIsForward(direction);//是否前向掃描

        for (;;)//迴圈
            MemoryContext oldcontext;//記憶體上下文
            bool        ok;

            oldcontext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(portal->holdContext);//切換至相應的記憶體上下文

            ok = tuplestore_gettupleslot(portal->holdStore, forward, false,


            if (!ok)

             * If we are not able to send the tuple, we assume the destination
             * has closed and no more tuples can be sent. If that's the case,
             * end the loop.
             * 如果不能傳送元組到目標端,那麼我們假設目標端已經關閉,不能傳送更多元組。
             * 如果是這樣,結束迴圈。
            if (!dest->receiveSlot(slot, dest))


             * check our tuple count.. if we've processed the proper number
             * then quit, else loop again and process more tuples. Zero count
             * means no limit.
             * 檢查元組計數…如果處理了正確的計數,那麼退出,
             * 否則再次迴圈並處理更多元組。零計數意味著沒有限制。
            if (count && count == current_tuple_count)



    return current_tuple_count;//返回行數

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
 *      ExecutorRun
 *      ExecutorRun函式
 *      This is the main routine of the executor module. It accepts
 *      the query descriptor from the traffic cop and executes the
 *      query plan.
 *      這是executor模組的主要實現例程。它接受traffic cop的查詢描述符並執行查詢計劃。
 *      ExecutorStart must have been called already.
 *      在此之前,已呼叫ExecutorStart函式.
 *      If direction is NoMovementScanDirection then nothing is done
 *      except to start up/shut down the destination.  Otherwise,
 *      we retrieve up to 'count' tuples in the specified direction.
 *      如果方向是NoMovementScanDirection,那麼除了啟動/關閉目標之外什麼也不做。
 *      否則,在指定的方向上檢索指定數量“count”的元組。
 *      Note: count = 0 is interpreted as no portal limit, i.e., run to
 *      completion.  Also note that the count limit is only applied to
 *      retrieved tuples, not for instance to those inserted/updated/deleted
 *      by a ModifyTable plan node.
 *      注意:count = 0被解釋為沒有限制,即,執行到完成。
 *      還要注意,計數限制只適用於檢索到的元組,而不適用於由ModifyTable計劃節點插入/更新/刪除的元組。
 *      There is no return value, but output tuples (if any) are sent to
 *      the destination receiver specified in the QueryDesc; and the number
 *      of tuples processed at the top level can be found in
 *      estate->es_processed.
 *      沒有返回值,但是輸出元組(如果有的話)被髮送到QueryDesc中指定的目標接收器;
 *      在頂層處理的元組數量可以在estate-> es_processing中找到。
 *      We provide a function hook variable that lets loadable plugins
 *      get control when ExecutorRun is called.  Such a plugin would
 *      normally call standard_ExecutorRun().
 *      我們提供了一個鉤子函式變數,可以讓外掛在呼叫ExecutorRun時獲得控制權。
 *      這樣的外掛通常會呼叫standard_ExecutorRun()函式。
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------
ExecutorRun(QueryDesc *queryDesc,
            ScanDirection direction, uint64 count,
            bool execute_once)
    if (ExecutorRun_hook)
        (*ExecutorRun_hook) (queryDesc, direction, count, execute_once);//鉤子函式
        standard_ExecutorRun(queryDesc, direction, count, execute_once);//標準函式

standard_ExecutorRun(QueryDesc *queryDesc,
                     ScanDirection direction, uint64 count, bool execute_once)
    EState     *estate;//全域性執行狀態
    CmdType     operation;//命令型別
    DestReceiver *dest;//接收器
    bool        sendTuples;//是否需要傳輸元組
    MemoryContext oldcontext;//記憶體上下文

    /* sanity checks */
    Assert(queryDesc != NULL);//校驗queryDesc不能為NULL

    estate = queryDesc->estate;//獲取執行狀態

    Assert(estate != NULL);//執行狀態不能為NULL
    Assert(!(estate->es_top_eflags & EXEC_FLAG_EXPLAIN_ONLY));//eflags標記不能為EXEC_FLAG_EXPLAIN_ONLY

     * Switch into per-query memory context
     * 切換記憶體上下文
    oldcontext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(estate->es_query_cxt);

    /* Allow instrumentation of Executor overall runtime */
    if (queryDesc->totaltime)

     * extract information from the query descriptor and the query feature.
     * 從查詢描述符和查詢特性中提取資訊。
    operation = queryDesc->operation;
    dest = queryDesc->dest;

     * startup tuple receiver, if we will be emitting tuples
     * 如需傳送元組,則啟動元組接收器
    estate->es_processed = 0;
    estate->es_lastoid = InvalidOid;

    sendTuples = (operation == CMD_SELECT ||

    if (sendTuples)//如需傳送元組
        dest->rStartup(dest, operation, queryDesc->tupDesc);

     * run plan
     * 執行Plan
    if (!ScanDirectionIsNoMovement(direction))//如非ScanDirectionIsNoMovement
        if (execute_once && queryDesc->already_executed)//校驗
            elog(ERROR, "can't re-execute query flagged for single execution");
        queryDesc->already_executed = true;//修改標記


     * shutdown tuple receiver, if we started it
     * 如啟動了元組接收器,則關閉它
    if (sendTuples)

    if (queryDesc->totaltime)//收集時間
        InstrStopNode(queryDesc->totaltime, estate->es_processed);




testdb=# explain select dw.*,grjf.grbh,grjf.xm,grjf.ny, 
testdb-# from t_dwxx dw,lateral (select gr.grbh,gr.xm,jf.ny, 
testdb(#                         from t_grxx gr inner join t_jfxx jf 
testdb(#                                        on gr.dwbh = dw.dwbh 
testdb(#                                           and gr.grbh = jf.grbh) grjf
testdb-# order by dw.dwbh;
                                        QUERY PLAN                                        
 Sort  (cost=20070.93..20320.93 rows=100000 width=47)
   Sort Key: dw.dwbh
   ->  Hash Join  (cost=3754.00..8689.61 rows=100000 width=47)
         Hash Cond: ((gr.dwbh)::text = (dw.dwbh)::text)
         ->  Hash Join  (cost=3465.00..8138.00 rows=100000 width=31)
               Hash Cond: ((jf.grbh)::text = (gr.grbh)::text)
               ->  Seq Scan on t_jfxx jf  (cost=0.00..1637.00 rows=100000 width=20)
               ->  Hash  (cost=1726.00..1726.00 rows=100000 width=16)
                     ->  Seq Scan on t_grxx gr  (cost=0.00..1726.00 rows=100000 width=16)
         ->  Hash  (cost=164.00..164.00 rows=10000 width=20)
               ->  Seq Scan on t_dwxx dw  (cost=0.00..164.00 rows=10000 width=20)
(11 rows)


(gdb) b PortalRunSelect
Breakpoint 1 at 0x8cc0e8: file pquery.c, line 888.
(gdb) c

Breakpoint 1, PortalRunSelect (portal=0x1af2468, forward=true, count=9223372036854775807, dest=0x1b74668) at pquery.c:888
warning: Source file is more recent than executable.
888     queryDesc = portal->queryDesc;

portal:未命名的Portal,holdStore為NULL,atStart = true, atEnd = false, portalPos = 0

(gdb) p *portal
$1 = {name = 0x1af5e90 "", prepStmtName = 0x0, portalContext = 0x1b795d0, resowner = 0x1abde80, 
  cleanup = 0x6711b6 <PortalCleanup>, createSubid = 1, activeSubid = 1, 
  sourceText = 0x1a8ceb8 "select dw.*,grjf.grbh,grjf.xm,grjf.ny, \nfrom t_dwxx dw,lateral (select gr.grbh,gr.xm,jf.ny, \n", ' ' <repeats 24 times>, "from t_grxx gr inner join t_jfxx jf \n", ' ' <repeats 34 times>..., 
  commandTag = 0xc5eed5 "SELECT", stmts = 0x1b74630, cplan = 0x0, portalParams = 0x0, queryEnv = 0x0, 
  strategy = PORTAL_ONE_SELECT, cursorOptions = 4, run_once = true, status = PORTAL_ACTIVE, portalPinned = false, 
  autoHeld = false, queryDesc = 0x1b796e8, tupDesc = 0x1b867d8, formats = 0x1b79780, holdStore = 0x0, holdContext = 0x0, 
  holdSnapshot = 0x0, atStart = true, atEnd = false, portalPos = 0, creation_time = 595566906253867, visible = false}
(gdb) p *dest
$2 = {receiveSlot = 0x48cc00 <printtup>, rStartup = 0x48c5c1 <printtup_startup>, rShutdown = 0x48d02e <printtup_shutdown>, 
  rDestroy = 0x48d0a7 <printtup_destroy>, mydest = DestRemote}


(gdb) n
891     Assert(queryDesc || portal->holdStore);
899     if (queryDesc)
900         queryDesc->dest = dest;


(gdb) n
913     if (forward)
915         if (portal->atEnd || count <= 0)


932             ExecutorRun(queryDesc, direction, (uint64) count,
(gdb) step
ExecutorRun (queryDesc=0x1b796e8, direction=ForwardScanDirection, count=0, execute_once=true) at execMain.c:304
warning: Source file is more recent than executable.
304     if (ExecutorRun_hook)


(gdb) n
307         standard_ExecutorRun(queryDesc, direction, count, execute_once);
(gdb) step
standard_ExecutorRun (queryDesc=0x1b796e8, direction=ForwardScanDirection, count=0, execute_once=true) at execMain.c:321
321     Assert(queryDesc != NULL);


321     Assert(queryDesc != NULL);
(gdb) n
323     estate = queryDesc->estate;
325     Assert(estate != NULL);
326     Assert(!(estate->es_top_eflags & EXEC_FLAG_EXPLAIN_ONLY));
331     oldcontext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(estate->es_query_cxt);


334     if (queryDesc->totaltime)
(gdb) n
340     operation = queryDesc->operation;
341     dest = queryDesc->dest;
(gdb) p operation
(gdb) n
346     estate->es_processed = 0;
347     estate->es_lastoid = InvalidOid;
349     sendTuples = (operation == CMD_SELECT ||
352     if (sendTuples)
353         dest->rStartup(dest, operation, queryDesc->tupDesc);
(gdb) p sendTuples
$4 = true


(gdb) n
358     if (!ScanDirectionIsNoMovement(direction))
360         if (execute_once && queryDesc->already_executed)
362         queryDesc->already_executed = true;
364         ExecutePlan(estate,


378     if (sendTuples)
(gdb) n
379         dest->rShutdown(dest);
381     if (queryDesc->totaltime)
384     MemoryContextSwitchTo(oldcontext);
385 }


(gdb) n
ExecutorRun (queryDesc=0x1b796e8, direction=ForwardScanDirection, count=0, execute_once=true) at execMain.c:308
308 }
PortalRunSelect (portal=0x1af2468, forward=true, count=0, dest=0x1b74668) at pquery.c:934
934             nprocessed = queryDesc->estate->es_processed;


(gdb) n
935             PopActiveSnapshot();
938         if (!ScanDirectionIsNoMovement(direction))
940             if (nprocessed > 0)
(gdb) p nprocessed
$6 = 99991
(gdb) n
941                 portal->atStart = false;    /* OK to go backward now */
942             if (count == 0 || nprocessed < (uint64) count)


(gdb) n
943                 portal->atEnd = true;   /* we retrieved 'em all */
(gdb) p count
$7 = 0
(gdb) n
944             portal->portalPos += nprocessed;
997     return nprocessed;
998 }
(gdb) n
PortalRun (portal=0x1af2468, count=9223372036854775807, isTopLevel=true, run_once=true, dest=0x1b74668, altdest=0x1b74668, 
    completionTag=0x7ffc5ff58740 "") at pquery.c:780
780                 if (completionTag && portal->commandTag)
(gdb) p nprocessed
$8 = 99991



PG Document:Query Planning

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